Spitting Coffee

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"Please, reach out to me if you have any concerns before our next visit." I smile at my clients.

They shoot me a smile and nod before walking out of the building.

That was my last one!

I pack up my things and clock out, sharing goodbyes with my coworkers. "Have a good weekend! I'll see you Monday!" Cheryl shoots me her famous blow kiss.

I pretend to catch it as I chuckle. "Thank you, lovely! You too!" I wave my hand right before leaving the building with my files.

Today was a quiet day, but the best thing that happened was finally reuniting a little boy with his family after four years.

It was a touching moment.

I get into my Mazda and at the last minute, decide I want to stop at the coffee shop to see my best friend, Raven.

She's working today and no offense to anyone working there, but Raven is the only one that can get my coffee right.

Totally not being biased because she's my best friend, but I can easily bully her into making it the best... you know?

And with that, I pull onto the side of the road as there isn't really a parking lot for the coffee shop since it's downtown.

And with that, I pull onto the side of the road as there isn't really a parking lot for the coffee shop since it's downtown

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I move my keys to my right hand as I open the door to walk in, getting hit with the most amazing smell ever.


"Hey!" Raven peeks out from the counter.

I smile, walking towards her. "I knew you were working today so I figured I'd come see you once we closed."

She begins to make my usual, an iced coffee. "Good thing you did because today's my last day before my week vacation."

I push my eyebrows together in confusion. "Since when were you going on vacation?" I pull out my wallet to insert my card into the machine.

It makes the beep beep noise, indicating it went through so I place my card back in my bag.

"I've been trying to get ahold of you these past few days! Carson and I are going to Wyoming to hang out with his family for a bit." She explains, handing me my coffee.

Carson her boyfriend of three years now and quite frankly, they deserve this vacation since they haven't had much time to see each other because of work.

Carson was actually my best friend in the start and as soon as I introduced him and Raven... well, they hit it off!

I make an O shape with my lips, sliding my hand down my face. "I'm sorry. Work has been absolutely crazy, but hey! I finally closed on that case so hopefully my hours aren't that crazy anymore."

"Well that's good. We need to hangout when I get back!" She replies before taking the customer behind me.

I let her get back to work so I grab my coffee and that's when I'm thrown against the counter along with hot coffee spilt all over me.

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