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My eyes widen.

"Too soon?" Leo clenches his teeth.

I give him a look of 'YES!'

Theo stands up in frustration. "No," He grabs his coat "no. I'm not doing this. I need TIME. I'm also a grown adult, I don't want to move in with my whole new family I just found out I had. Trips? Look, I'm not who you think I am or hope you think I'll be. I thought we were making progress... I guess not." He zips up his jacket and storms out of the apartment.

We're all standing, speechless.

Tatum begins crying.

"I thought we were making progress too..." Valentina looks, disappointment.

I sigh. "I've never seen Theo so... healthy and willing to get his life on track, which, he has been doing. But he can only take so much at a time. Please, let him grasp the idea of school." I pause when I see their frowns. "He is an adult... he can make his decisions. He needs time. You need to take things VERY slow with him so we don't want anything to step him back, it's not fair. I promise, I know how anxious you are to make Theo feel apart of the family and be your son, but it's not going to happen overnight. Over a few months. Maybe even years. You have to let HIM come to YOU."

Valentina begins to cry. "Does he resent us?"

I shake my head and walk over to sit next to her, grabbing her hand. "No. Theo doesn't resent any of you. I mean look! He bought you over for Christmas and he called you about his acceptance! Because he chose to. Because he wanted y'all to be apart of it. That's a huge step enough. I don't blame you one bit! All we can do is love Theo and support him until he's ready to come to us."

Leo smiles.

Valentina now puts her hand over mine. "You're an amazing person, Avalon. It seems you never gave up on that boy and anyone with eyes can tell how thankful he is to have you!"

I break a smile. "Thank you. It means a lot to me...Theo means a lot to me."

"I think there's obviously a crush!!" Tatum jumps in excitement.

I blush but brush it off with a laugh. "He's my best friend for sure!"

Feelings for Theo? Pstttt, no way!!


"I'm gonna grab the eggs, you get the chips." Theo leaves my side.

"The!" I sigh.

"Yeah?" He turns to me.

I clench my jaw and shake my head. "Uh, the eggs are that way." I point to the opposite of where he was going.

He smiles and walks off.

"Avalon?! Is that you?!" I turn my head and see my high school friend, Gigi, running at me.

"Gigi! Hi!"

We exchange a hug and smiles.

"How are you?! It's been awhile!" She exclaims.

I chuckle. "It has! I'm good. Just taking it day by day!"

"Is that your boyfriend?" She asks me.

"Theo? Oh, no." I itch my arm. "He's just my best friend."

She smirks the same way she did in school whenever she had a plan. "Soooo, he's available! He's so cute! Please set me up!"

My eyes widen and I quickly make up an excuse. "Oh no. He has a girlfriend, I'm sorry."


"Oh.. bummer."

We talk for a few minutes before we part ways and I finally get the chips for the new year's eve night.

I bump into Theo and he looks at me with a smile. "Hey."

My heart flutters with butterflies!!

I should not be feeling this way!

Something about him though just seems different... like he has a little devilish smirk.

"All done?" I put cake mix into the cart.

"Yeah." He chuckles and walks with me to the self checkout.

What is up with him.

"This one's opened." I push the cart and start scanning.

"Okay. I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick before we go. Be right back."

I nod and continue scanning.

"EEE!!" Gigi runs up to me, taking me by surprise. "He doesn't have a girlfriend!"

I scratch the back of my neck sheepishly. "Well he just got out of a nasty breakup. He's a little depressed." I continue my stupid lying.

"Aww poor guy! He gave me his number! I can make him feel better. Thank you, Avalon!" She skips off in excitement.

My heart drops to my stomach.

What the fuck?!

No way!

Why do I feel this pinch of...

"Jealous?" Theo walks over to me, chuckling.

Took the words right out of my thoughts.

"Of what?" I pay for the items.

Theo grabs the bags and pushes the buggy to its little station.


This man. UGH!

"I'm not into your friend." He laughs.

My cheeks turn red as we walk outside, hitting the cold breeze. "Yeah I know... I figured so that's why I lied."

"Is it?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I hold my head high. "You still gave her your number anyways."

He opens the backseat to his truck and starts throwing the bags in. "I gave her a fake number, Av."

Instant relief fills me.

I hop into the passenger seat and wait for him to get in.

"So uh, what time are Valentina and Leo coming tomorrow?" I ask.

"Around seven. How about your parents?" Theo asks me back.

"Around six. I'm just really nervous." I pick my fingernails. "I know they're ashamed of me already."

"It's gonna be okay." He grabs my hand, causing my stomachs to do backflips. "We're gonna get through this like we always do."

I smile.

Within minutes we pull into our apartment and put all the groceries away before getting tucked into bed.

I put my phone on it's charger and flip over to see Theo already knocked the fuck out.

His bare back muscles are facing me and I'm just UGH.

Contain yourself.

I turn on a movie and about thirty minutes in, I start to doze off until I notice Theo twitching in his sleep.

He begins to grunt.

He's having another nightmare...

I gently press my nails on his back and rub it in circles. "You're okay." I whisper.

He turns over and grabs onto me, holding me tight in his arms while still asleep.

Gosh I'm falling.

But I can't be with him...

I don't want to get hurt.

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