Chapter 9

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!Warning! Sexual Content ahead!

Dakota's P.O.V


We almost kissed and then Sebastian had to interrupt as soon as he was about to give in. It's like the universe was like 'Nope!' I groaned, rubbing my hands on my face and flopping down on my bed. A light tap on the door made me look over to the doorway. Speak of the devil.

"Hey, what's up?" Sebastian asked as he maneuvered over to sit next to me. I looked up at the ceiling.

"I almost kissed him" I admitted

"Oh, that's what I walked in on" I looked back at him and he looked guilty "I'm sorry"

"It's alright Seb, how were you supposed to know, plus there will be plenty more opportunities for us" I told him while taking his hand in mine and lacing our fingers together. He brought our hands up to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. He's such a romantic, it makes me smile. I squeezed his hand "I love you"

" I love you, Dakota" he smiled back.

"Aww, why wasn't I invited to the love fest" Damon commented, kicking off the doorframe and closing the door before strolling into the room and sitting on my other side.

"I'm so jealous that you got to cuddle him the whole movie" Sebastian said poking Damon's stomach. I laughed "He needed his Daddy to protect him" both of them turned to me in question.

"His what?" Damon asked with an eyebrow raised. Oh, shit, I forgot I didn't tell them about that.

"In his diary, he called you a total daddy" I bit my lip to keep from giggling. Both of their eyes widened, Sebastian chuckled but then Damon smirked.

"I wouldn't mind being his Daddy" he winked at us.

"Don't expect me to call you that" I immediately said. I don't care if it's their thing but it is not mine. "Or me" Sebastian piped up and I laughed.

Damon rolled his eyes "It'll be our thing then, if and when he decides to be with us"

"Oh, Dakota almost got to kiss him today" Sebastian added thoughtfully.

"Really?" he looked at me, I nodded and then told them both what happened before Sebastian knocked on the door.

"You seductive little minx" Damon commented after I was done telling them. "If I would've done it, he would've been putty in my hands" he teased.

"He was getting there, if we had a few more seconds, I would've had him" I groaned with a pout.

Sebastian chuckled "Remember loves, it's not a competition"

"Yeah, yeah...but I do think that you should be the one to take his virginity" I said thoughtfully "You're the most gentle of the three of us" I continued when they turned to me with surprised expressions.

"Fair point" Damon nodded.

"You're talking like he is already with us" Sebastian retorted, I could tell he liked the idea of having our sweet little Jace first. You could see the lust swirling in his eyes as he thought about it.

"That is the goal though, Seb baby" I said leaning up and kissing his cheek "Just thinking of future situations, if he lets us..." I trailed off then began to whisper "I could be his first kiss.....Damon could give him his first blowjob.... and you could penetrate his cute little ass first" I licked up his jawline to his ear where I nibbled his earlobe. He hummed and turned his head and captured my lips. I moaned into his mouth while I massaged Damon's thigh with the hand that was next to him. I felt Damon lean over attaching his lips to my neck kissing then sucking lightly. Sebastian placed one of his hands on my chest then trailed it down before going underneath to caress my skin with his hand. Damon brought a hand up to my chin to turn my head and then brought his lips to mine. Sebastian kissed down my neck and started to nibble and suck while his hand went up to one of my nipples and he pinched it. I brought my hands to each of their groins and started to palm their erections through their jeans. Damon sucked on my tongue while Sebastian continued to tweak my nipple, making me moan. Sebastian's hands then found the end of my shirt and tugged upward, I quickly obliged pulling away from them for a second and let the shirt fall on to the floor. I pulled at their shirts and they both quickly removed theirs.

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