Save Me

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"Here you go." Theo places my tea on the bedside table. "Anything else you need?" He asks, tucking my legs in the heated blanket.

I shake my head. "No baby I'm okay, thank you."

"Okay." He turns to walk off.

"Theo." I stop him. He turns back around and looks at me with a face of concern. "What's going on? You've barely talked to me..."

He sits down on the end of bed, rubbing my feet. "I'm sorry, love. I'm just exhausted and hungry."

"Are you okay?" I sit up, taking his hands.

He fakes smiles and nods. "Yes, my love. I'll be in after I eat something and lay with you." He gets back up and places a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving the bedroom.

I sigh and get back under the covers, grabbing my phone and texting the boys.

Any of y'all hear anything from Theo?

Thomas the train :
We haven't spoke to him since the hospital. Everything good at home?

He just hasn't really talked to me is all

Ezzy :


Row your boat :
He probably feels guilty

For what? He did not hurt our baby.

Ezzy :
He's got skeletons in his closet.

Do y'all know something I don't?

Thomas the train :
Ezra's drunk ignore him

Ezzy :
Doesn't mean I ain't speaking the truth

What truth?

Row your boat :
Why is everyone arguing fr

Thomas the train :
You literally like boys

Row your boat :
We're about to start arguing TOMMY

Ezzy :
You like boys?

Row your boat :

Christ y'all. I just wanted to know if there's something nobody's telling me. I'm not fragile I'm perfectly fine

Ezzy :
Give him time. He's a heartless dick he'll come
to his senses sooner or later

You're his best friend why are you talking about him like that?

Ezzy :
Idk Avalon I'm drinking. I'll talk to y'all later

Thomas the train :
The stress is probably getting to him. Just reassure him you don't blame him

I turn my phone off and get out of bed, slipping on my slippers and walking out to the kitchen where Theo is.

There I see him. Not cooking or anything... just staring blank out the window above the sink with his hands against the counters.

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