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"Holy fuck!" He runs to me. "You're pregnant?!"

I can't breathe.

I'm shaking.

I can't talk.

"Baby... this is great! I'm not mad!" He pulls me into his chest.

But I don't move.

I'm completely stone.

He pulls back and his smile falls. "What's wrong?"

Tears flood my eyes. "Theo... this isn't mine."

His whole expression falls and eyes slightly widen.

"This was in the seat Heidi was sitting on..." A yesr escapes my eye.

This can't be happening. This isn't right. This is some horrible nightmare.

"Oh shit, she's pregnant." He pushes his eyebrows together.

I shake my head while more tears fall as I move my thumb, revealing a little tag.

'Theodore ❤️'

"What th—"

"You cheated on me..."

Theo immediately panics and grabs my arms, but I shove him away and put my hand up. "Do not touch me..." I slowly back up.

"Baby, I did not cheat on you! She's scheming all this!"

"She's been over a few times while I was at work. You got her pregnant..."


I run out of the apartment, grabbing my keys along the way.


Theo chases behind me but luckily the elevator closes right in his face.

My breathing gets so heavy to the point I'm hyperventilating. The second the doors open, I push past everyone and run to my car, unlocking it and instantly getting inside.

I don't know where I'm going, but I am.

Anywhere other than here.

He's blowing up my phone.


after ring.


And ring.

I scream in anger and throw my phone out the window as I bawl my eyes out.

I have nowhere to go.

Nobody to call.

Nothing to even call with.

My vision becomes so foggy that I'm forced to pull into an almost empty parking lot of a grocery store to empty my tears.

I don't want to believe it.

I've always thought she was pretty and up to Theo's standards. She came over when I was at work... she even put that the test is for him!

He did this.

She did this.

I put my head in my hands, crying like there's no tomorrow to the point I can't breathe.

I begin to hiccup and gasp for air when my door opens, almost causing me to fall out.

"Avalon! What's going on?" A water bottle is shoved in my face.

I grab it and chug as much as my breathing allows me.

"Take deep breaths... shhhh."

I look up to be met with the eyes of Sam.


"Breathe, Avalon, breathe."

My eyes shut and I block out everything to just focus on my breathing. In.... out.... in... out... I repeat. Breathe in for six seconds, breathe out for six second. Repeat.

I look up at Sam. "Can I please stay with you?" I ask in a distraught tone.

"Of course, will you tell me what's wrong when we get there?" He asks and I nod. "Okay. Take those deep breaths while following behind me.

I nod.

We separate and he gets into his car that isn't too far from mine.

He leads us out and I grip the steering wheel in attempts to prevent another panic attack form happening.

I turn up the radio and listen to Selena Gomez in silence, taking in each lyric she sings.

Within minutes, we drive down a steep driveway to a cute little blue house with a white gate around it.

"You can just make yourself at home." Sam walks over to my window.

I nod and turn my car off, getting out and following him inside the house.

It's just as beautiful inside as it is outside.

"Did you get an interior designer?" I joke.

"No... I recently inherited this house. My mom passed away just a month ago and let it to me."

I snap out of my gaze around the house and turn to him. "Oh Sam, I-I'm so sorry."

He shakes his head. "It's all good, I don't really want to talk about it since it'll just upset me."

I nod with an understanding smile.

Then reality hit again.

"Is it Theo?" Sam breaks the silence.

I frown, unable to find words. "He... he got a girl pregnant." Tears fill my eyes once more.

"Oh Avalon!"

Sam rushes to hug me and that's when I release all my emotions again.

"I want to hate him!" I sob. "I knew that girl would start something from the start!"

"Shhh." Sam rubs my back in attempt to calm me. "I'm really sorry."

"Maybe I should go back and talk to him." I pull away.

He shakes his head in disapproval. "He's never going to change. I know you love him and I want you want to see the good in him, but look! He got another girl pregnant. He cheated on you..."

Just hearing those last words were enough to make me cry again. "I don't know what to do."

"You need to leave this toxic relationship. He's hurting people around him both physically and mentally. He's not in the right mind to be around people, Avalon. You know that. I know you do."

I sit back in silence, tears streaming down my cheeks trying to comprehend all that's happening right now. I don't want to believe it... at all. The progress we made... it's all destroyed.

There's no way for me to be able to try to fix that. Not this time.

Not with Theo.

"I need to leave him..." I choke out.

"Hey." Sam gets up to hug me. "You deserve so much better than a dangerous guy who can't feel any type of emotion or care for anyone else but himself. You deserve a man who knows that YOU are all he wants and he will do everything for you. You will be his priority and all he sees."

I break down once again, holding my head in my hands. "I thought I had that. I thought he was better... he went to therapy, Sam. He put in effort..."

He rubs my back. "And look where we are, Avalon. You need to stop seeing the good in a piece of shit guy who didn't think twice about fucking another woman and getting her pregnant."

"I don't want to believe it."

"You need sleep right now. C'mon, I'll set you up in the spare bedroom."

I weakly stand up and stagger behind Sam towards a bedroom next to another.

"I'll have to face him eventually." I hiccup, getting into the bed.

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "Eventually, yes, but right now you just need sleep and peace."

I look at him and see him giving me a soft smile.

And just at that moment, Sam leans in and kisses me.

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