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I slowly open my eyes less than halfway, but my vision is so blurry all I see are stars and lines.

"Hey! C'mon, sweetheart!"

A pair of arms pull me out of my car window that consists of shattered glass which results in cuts across my body from being pulled across it.

I try to open my eyes despite the pain I'm in, though they shut immediately. It feels like glass shards are under my eyelids... I hope that's not the case.

Flashing lights along with sirens are now present, but I never leave the arms I'm in.

"OVER HERE!" A familiar voice shouts. "FUCK!"

I feel my head get light before I pass out.


Beep beep

I slowly widen my eyes and notice the blurriness has decreased by an extraordinary amount.

"She's up!" Noah exclaims.

"Shhh!!" Keegan puts his finger over his mouth, shushing Noah. "Her head probably hurts."

"Her head definitely hurts." Dawson says, referring to the head bandage wrapped around me. "You scared us, Avalon!"

"Screaming, you idiots!" Keegan groans.

Dawson and Noah look at Keegan as he's a hypocrite.

I groan. "How did I get here?"

They all look at each other, but Noah steps up. "I followed you out! You got into a bad wreck, luckily both of y'all are okay. The other driver isn't pressing charges which is a good thing!"

I smile, admiring his bravery. "Thank you, Noah." I winch in pain, gaining their attention. "It's okay, my head just hurts so bad."

"Definitely need rest." Keegan smiles.

"I'd like to do that in my own bed." I sigh, closing my eyes. "Where's Theo?" I perch back up.

"Haven't seen him since yesterday." Dawson says while looking at Noah.


"I'm so glad you're up!" A nurse walks in.

I look out the window to see it bright sunshine. "I slept the whole night?"

"Practically! We had to wake you up here and there throughout the night for x-rays and whatnot. No breaks or fractures, yay!" The nurse says with enthusiasm. "You're definitely going to be sore the few days though. You do seem to have a concussion, but nothing serious. Just try to minimize light and lots and lots of rest and water."

I give a half smile. "So am I ready to go home?"

"Later on for sure!"

"When can I go back to work? I have a lot I need to get done in my office—"

"Let's not jump to that." The nurse cuts me off. "You need plenty of rest and Noah here has reached out to your work to say you need two weeks off."

I look at Noah, quite irritated.

That isn't his place.

I'm sorry but when it comes to my job, I am strict.

This is ridiculous.


"Welcome to your home for the next few days!" I walk back into the apartment room.

"I would like to lay down." I sigh, looking at Noah.

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