Grieving A Fantasy Life

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"Remember to work on your projects! It's due on Tuesday!" Mrs. Sarnoff announces while the bell rings as student rush out of the classroom.

I get out of my desk and accidentally bump into Heidi.

"Sorry! Didn't realize I was in your way!" She giggles, but doesn't gain a reaction out of me.

I don't mean to be a dick, at least right now, but I didn't sleep at all last night and I have no energy in me to joke around.

"Your place today?" She asks.

I sigh and nod. "Yeah. See you in a bit."

Her smile drops and it then turns into a look of concern. "Is everything okay? You look... drained. What's going on?"

"Nothing, I'm fine—"

"You know I'm studying psychology right? I'm in process of being a therapist! You can talk to me, Theodore." She gives me a soft smile.

I walk right past her. "My girlfriend is already a therapist." I place my index and middle finger together and bounce it off my forehead. "See you after school." I say without even looking back at her.

I hold onto my backpack straps and walk my ass straight out of this school.

Honestly I thought this would be easier... but school is actually draining the fuck out of me. I seriously don't know how much longer I can take of this.

I don't even feel like myself. I've been slammed with homework and don't even have time to sit down and talk to Av. Even though I live with her, I miss her so fucking much.

I'm gonna make it up to her though. I'm taking two days off classes just so I can spend it with my girl.

Lost it thought, I don't even realize I'm about to bump into Ezra.

"Woah mannn. You're a walking zombie!" He looks me up and down.

I run my hand down my face. "I know dude. I'm fucking exhausted and I have so much homework plus I have to finish this stupid project with Heidi."

"Yikes. That girl is actually coo-coo." He moves his finger in circles next to his head.

"I don't talk to her like that to know." I fidget with my phone.

"Ight buddy, c'mon." Ezra motions his hand for me to follow him.

We walk out to the garden where Ezra sits me down and looks right at me.

"What?" I look back.

"What's going on? You're not being yours—"

"You sound just like Heidi." I roll my eyes.

"For real. What's going on? Are you and Avalon okay?" He asks me.

I nod. "Yeah we're fine, just haven't had a lot of time to just relax and talk to each other about anything but our stress."

"I getcha. Once you take these two days off and spend it with her, you'll feel a lot better. You two rarely ever spent time apart until she started her job and you started school so it's hard, I get it. So many adjustments." He puts his hand on my shoulder. "That girl loves you."

"I know." I give a half-tired smile.

"I better meet Rowan at the stadium. Go home and spend some time with Avalon. I know she would love that." He smiles and gets up to leave.

I look down and clench my jaw.

"Ezra?" I manage to say.

"Yeah?" I see him turn around in the corner of my eye. "You good?"

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