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"What do y'all want?" I tighten my brace.

It's been two months now and my cast is finally off. I just have a brace for right now.

Life's been going smoothly all until my brothers reached out for me to meet them.

"We want to rekindle our relationship." Baron starts.

"We said some things we didn't mean and we're sorry, little brother. We want to make things right with you—"

"Right with me?! Are you guys delusional?! We never had a relationship to start with. You three were the perfects of the family and I was just the reject. Dad did all those things to me... not y'all." I clench my jaw. "Nobody stood up for me. Not even mama. I want absolutely nothing to do with any of you." I spit at their feet before getting into my car and slamming my hand on the wheel.

I wish I could explain the way I feel right now.

Everyone just point blank pisses me off and I want nothing to do with anyone. Av and Noah are so madly in love... disgusting. Keegan and Dawson follow around Noah like dogs.

Not to mention Noah is a piece of shit.

Avalon doesn't deserve that dick.

I'm lost.

I sigh and look up to notice an older couple looking and pointing at me.

Ah shit, here we go again.

I go to open my door until I see Avalon jogging over to the couple, laughing and hugging them.

I close my door.

Those must be her parents?

She's talking to them, smiling as it seems to be she's telling them something exciting.

They're faces?

It's blank.

They're not having the same expression as her.

I shake my head and turn on my car, heading straight home.


"It's Christmas next week." I hear Keegan as I walk through the door. "What are you going to get Avalon?"

"Probably the necklace she's always wanted." Noah says.

I roll my eyes. "Mr. Charming over here."

"What are you doing for Christmas this year?" Dawson tilts his head in confusion.

"None your business." I fake a smile and give him the middle finger before going into my room.

I throw myself onto my bed and groan.

I need to.

I haven't done it in awhile.

Why does it hurt so much? It was almost a year ago.

Exactly. It was almost a year ago.

I hate Christmas.

"I'm going out with Avalon! See y'all later!" I hear Noah call out.


I haven't talked to her much since Noah always has her up his ass.

It kind of sucks for her that she ended up with a shitty guy. But who am I to tell? That's her fault.

I sit in bed for a few hours until the sun begins to set. With a clenched jaw, I grab my keys from my dresser and leave the apartment complex without looking back.

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