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"Try this!" I hand Maddie the little bubbles I keep behind my desk. "When you get stressed or anxious, I want you to take a deep breath and slowly exhale to blow these bubbles. It'll help calm you down." I smile.

She gently takes it from my hand. "Thank you miss Avalon." She gives me a toothy smile.

"You're going to get through this. The school is taking care of it as we speak." I also hand her a dum dum. "You're a kind girl! You have so much ahead of you. Don't let some bullies get to you!"

Maddie stands up bravely. "You're right! They're just mean and will probably end up miserable they're whole life!"

"That's right!" I chuckle.

"Thank you. I want to be just like you when I'm older." My sweet nine year old client tells me.

I pull my bottom lip out. "Aww. Thank you girly! I want to hear all about your bravery in our next session, yeah?"

"Yes ma'am! Bye miss Avalon!" Maddie runs out of my room into the lobby where her mom is waiting for her.

"Bye y'all! I'll see you next week!" I wave as they walk out.

I turn off my computer and shut my notebook, placing it in my drawers.

"You out, Avalon?" One of the other therapists. Jane, asks as she walks by.

"I am! It's finally the weekend and I can rest." I chuckle.

"I feel you!"

"I'll see you next week, Jane!" I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the office.




There it is!

I pick up my phone with a smile.

"Hey baby!" Theo greets. "I aced that exam!"

I squeal. "Yay! I'm so proud of you! See, I knew you could do it!"

"Thank you, love! How are the boys?" I unlock my car and hop in.

"We all passed besides Thomas. I think he's going to retake it next week though." I hear in the background a bag of chips open.

I start my car and place my phone in the holder. "Poor Tom. He needs to get his head in the game. "

"Yeah, he's got a lot going on."

"I know. But hey, I'll see you when I get home! I'm starting my journey back home." I pull out of my parking spot.

"Okay baby. I'll see you in a minute."



I hang up with a smile on my face.

Life has been so good!

I started my new job and I've fallen in love with it. Personally, more than a social worker.

Theo just finished his first semester and he is killing it! Him and the boys have grown really close and they're almost never apart.

It warms my heart seeing Theo so happy and having friends. He's come so far.

I turn up my radio and jam out the whole way home.

Also, we're getting a house later this year! We're tired of paying the prices now at the apartment when we could just buy a house of our own.

I unlock the door and see Theo on the couch watching '1883'.

"Hi!" I place my things on the kitchen island.

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