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"Hey baby." Theo walks into the bedroom, but I continue to ignore his attempts to get me to talk to him by just continuing to pack. "I'm going to the new house to drop off boxes if you want to come?"

"I'm fine. I'll just keep packing." I say.

"Av. You have to realize I would never put you in any type of situation that would cause you any type of harm. I've always been looking out for you and I didn't tell you because it was safer for you to not know the plans of this literal crime. I hope you understand that I was only trying to protect you." He grabs two of the packed boxes in the room and walks out.

I put down the tape and sigh. I know he has always tried protecting me but I can't help but feel a bit betrayed me couldn't trust me with the burden he was carrying.

A ding coming from my phone snaps me out of my thoughts.

my love🥰❤️ :
The guys want us to all hangout at theirs tonight with Ezra's new chick. I'm gonna try to work things out with him so I'd really love if you will come with me

I look out the window and watch his truck leave the parking lot.

Wait, Ezra's new chick?


I hop into the truck, avoiding eye contact with Theo when he turns to me.

"Okay Av. You can't be mad at me forever. Please just talk to me, please, I mean I don't want to go to the boys house with tension between us. I'm so sorry for keeping you in the dark and making you feel like I don't trust you but at the time I thought it was the best thing to do."

I sigh. "I know, I'm sorry for making a big deal over something you thought was right. Maybe it was I don't know I just have so many emotions. I forgive you."

"Thank you." He leans over to hug me.

"Now let's go and see what this girl is all about." I chuckle.

He laughs and begins driving.

It's an incredibly peaceful ride there. Windows down, wind blowing, music playing, resting my head on Theo's free arm and it's just amazing.

I haven't felt this at peace in ages.

Something still feels empty though.

Theo is right. We could be a family right now. We could be getting ready and planning for our baby but instead we have to move forward knowing that we won't have that right now.

It hurts.

"Hey fuckers!" Rowan runs up to the car.

"Damn Rowan you're acting like a fucking dog." Theo laughs as he gets out.

I hop out the truck and see a little Kia Soul. "How cute."

"She's even got the fuzzy dice." Rowan laughs. "Cmon, everyone just started drinking."

We follow Rowan inside and there I'm met with a beautiful blonde chick.

"THEODOREEE!" Thomas drunkly wraps his arm around Theo in which Theo shoves it off him.

I notice the blonde turn and smile when she sees MY boyfriend.

Oh this bitch.

"Theodore himself." Ezra walks over.

"Can I talk to you?" Theo pulls him aside.

I give them their space and walk over to the guys who are with the blonde chick.

"Avalon, this is Cassie! Cassie, Avalon!" Rowan introduces us.

"Nice to meet you!" She puts her hand out.

"You too." I fake a smile and shake her hand.

"Rowan, do you want to get some more jell-o shots?" Thomas asks as he walks to the back porch.

"Yes!" Rowan runs after him.

Cassie laughs and looks at me. "These boys are something else! I mean, Rowan is just a huge goof."

"Yup. I've known them for awhile." I fake a laugh and grab a water bottle from the cooler on the table next to me.

She waits for me to me face to face with her again before she opens her lip filler lips. "I don't see Theodore with them too much. I assume he's your...?"

"He's my boyfriend. Yeah, we just got a house together and have been working on packing." I proudly say.

"Ezra mentioned he'd be here. I wasn't aware he had a girlfriend or was bringing a girl. I thought he was just coming to make amends with Ezra." She laughs.

I look this dumb bitch in the eyes. "You know what? I really don't think it's your business on what they need to talk about, yeah? You just met these guys, what, yesterday? Stay in your lane, bitch." I walk off.

But she instantly grabs my shoulder and pulls me back, causing me to fall on the ground. "Listen here you little skank! I don't know who the FUCK you think you're talking to!"

As I'm on the ground, I pull her stupid eight inch heels, causing her to come down with me. "I'm talking to a whore aren't I? Here with Ezra just to eye MY man?"

The guys all come running in the moment they hear the commotion.

"YOU SLUT!" She grabs my hair.

"GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" Theo grabs her wrists and elbows her in the jaw.

I get up and Ezra, Rowan, and Thomas come right over to me.

"You just got so lucky, dumb bitch." I spit.

She starts wailing. "Ezra!"

"Cassidy, I strongly advise you to get out of this house before Theo does something he'll get put in jail for." Ezra looks at her in complete disgust. "And lose my number."

She looks at me and I shoot her a smirk.

"OUT, STUPID BITCH!" Theo shoves her and she runs out crying.

"You okay?" Thomas hugs me.

I nod and pull out of the hug to meet eyes with Theo. "She—"

"I don't care." He pulls me into his arms and holds me. "Are you hurt?"

I shake my head. "I'm fine."

"What a fucking whore." Ezra says whilst stressfully running his fingers through his long hair.

"I'm sorry, Ez." Rowan looks at Ezra as he rubs my back.

"No no, nobody be sorry. All that matters is that you're okay Avalon." Ezra sighs. "We can get her for assault?"

"I think that embarrassment was enough for her." I fix my hair. "Let's just forget that ever happened." I facepalm myself.

They laugh.

"My girl can fight!" Theo puts his arm around my shoulders.

"She don't mess around when it comes to her man." Rowan laughs and playfully punches my arm. "Ice cream?"

"Needed." I laugh.


"Last box." Theo says with a smile as he drops a large sized box on the ground. "We're home."

I walk up to him and put my hands on his sides whilst looking up at him. "I love you. I'm so proud of us, but mainly of you."

He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you... so, I owe everything to you, my angel."

"You've took it upon yourself to get better so don't just credit me. But look where we are! Our own home!" I smile and run to the living room, spinning around.

He laughs and follows me.

I grab his hands and we start dancing in the middle of our empty living room, well... boxes everywhere, but you get the point!

The sounds of our laughter and shoes echo the house.

He pulls me in closer and I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my forehead against his.

"You know one thing we got set up?" He sways us side to side.

I smirk and take his hand, running into the bedroom.

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