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"We're here!" I exclaim, taking in the beauty. "It's been so long since I've been here!"

"Still know how to operate a four wheeler?" Noah chuckles.

I playfully roll my eyes. "Of course I do."

"Let's put our bags in our camper then we can hop on." Dawson says.

We nod, but then I look around. "Where did your camper go, Keegan?"

He groans and sighs. "My dad decided to sell it when he divorced my mom."

"Ohhh. So where are you staying?" I tilt my head.

"With us!" Noah and Dawson walk to Noah's camper.

I try to form words. "That tiny camper barely fits two people! Let alone three or four!" I sigh then look at Theo putting things into his camper. "Theo." I smirk, getting ready to bother this soul.

I skip over to him and jump up behind him. "Jump up behind me one more time and it'll be your head." He says without even turning to look at me.

"Oh come on! You've threatened those kind of things a couple times and nothings came out of them!" I say and he goes to speak, but ends up silently laughing. "So, wanna be camper buddies?" I nudge his shoulder.

"Why don't you go bunk with your best friends? I thought you bunked with Noah?" He says, almost a little irritated.

I shrug. "Keegan lost his big camper him and Dawson shared—"

"Yes, I know." He says, throwing his duffel bag into the camper.

"Noah's camper can barely fit two people, Theo." I wind myself up, about to beg.

He looks at me. "Not my problem, Av." He shoots me a wink and walks off.

I groan, but notice he left his door open.

He wouldn't kill me right?


I walk in and put down my bags. It's only a one bed...

"C'mon! Let's go riding!" I hear Dawson shout.

After shutting the door behind me, I run towards the porch.

I jump up the little step and place my hair into a low ponytail.

"Alright, Dawson and Keegan and I came up with a little race." Noah speaks up.

"A little race?" Theo raises an eyebrow with his arms crossed.

"We need to put some miles on our four wheelers this trip! We have the empty field, let's go race in it! The loser has to jump into the creek naked while the winner gets pampered in the hot tub." Noah smirks.

My eyes widen.

"Aren't there tree stumps and hills in that field?" Theo goes for exactly what I was thinking.

Dawson laughs. "That's what makes it fun!"

"Going full speed?" I side with Theo.

"Well duh, how else are ya gonna win a race?" Keegan replies with a smartass question.

I smack my forehead.

Theo looks at me then back at Keegan. "Not a smart idea, dumbass."

"Come on, where's that big badass persona, Theodore?" Noah smirks.

"Noah." I give him a look to stop.

Theo slightly tilts his head.

"What? Scared of a little stumps?" Noah keeps egging it on.

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