New Years

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"Mmm." I walk out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist. "Eggs and bacon smell good!" I begin changing.

"Thanks! Do you—"

Avalon walks in and her eyes widen as I instantly grab the towel I had just dropped.

She covers her eyes. "I am so sorry!" She runs off.

Laughing, I quickly throw on boxers and shorts before walking out to the kitchen.

I can tell she's trying to avoid looking at me. Kinda cute if you ask me.

I walk up to her and pop a piece of bacon in my mouth. "Delish."

"I can't." Avalon bursts into tears.

"Hey!" I immediately pull her into my chest. "I'm not mad at you! It was an acc—"

"Not that." She sobs. "I don't want to face my parents. I'm terrified!"

I place my hand on the back of her head and rub her back. "It's going to be okay, love. If they have anything to say I will put them in their place faster than they can walk in the door."

"I'm such a failure."

"No you're not. You're still figuring everything out. It took me a long time, Av. You're not alone and never will be." I read my head on hers. "You're strong."

She pulls back. "I got an offer at a counseling service. It's about ten minutes from here."

"That's great!"

"I miss my old job." She frowns.

"I know. But look! You can still help kids. This is great, Av. I'm not going to push you, I want you to decide on your own. I'm with you no matter what you chose."

"I guess so."

"Now c'mon. Let's clean this mess." I look around at the mess in the living room and kitchen.

She chuckles. "Yeah."


"They're here!" I call out then hear Avalon scream in fear, making me laugh. "It's okay!"

I open the door and become face to face with the people tearing Avalon down.

"You must be Theo." Ciara, Av's mom says.

"For sure the bad boy type." Greg, her dad, clears his throat. "Nice apartment."

"Thanks. Avalon and I have busted our asses to make this spotless." I let them in.

Ciara sighs. "Speaking of her, where is she?"

"Getting ready." I turn on the tv.

"So y'all share a bedroom?" Greg raises an eyebrow.

I smack my forehead. "Look. Don't start shit, yeah? You're at OUR place and have no room to stir up unnecessary drama."

They look taken aback.

"I'm done!" Avalon walks out with a big smile on her smile and in the most beautiful red sparkly dress.

"You can dress nice." Ciara hugs Avalon. "What have you been up to since you were let go?"

I stand up immediately, but Avalon gives me a look to stop, causing me to groan in frustration.

"I'm going for an interview at a counseling center." Avalon says proudly.

"Huh. New year new occupation." Greg laughs to himself.

"Look Gregory—"

"Bubba!" Tatum barges through the door, grabbing onto me.

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