Filled Anger

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"What?" Theo's eyes widen as he jumps up from his seat. Before I can say anything, he puts the car in drive. "Avalon, tell me where they are!"

I shake my head. "Please calm down. Listen—"


"Please, The..."

He begins shaking in anger and holds onto my hand tightly. "Tell me."

I look up at him. "I have the exact address and we can go there tomorrow. Your sister was a victim of sexual abuse by a man who is now behind bars. I helped her get treatment, but this was years ago."

"How old is my sister?" His blood seems to blood.

"She's about nine by now." I say. He tenses up before slamming his hands on the steering wheel, cursing profanities. "They moved about three hours away from us, we can make a round trip of this tomorrow, yeah?"

He goes to snap at me, but I rest my head on his arm. "I need time."

I look up at him. "I'm going to be right by your side this whole time, Theo. I'm not letting you deal with things alone anymore."

He clenches his hands around the steering wheel. "I watched the people who raised me get murdered right in front of my face. I—"

He pauses and tears fill his eyes.

"Hey... you're not alone." I hold onto his arm tighter.

"I was so pissed at myself. So pissed that I woke up from my overdose. I wanted to fucking die, Av." He loosens up. "Nobody fucking noticed."

I sit up in my seat to hug him. "I can't change the past, but I can be here now. You're a lovely person, Theo. You have this wall up and you need to let it down to let people help you." I rub his back. "You're so worthy and I'm so sorry you had to deal with things you don't talk about at a very young age."

He grabs me instantly and tightly. "Where do I start?"

"We're going to plan our trip and leave first thing in the morning." I say. "Let's get back to the hotel room, yeah?"

He lets go of me and sighs. "Yeah." He gulps and drives off.

I go to take his free hand, but he yanks it away.

I don't get this guy... I always feel like I'm getting somewhere with him but he just has to prove me wrong.

Since day one I've seen behind the walls of him. He's a kind soul but he's just being blocked by one thing.

His family.

I'm trying to put myself in his shoes but I just only realize how hard I've been on my parents. Sure, they're obsessive and have high expectations, but I can't imagine how Theo feels.

People who aren't even related to him, raised him from a baby up and he had to watch them get murdered. Later on to find out they weren't even his parents.

I don't know the whole story of Theodore Hamilton, but I know enough to know that he doesn't deserve this.

I just want him to know he can trust me.


I wake up to a lot of rustling, but immediately knowing it's Theo packing.

"Come on. We gotta go. Also, it's the last day in the hotel so bring everything you bought." He says, not even looking at me.

I get out of bed and stretch. "It's four in the morning, Theo."

He turns to me, sending shivers down my spine.

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