Roadtrip Bonding

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"Might as well for the weekend right?" I overhear Noah.

"That sounds like fun! I haven't been able to go on one for years!" Avalon exclaims.

The Alabama trip...


"Sucks you sold your four wheeler. You could borrow one of ours or ride on the back with someone." Dawson suggests.

"Yeah, tuition wasn't going to pay for itself back then." Avalon chuckles.

I walk into the kitchen, grabbing an apple.

"Yo Theodore!" Keegan walks over to me. "Down for an early Alabama trip?"


"You should come." Avalon grabs my attention. I look at her. "It would be fun and it'll feel wrong if you don't come. I leave in two days and would love to have everyone there."

I sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Okay. I'll go."

"Yay!" She smiles widely.

I smirk, releasing a little bit of air out of my nose as I laugh inside.


"Ughh." Noah groans. "My car broke down. Keegan, can we take yours? I know Dawson's car is in the shop."

"Dude, I have a smart car. I can't fit everyone in." Keegan smacks his hand against his forehead.

"Well, Theo, don't you have a truck? We could take yours?" Avalon suggests.

I turn to her.

"It's okay, I'll pack in the smart car." Dawson looks at Noah.

"I agree." Noah turns to Keegan.

"You in?" Keegan looks at Avalon.

Avalon looks at the guys in absolute disbelief. "Are you kidding me? Theo, I'll ride with you." She turns to me.

I'd say something to tell her no, but who knew this little human could have such a nasty face when she's angry.

"Come on, Avalon. You know we don't mean it like that." Noah walks on.

"No. We'll meet you up there." Avalon snaps and gets into the passenger seat of my car.

I look down at short Noah, raising an eyebrow.

"Just... be careful." He huffs and walks off.

I shoot him a nasty glare before getting into my F-150. "You didn't have to do that." I look at the angry teddy bear next to me.

She shakes her head. "I don't see how my friends could be so... wrong." She explains as I pull out of the parking lot.

I begin driving. "Assholes will be assholes."

"You didn't do anything wrong though! You lost your entire family in one day! They can't just not—" She stops talking as she notices my clenched jaw and tight hands on the steering wheel. "I'm so sor—"

"How do you know what about that, Av?" I turn to her.

"I'm so sorry... Noah told me." She says and I shake my head in disappointment while huffing. "It's not his fault! I asked him. I was wondering why the boys were so rude to you—"

"You and I both know you asked because of my attitude. Quite frankly, Av, I don't care. I lost my humanity that day and I don't ever plan on trying to find it."

"I'm sorry, Theo..." She frowns.

"My family isn't a memory I'm gonna mess with. Those guys don't know anything they're talking about. They don't. They don't fucking KNOW ME!" I slam my hand onto the steering wheel, causing her to flinch. "I WANT TO BE OUT OF THERE JUST AS MUCH AS THEY WANT ME OUT. FUCKING TWO FACED SON OF A BITCHES!" I snap.

I turn to her, seeing the fear written all over her face.

"I—" She tries to form words.

I take a deep breath in attempt to calm myself. "Sorry."

She stays still for a minute, but then wraps her arms around my arm resting on the center console. "Nobody said it was easy. You lost your entire life in one day and I am so incredibly sorry."

"I don't want to talk about it." I take my arm away. "That's a part of my life I don't want to think about."

"I get that..." She trails off. "But I don't think you should be feeling this way alone, especially something that traumatic."

I chuckle, but in a fake way. "You think anyone cares, Av? Trust me, nobody does. I'm a twenty two year old dude, I'm nothing compared to little kids." I throw shade. "People only care for them."

"Are you serious? Theo, just because I work with mostly children doesn't mean I don't have the same heart towards older people. That was so ridiculous to say!" She shakes her head and does that total girl move where they shift their legs to the right furthest away from you and turn their body towards the window.

I'd say I feel bad.

But I don't.

I continue driving.

About thirty minutes in, it's been dead quiet besides the music we have playing.

Don't let your guard down Theodore.

Don't do it.

I look at her from the corner of my eye seeing her all cuddled up against the window on her phone covered with her fluffy blanket.

I look back at the road.



Do not.

"I'm sorry." I crack. She doesn't say anything. "Come on. I didn't just beat my subconscious telling me not to speak and let my guard down just to be ignored."

She sighs and turns to me. "It was wrong of you to say that. That applies to me and all the other social workers."

"All they do is take you away from your family. Some social workers may actually care for their kids, like you. But others? It feels like they just want you to be homeless." I grip the steering wheel.

She gets quiet, trying to find words to say. "Theo... what happened to you?"

I clench my jaw.

She goes to speak, but luckily her phone goes off.

"Who's that?" I ask, quickly changing the subject.

"Noah." She answers and puts the phone on speaker. "What's up?"

"We have about a forty minute drive left, you wanna stop to eat?" Noah asks.

"Uhhh." Ava looks at me.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her.

"I'm starving... you?" She asks.

Me, being full as shit with a stomach ache because I ate a whole bowl of pasta and some chips before we left, replies. "Yeah, I could eat."

She smiles. "Where do you want to meet?" She looks down at the phone.

"Jack in a box baby!" Noah exclaims.

Avalon laughs at his enthusiasm.

I sigh.

This is gonna be a long weekend.

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