Chapter 33

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Today is Friday and that means, prom is tonight. School just finished for the week, so Matt and I went to the florist shop to pick up the corsages and boutonnieres for tonight. Hannah's corsage was white roses with sparkly navy blue with ribbon with some greenery and baby's breath accenting the flowers, with the matching boutonniere for me. Amber's corsage was pink roses with baby's breath and some white ribbon to accent it, with a matching boutonniere for Matt. The sets came in plastic boxes that we would keep refrigerated until we were to wear them.

After stopping at the florist, Matt dropped me off at home to do homework and then relax before he came over to get ready for the night. Currently, I just finished up my homework so I went downstairs to lounge on the couch. I was flipping through the channels when the front door opened and the boys strolled through.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" Dakota asked as they came in the living room with me.

"Matt will be here in an hour so we will both get ready then" I shrugged "It's not like we are girls and need to curl our hair and put on make up"

"What are you guys planning on doing for dinner?" Sebastian asked as he put an arm around me when he sat next to me.

"We are planning on taking the girls to that Italian restaurant that Victor proposed to mom at" I told him and he nodded.

"I don't know if sauce is a good idea before an event like that" Damon said thoughtfully, plopping down on the other side of me and squeezing his arm around my waist.

"It's not a wedding" I laughed "We'll be fine, it's fancy-ish so it works perfectly for a prom date" I told them. Dakota sat on the floor in front of me and rested his head on my knee. "Alright, what's with the love huddle, not that I'm complaining" I quirked an eyebrow at them.

"Can we not show our affection without suspicion?" Dakota asked and I narrowed my eyes.

"No" I said flatly and Sebastian and Damon chuckled.

"We just want you to have a good time tonight and we wish we could have a good time with you" Sebastian said as he kissed my cheek causing me to grin. I tugged Dakota up to lay across our laps.

"I love you guys" I said as I kissed each one of them before we snuggled while watching a movie.

Before the movie ended, the door opened and Matt's voice rang through the house.

"Time to get ready, lazy ass" I sighed and rolled my eyes as I heard him shut the door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" I tapped Dakota to get off me so I could go get ready. I stretched and followed Matt up to my room. "You shower first since your hair is longer and you need to blow dry it" I told him and he nodded, hanging his plastic bag with his suit on my bed. I hung my suit up too and gathered clean boxers and picked out which cologne I was going to wear. It's not weird for us to use the bathroom at the same time, unless one needed to take a deuce or something. So, I went in while Matt was showering to brush my teeth, he finished up and I handed him a towel so he could wrap it around his waist before coming out of the shower. I stripped quickly and made my way in the shower while Matt started the blow dryer. After cleaning my body and washing my hair, Matt handed me a clean towel to wrap around myself. I came out of the shower to see he has his grey slacks and white button up on as he styled his hair.

"Already looking snazzy" I gave him a wink as I used another towel to dry my hair.

"You know it" he smirked and I went into the bedroom to change into my boxers, slacks and white button up.

Eventually, we got on our suit jackets and made our way downstairs. I noticed mom had arrived with Victor and Ryder in the dining room.

"Oh , Honey you look so handsome" mom said as she rushed over to me to caress my face.

"Thanks mom, would you help me with the tie?' I asked sheepishly, holding the tie up and she happily took it and made it look like the perfect tie as she fixed my collar around it.

"Perfect" she said with a smile, tears brimmed her eyes.

"Mom, it's just prom" I stressed and she choked out a sob.

"I know, but it's your last prom" she cried and hugged me. I saw Victor look at mom so lovingly as she clutched on to me.

"Come on pumpkin, let the boy go, we need to do pictures" Victor reasoned as he came over to gently pry her off of me. I sent him a thankful smile.

"You look dashing" Ryder complimented me.

"Thank you" I said to him and then his eyes widened when he looked behind me. I turned to see Matt on his phone, walking in from the living room.

"My, my Matthew. And here I thought you couldn't get any more attractive" Ryder said as he moved around me to be next to Matt, who finally looked up from his phone. A light blush coated his cheeks as Ryder ghosted his fingers along Matt's cheek.

"The girls said they would be ready in twenty minutes" Matt said after he cleared his throat.

"I'll get the boutonnieres" I said and quickly ventured my way into the kitchen to grab them out of the fridge. I pinned Matt's on to his jacket and he pinned mine on for me.

"Alright, I have my camera. Picture time boys" My mom called out so Matt and I shuffled into the living room by a blank part of the wall. We posed while mom took a few pictures.

"Okay Dakota, Sebastian and Damon, get in there" mom commanded and they shuffled in with Matt and I. "Now just my boys" she said and Matt padded out of the camera view as she took more photos. Once she was done, the boys looked me up and down and each gave me a whispered compliment along the lines of looking good or sexy.

"Can I get a picture with my stepbrother and my future husband?" Ryder asked making everyone but Matt giggle. Matt was just leaning against the foyer wall awkwardly.

"You're going to give the boy a heart attack with your pursuing tactics" I joked and Ryder just smirked.

"Have to let him know I'm interested" he said in a duh tone

"I'm pretty sure he knows" I chuckled as we huddled up next to each other. Ryder hooked his arm in Matt's and mom took a couple photos.

"Thank you Chandra" he beamed at her.

"You know, you could just tell him to stop" I muttered to Matt as Ryder took his leave back into the dining room. Matt just shrugged.

"Not hurting anybody" and I eyed him suspiciously.

"You like the attention don't you?" I questioned and he blushed. "You're a nerd, you have a girlfriend" I playfully shoved him.

"Of course I'm attractive to women, but I don't know.. it's nice to know a guy finds me hot" he shrugged and I gave him a dumbfounded look. What straight male likes a guys attention?

"Are you not telling me something?"

"No, just forget it" he huffed and I respected it and let it go.

"We should probably go get the girls" I said to change the tone of the atmosphere.

"Good idea" he nodded. I gave my mom and the boys a hug before Matt and I got on our dress shoes and grabbed the corsages before we left the house to Matt's car.

"He's cute" Matt said out of the blue and I looked at him shocked.

"Okay" I said

"Okay" he replied then turned on the radio as we went to go pick up the girls. Amber lived in the next town over so it took ten minutes to get there. They both looked absolutely beautiful in their dresses. Amber's parents took photos of us and I asked if they could take some with my phone so I could send them to my mom and the boys. After pictures, we hopped in Matt's car and made our way to the Italian restaurant. Hannah and I made small talk in the backseat, getting to know one another.

She seems like a sweet girl. She plays volleyball, in band and loves to paint. She doesn't look like the type to love to be in band but she showed me videos of her playing the clarinet. She looks so content when she plays. Amber had already told her I was gay and she was relieved because she was not looking forward to being hit on all night by some random person she's never met before.

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