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Huda was lying down on her bed, shaking her legs vigorously.
She was about to go for her archery lesson with Hafiz but apparently the whole palace is on lockdown and everyone was to stay in their chambers or rooms.

Movement wasn't allowed.
Archery was her best time of the day because she enjoyed talking to Hafiz, he was actually sweet.

The door opens and Hasna hurries in almost tripping. She immediately sits up when she sees her.
"Be careful don't hurt yourself".

She runs over and stands next to her, panting heavily.
"What is it? Did you find out why we can't leave our chambers?"

"Apparently someone was found in the lake by the stables"
She huffs "That's far away. So what if someone was found— wait! Dead!?"

She nods "That's why. It must be someone very important because I saw all the royal court members heading to the royal court. Even the Vice premier and Left State Councillor".

She starts pacing around the room.
Their royal court is 25mins away from the stables with a car.

The inner court is about 30mins. (That's where maids, the queen, second wife, servants and female vassals are. The kitchens are also located there)

The Emperor's palace is about 25mins away.

The Caesian (that is were all the male servants, security, vassals, important members of the palace are) it's about 35mins away.

The guests palace is 38mins away.

Each of them is like an estate. There is a huge gate in the entrance of them all and it's either you go through the south gate, north or the west gate.

"Who could it be?" She whispers.
She knows she's been there a lot of times but she has never seen anyone. It wasn't like the Hind lake but it was also very beautiful, decorated and huge.

Someone knocks on her door.
The door opens and Hafiz walks in with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?" She asks.
He sits on the couch as she joins him to sit on the one across him.

He smiles "How have you been?"
"I've been okay"

"Huda when was the last time you were at the Hind Castle?" He asks curiously.
"Surprisingly it's been about three weeks now".

He nods "Hasna told me you also go to the lake by the stables"
She nods "Sometimes, yes"

"Have you ever been to either with Masoud?"
She shakes her head "No, he's not really into going to the lake. He finds it boring and he says he doesn't trust the water in the lake. Apparently anything could have been dumped there"

He stands, "Well, after Zuhur the emperor wants to see you all in his throne room"
He walks out.
He wanted to hear it from her before the other two but he also knows just because he likes her doesn't mean she'd be ruled out as a suspect. But he was willing to bet his life on the fact that she had nothing to do with it.


The three all sat down in separate chairs.
In front of the Emperor who sat on his throne.
Amjad, Hafiz, Suleiman and Aadil all sat down across them while the elders Alhaji Hammad, Uncle Awwal, General Abdulateef and Salis also sat on separate chairs beside the Emperor.

He huffs "Some of you have already heard about the incident that occurred yesterday evening, a very sad one."

Huda, Najib and Raudah all sat down wondering what happened but also wondered why Masoud was absent.

"And you three must be very curious" he says looking at them.
Huda stands "Unfortunately one of us isn't here, he'll probably be here soon"

"Iman, we'll get to that shortly please calm down" he says talking to her.
She sits. They were all in their own way worried Masoud would get punished for not making it in time.

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