Chapter 15

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I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing on my desk. Dakota groaned a 'make it stop' which I groggily laughed at. I climbed down my ladder and grabbed my phone from it's charger. 'Mattsy' displayed on the screen.

"Dude, you woke me from my beauty sleep" I said after sliding the accept icon.

"Come over!" He screamed in the phone "Wait, I'll come get you"

"You live two blocks away, I think I can handle that"

"Okay just hurry, I got presents for you!" He exclaimed before hanging up the phone. Oh dear lord, it better not be more sex toys. I grab some clothes before changing in the bathroom and doing my morning routine. When done, I exit the bathroom seeing Dakota still passed out. That boy sleeps so much on his days off, it's nuts. I quickly head downstairs and Sebastian and Damon are nowhere in sight so I just send a group text saying I'd be at Matt's today. I grab my shoes and put them on before strolling out the front door.

It's a beautiful morning, fairly quiet besides the birds singing their songs. I took in a huge breath and smiled. I stick my hands in my pockets, starting the short walk to Matt's.

I walk up the all too familiar stone path to the front door and raise my hand to knock but the door opens before my knuckles hit it.

"Jace!" Matt practically bounces in excitement. I stare at him, confusion and questioning etched on my face. He pulls my hand, tugging me in the house and we run up to his room. Once he shuts the door he turns to me.

"I am the bestest friend ever" He smiles while grabbing a bag from his closet.

"Well you're my only friend sooooo" I trailed off and he sent me a glare causing me to snicker.

"Be nice or you won't get it" he said pursing his lips with his chin lifted up.

"Fine fine, I'm sorry.... now what'd you get me?" I questioned making grabby hands at the bag.

"Okay just be open minded with it" he said cautiously and I quirked an eyebrow.

"No more sex toys, Matt!" I groaned and he shook his head

"Not sex toys, just wait" he turned around and dug through the bag and then turned around, holding some Navy blue panties in his hands. My mouth dropped and my eyes widened.

"You're joking" I looked at him waiting for him to say 'sike!'

"Nope annnnnnnd" He dug in the bag again and pulls out a matching pair but in black "I got some for me too" He smiles widely.

"Why did you buy those for me, especially you?!" I asked incredulously with an eyebrow raised.

"Well I was watching 'John Tucker Must Die' with Amber when I got the idea, if John Tucker could be confident in wearing them then so could we" He nodded his head affirmatively

"That's a fictional character Matt" I deadpanned

"Okay, but I am so confident in my sexuality that I would wear these to support you wearing Amber thinks it'd be hot to see me in them" he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ew....but anyway, what makes you think I want to wear them?" I questioned

"Well you could at least try it out, I'm sure the brothers would find it sexy, especially Daddy" he said wiggling the grasp he had on the panties, shaking them in my face. I swatted him away with a blush.

"Stoooooop" I covered my face "I knew the diary would haunt me eternally" I groaned

"Would you try them on right now?"

"Are you high?"

"No, please? Jace, I just wanna see if they are the right size and stuff, we are kind of the same build, despite me being taller by 2 inches..... Although you have a nicer ass than I" He commented scanning my body.

"Uhm Matt...Do you need some loops with that fruit?" I asked amused.

"Huh?" he tilted his head to the side and I slapped my forehead.

"Matt....Your gay is showing!" I started laughing

"Only for you babe" he gave me a playful wink and I rolled my eyes, grabbing the panties and going to the bathroom quick across the hall. I slipped off my jeans and boxers then slid on the lacey panties. They feel weird, but at least he bought men's so it accommodates the package. I looked in the mirror and my whole body started to turn red. I mean they are cute, I turn around to look at my ass and the seam cinches at the top to make my ass look more lifted. I put my jeans back on and grab my boxers to walk back into Matt's room. As I opened the door, he was finishing putting his pair on so I shut it quickly.


"Why did you have me put mine on" I narrowed my eyes.

"Because now, we're matching annnnd Amber is coming over later" he beamed while swaying his hips back and forth "They are pretty comfy, I like them, what do you think?" I kept my eyes averted cause I am in no way looking at my best friend in panties.

"They're weird" I shrugged "But not horrible"

"Okay, I have one more thing" He said putting on some basketball shorts quick before digging in the bag for the third time. He pulled out two pairs of sleep pants.

"Hufflepuff for you and Slytherin for me"

"You are pretty much the bestest friend ever Mattsy" I said grabbing my Hufflepuff pants. Ooooh, they are soft too. I stripped my jeans quickly and put on the sleep pants. I darted over to Matt and wrapped my arms around him in the biggest hug. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

"You're welcome" he laughed "By the way, the panties look great" he slyly commented

"Shut up" I said while I playfully shoved him. It is great having such a supportive best friend like Matt. I don't know what I'd do if I never met him.

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