Chapter 38

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I woke up groggy, looking beside me to see Sebastian still asleep next to me. A smile formed on my face as I admired my sleeping beauty. I gingerly got off of the bed to go to the bathroom to freshen up. While in there, I thought of his words of 'Maybe tomorrow' so I cleaned myself and prepped myself so I can finally fulfill my sexual needs. I went back to the bed, I was stripped to nothing already so I just slithered underneath the sheets. He was wearing boxers so it was easy to pull them down without him waking. I took his dick in my mouth and started to swirl my tongue around it as it slowly became hard with each passing second. Soon he was rock hard and soft moans came from his luscious lips. I bobbed my head a few times before popping up and crawling up his warm, muscular body. I left kisses up his body before I emerged from the sheets.

His eyes were still closed as I leaned down to connect our lips. I hummed against his lips as he deepened our kiss. I reached back with my hand to stroke his dick as we kissed, causing him to moan. I smirked while I maneuvered my body over him and lined him up before descending myself down on his length. The position made me feel like I looked like a frog.

"Jace!" he gasped in alarm, popping his eyes open.

"Shh, my love" I smirked at him, pressing a finger to his lips "I already prepped" I told him in my most sultry tone while proceeding to take the rest of him.

"Mmmm Bash, it's been too long" I moaned. Sebastian's face looked blissed out as he placed his hands on my hips, gripping them firmly. I settled down on him, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his lips before placing my hands on his chest and bringing my self up and down slowly on his cock. The look of pleasure on his face along with his deep moans were encouragement enough to bounce faster on him. His hands held on to me as he started to piston his hips up, his thrusts meeting each of my bounces.

"Oh my god" I basically screamed as he hit my prostate, the euphoric sensation washing over my body. "More, Bash More" I begged.

"As you wish" he replied breathlessly and in a quick motion, his arm curled around my waist as he rolled us over so he was hovering on top of me. He took both of my legs and put them over his shoulders. I watched as he pulled his dick out of me and then slammed it back in, hitting the spot dead on making my eyes roll back and my toes curl.

"Fuck" I moaned loudly as he repeated his movements. I know I wasn't going to last much longer with the white heat already pooling.


"I know" he grunted, blond strands of hair sticking to his forehead that was beaded with sweat. A few more deep thrusts and I cried out his name, white splattering our naked chests. I felt warmth fill me as he climaxed right after me. I pulled him down by his neck, kissing him passionately as we rode out our orgasmic high. Eventually we just laid there, lips and tongues mingling together in a loving dance. I hummed before pulling away and looking into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"That was great" I sighed contently, pushing his hair in wonky directions with my fingers. He leant down giving me an eskimo kiss.

"I have to agree" he said with a bright smile. " I love you Jay, so much" he added while caressing my cheek. My heart swooned with joy and love.

" I love you" I pecked his lips when a knock came to the door. Sebastian rolled off of me and covered us both with the sheet.

"Yeah?" I called out

"It's me, Matt"

"Come in" I yelled back. The door softly clicked open, revealing a tired looking Matt. "What's up?" I asked as he shut the door behind him and sitting on the bed.

"Well, I waited until I didn't hear anymore noises before coming. but ya'll are loud as fuck" he said with narrowed eyes. Sebastian just crossed his arms behind his head and chuckled while I blushed.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"You're lucky Amber is a heavy sleeper" he put his head in his hands and rubbed his temples. "Anyway, do you have Tylenol?" he asked.

"In my duffel, front pocket" Sebastian instructed and Matt got up and dug around the pocket, shaking the pill bottle before opening it.

"Here" I told him as I threw a water bottle at him.

"Life. Savers" he said sincerely as he caught the bottle and opened it quickly before downing the pills and the whole thing.

"Anytime. But hey, you were pretty loud yourself last night Casanova" I commented. He quirked an eyebrow.

"I was?"

"Well, more like Ryder and I heard Amber when we were helping Corrine to bed" I told him while fiddling with the hem of the sheets. He did an 'O' shape with his mouth. I turned to Sebastian and whispered "Bash, can you give us a minute?" he nodded in reply, kissing my forehead before grabbing his boxers from down in the sheets and wiggling them on.

"I'll be in the shower" he nodded at us before disappearing into the connected bathroom.

"I have questions" I stated looking at Matt after I heard the shower turn on.

"Like?" he inquired, turning to me.

"You never elaborated what you meant before prom...about Ryder" I trailed off and he averted his eyes.

"I...I don't know..." He said defeatedly "I do think he is cute and being around him makes me feel things"

"What kind of things?"

"I don't know" he shrugged "Different things"

"Like with Amber?" I asked curiously.

"'s different but I still feel things with Amber" He said with his eyebrows scrunched "I've never looked at a guy like that before" he admitted in a whisper.

"So you like him?"

"No" he said quickly then sighed "Maybe? I don't know, but all I know is I'm with Amber and I feel for her, so I have no time to figure out what this thing with Ryder is" he groaned, throwing himself back on the bed.

"Don't get mad but I kinda sorta told Ryder that you said you thought he was cute" I mumbled while looking everywhere else in the room.

"You bitch!" he rolled and grabbed Sebastian's pillow and whacking me with it.

"Oof..OW! I'm sorry!! It just slipped out" I whined, covering my face trying to evade his pillow attacks.

"Why would it just slip out?!" he yelled, whacking me again in my side.

"I'll tell you, if you stop" I pleaded and he narrowed his eyes at me, lowering the pillow. "Okay....he was kind of in his feels after hearing Amber.." I trailed off and he gave me a look to continue.

"He knows he has no right to be upset and he respects that you're straight and in a relationship but he was still a little jelly about hearing you two" I sighed and he was silent.

"We were drunk, I didn't think about it" he muttered.

"Well that's another thing, he said why wouldn't you have sex with your yeah...there's that" I ended as the shower turned off.

"When did my life become a hallmark movie" he said rubbing his hands up and down his face making me laugh.

"I do not know my dear friend" I said as Sebastian opened the door, waist wrapped in a towel. I bit my lip as the glorious site in front of me. Water from his wet hair, trickling down his flawless skin.

"That's my que to leave" Matt said as he looked between Sebastian and I.

"Bye Matt" I said while continuing my eye fucking of Sebastian.

"You damn horndog" Matt replied, throwing the pillow he had at my face before exiting the room quickly.

"Go shower love" Sebastian laughed as he dug in his duffel bag.

"Fine" I groaned.


It was about 11:30 when everyone emerged from their rooms and settled down in the outdoor dining area. Corrine, Dakota and Amber looked like they were dragged through hell and back. Matt looked semi better from when he first walked into my room. Everyone else including me, looked refreshed and ready for the day.

"Today we are having chicken and waffles" Ryder announced as the butler and maid brought out silver trays of chicken and waffles. The condiments and drinks were already on the table when we sat down.

"Fooooood" Dakota was practically drooling as the food was set down. I laughed and shook my head, that boy and food. Everyone quickly dug in, getting there pieces of each food item.

"Honestly the perfect hangover brunch" Dakota mumbled through mouthfuls of chicken.

"Dakota, don't eat with your mouth full" Damon scolded.

"Okay Mom" Dakota retorted and I giggled.

"Anyway, what's on the agenda today?" I asked turning to Ryder.

"I was thinking of snorkeling?" He said while he looked around the group. "You can choose if you want to or not" he finished.

"I'm down" I said. Damon, Sebastian and Matt agreed while the other three decided against it due to their intense hangovers.

"Alright, sweet" Ryder said and we finished our food. We had some free time before the boat docked again. I feel like this is how cruises would be. Stopping at multiple locations along the way. Dakota and the girls settled for watching movies in the cinema while the rest of us made our way on to the beach. We all had our own sets of snorkels, goggles and flippers. Ryder instructed us to stay close and don't wander out too far before we started venturing the sandy floor of the ocean.

I seen some colorful fish swim by as I swam next to Damon, I pointed at the ones I liked the most. We even seen a sea turtle and I got excited and started flailing my arms. It was so beautiful! The flailing alarmed Damon and Sebastian but I just made sure to point. I looked around and saw the Matt was slowly following Ryder around as Ryder pointed to different things. He must not feel too awkward from what I told him. I just smiled and waved when Matt turned to look my way, he waved back before turning back to Ryder. Cute.

We spent about an hour or two snorkeling, it was magnificent and so fun. We got back on the boat and loud thumping music was evident on one of the floors. I tilted my head in question.

"Hangovers must've worn off" Ryder laughed.

He was right, Dakota and the girls were dancing on top of the cinema sofas while music blared through the speakers. Dakota seen us and waved us all over to join. And that is just what we did, jumping and dancing to the music for the rest of the night.


"Ugh school tomorrow" I groaned as we were walking off the boat to the cars. "And I'm so not looking forward to this drive home"

"Says you, I have to drive it" Ryder scoffed.

"I could drive" Matt offered "It'd be cool to drive a nice car like this" he said as he ran his fingertips along the hood of the car.

"You should see my Maserati" he chuckled "But I don't let anyone drive my vehicles...." Matt looked a little saddened "But since it's you, Matthew.. I may make an exception" Ryder winked and Matt beamed.

"However, I will drive half way" Ryder continued.

"Deal" Matt said and went to throw his and Amber's stuff in the trunk. I gave Ryder a knowing look and he shrugged before moving to the back to throw his bag in the trunk as well. "

"I'll ride shotgun until Matt drives" I whispered as Amber and Matt got into the backseat.

"Okay, thanks broski" he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. The other four hopped in Sebastian's car and soon we were on the road home.

After an hour and a half, Ryder was true to his word and switched with Matt. I hopped in the back seat with a sleeping Amber and our road trip continued. I swear Ryder couldn't keep his eyes off of Matt and Matt wore a tomato face every time he would look over and catch him staring. Which reminded me to text Charlie.

'Hey Charlie, how's everything going with you and T?' I sent and surprisingly a text came back quickly.

'Charlie'-"Same old, same old. He still had his girlfriend :(" I frowned. I feel so bad for him. Tanner feels the same. I know Tanner has his reasons for not pursuing their relationship but I feel for Charlie.

'Keep your head up. Can't wait to see you guys!' I replied back to him. It may seem odd to invite them to our mom's wedding. They haven't even met her but it was also an excuse to have them come hang for part of the summer. We are planning on a group road trip or something to visit some major cities like NYC, Chicago and Tampa. It's going to be sweet.

Matt pulled up to our driveway and I quickly got out out basically kissing the ground.

"It feels so good to be home" I moaned out. I heard more car doors open and shutting.

"You alright there Jay?" Sebastian asked with amusement. I just gave a thumbs up, earning a chuckle.

"C'mon, let's actually get in the house" Damon said as he lifted me up and over his shoulder while walking to the front door. I lifted my head to see Sebastian grabbing my duffel bag from Ryder's car. Damon unlocked the door, walking in the house and flipping me on to the couch. Everyone else filed in after us.

"I need to get home to drop Amber off, the trip was fun" He said looking at Ryder, who smiled in return.

"Anytime" he replied.

"Thank you for letting me tag along" Amber politely said as she gave a hug to Ryder. He returned the hug, like the polite person he is. I eyed Matt's reaction, but it was unreadable. They left saying goodbye to everyone else.

"Can I stay the night?" Corrine said with a yawn.

"Yeah, you can have my bed" Dakota said as he locked the front door.

"Awesome, thanks for letting me come. I had a good time" Corrine told Ryder.

"Thank you for coming to help celebrate Dakota's birthday, I mean he is your best friend after all"

"Unfortunately" she teased and Dakota stuck his tongue out at her, making her giggle. "G'night" she said as she bounced up the stairs.

"Want to stay the night? You could use Damon's or Sebastian's room" I asked Ryder.

"If it's alright with them" he replied looking at Sebastian and Damon.

"Pfft of course it's alright, we have our new room and bed to test out tonight" Damon said

"Finally!" Dakota exclaimed.

"Alright, you guys do that" Ryder chuckled "Thank you for a great weekend"

"No, thank you" Dakota said taking him into a bro hug.

"Awwww" I squealed "I love our additions to the family!" the other three agreed and Ryder beamed.

"You guys are the best. Well, I'm off to bed. Goodnight" he saluted before jogging up the steps. I yawned and stretched.

"Let's get to bed" Sebastian said as he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his head into my neck.

"I'm tired" I muttered, leaning back into him and he started to waddle us to the stairs.

"Come on, my little Spitfire" I heard Damon say to Dakota. We all got up to the room and we took turns in the bathroom to shower and get ready for bed. They let me go first since I was yawning almost nonstop the whole time.

After a refreshing shower, Dakota hopped in after me and I went and snuggled into the sheets in the middle of the bed. I closed my eyes and hummed in satisfaction of the new sheets feeling against my skin.

"Let's shower together so it goes quicker Sunshine" I heard Damon say to Sebastian. I popped an eye open to see them in a loving embrace. I couldn't help but smile at the cuteness.

"Yeah but usually when we shower together, you get distracted" Sebastian retorted, trailing a finger down Damon's chest. Damon smirked in return.

"Can't help it" he simply shrugged and squeezed Sebastian's ass. I giggled and they looked toward me.

"You'll get your butt squeezes too babyboy, don't you worry" Damon winked at me and I blushed with a smile on my face. Dakota emerged from the steamy bathroom.

"Next" he called before hopping on to the bed and crawling next to me to face me. "Hey Jacey baby" he smiled. The twins hurried into the bathroom together.

"Hi" I pecked his lips after he went under the covers. He laid his arm over my waist, his thumb brushing my skin. "Did you have a good birthday?" I asked

"I did, all my favorite people were there with me" he smiled

"Good. I'm sorry I didn't help plan it" I said and casted my eyes downward.

"Don't worry about it, as long as you were there, I was and am happy"

I scooted closer to him and nuzzled my body into his. He put his chin on my shoulder and squeezed me tight.

"I love you" he softly said.

"I love you, Kota" I whispered sleepily against the skin of his neck. I faintly heard the bathroom door open then the bed dip behind me. A cool breeze hit my skin as the sheets were pulled up. I shivered before a large warm body rested behind me. A squeeze to my ass cheek let me know it was Damon. I hummed and wiggled my butt into him. I heard a round of goodnights come from each one of them as I fell into a peaceful sleep with my loves around me.

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