Chapter 23

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We just arrived back at Tanner and Charlie's beach hut, when a topless, gorgeous man walked out of their front door. He almost resembled Jason Momoa. I glanced at all my brothers and they all had the same expression on their faces. Awestruck with maybe some drool coming out of our mouths. Tanner looked back from the driver's seat and raised his eyebrows with a laugh.

"That's our dad.... So are you all gay?"

"Well I'm bi, but the rest are, yes" Sebastian piped up and I looked at him in question. Huh, I guess I shouldn't have assumed my brothers were all strictly dickly.

"I'm just about to put the meat on the grill boys" their dad said as we all exited the vehicle. He observed our four new faces "You gentleman must be the ones they met yesterday, I'm Keith" he said with a bright smile, offering his hand to each one of us. We all greeted him with our names before he excused himself to the back where their grill was. We told the other twins that we were going to change into our swim trunks to swim before the BBQ, so they went to change as well while we went to our hut.

"DILF" Dakota blurted out as we were out of earshot.

"Hypocrite" I shot back at him

"There was no flirtation" he said with a shrug and I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, what was going on at the amusement park?" he questioned while we entered our hut.

"You can't show that you know, but Charlie has feelings for Tanner and I was consoling him because he knows about you and I...he saw us in the bathroom" I murmured the last part.

"You guys have to be careful" Damon scolded.

"It's not like we knew he was in there" Dakota retorted.

"I think whenever we are on vacation, we should just not mention the relation" I mentioned my thoughts from earlier.

"That's probably a good idea" Sebastian agreed. "Anyway, let's get going, I want to spend some quality time with my loves tonight"

We all smiled and then quickly changed into our swim trunks and met with Tanner and Charlie in the water. We played chicken, and more times then not I was always the first one out. When it was suggested to see who would swim out the farthest, I immediately declined participation. I mean, I've seen Jaws. No, just no. So, I had to sit there watching with my heart in my stomach as my lovers started to swim out. Sebastian was the first to stop with Charlie following a few strides after. The three other boys continued swimming and I started fiddling with my hands under the water. What if the small chance of a shark swimming by and thinking they are seals, happens? I started to get super anxious with my heart racing. I don't want anything bad happening to them.

"Bash, I think they should stop!" I called out to him and he looked my way in consideration then out to the three. I seen Charlie's lips move as he said something to Sebastian.

"Alright! It's a tie, get your asses back here!" Sebastian yelled loudly. The three stopped and paused for a few minutes. Probably talking, I couldn't tell since they were so far. Eventually they started to swim towards the shore again. I swam then crashed into Damon and Dakota hugging them both to me tightly.

"Don't ever swim that far again" I mumbled not caring of the others watching. I felt both of them rub my back soothingly.

"It's okay, we're fine babyboy" Damon leant down and whispered in my ear. My heart started to calm as we embraced each other. I felt a body press against my back and I looked over to see Sebastian wrapping his arms around our shoulders, joining in on our group hug. We all parted and Tanner was smiling at us.

"Awww, that is so care for your brothers that much" Tanner said in awe then narrowed his eyes at Charlie "I wish mine cared for me that much" I inwardly chuckled, little do you know buddy. I slid my eyes over to Charlie and he was glaring at Tanner but a hurt expression was lied within. We all settled on the sand, soaking up the sunshine.

"Boys! Food is done!" Keith yelled from the grill. We all dusted ourselves off and trudged through the sand to the picnic table that was set up. A blond haired lady with a big hat and big sunglasses, was lounging on one of the chairs on their patio. She kicked her legs to one of the sides of the chair and stood up, making her way down the stairs.

"Hello, I'm Margaret, My boys mentioned meeting some handsome fellas" she said with a polite smile. Her southern accent was not hard to miss.

"Nice to meet you Margaret, I'm Sebastian" Sebastian answered taking her hand and kissing the back of it. She giggled and the rest of us followed his example. I thought it was quite odd but whatever.

"Oh golly, gentleman at that" she said fanning herself. She's an attractive woman, if I were straight I'd probably go for her. "Please, sit sit...My Keith just got done with the burgers, care for some sweet tea?" she asked as we sat down at the table. We all shrugged looking at Tanner and Charlie.

"Sure ma, thank you!" Charlie said and she pinched his cheek before making her way into the house.

"She's nice, where is she from originally?" I asked turning to Charlie. Sebastian sat on my other side while Damon and Dakota sat with Tanner on the opposite bench.

"Her family is from Tennessee" I nodded at his response and then she came back with a pitcher of sweet tea and some cups. The middle of the table got spread with the burgers, cheese, buns, chips and all the condiments. Their parents ate on the patio in the loungers while we ate at the table.

"So what's your type?" Tanner asked Sebastian.

"For?" he questioned while popping a chip in his mouth.

"Men and women" he stated.

"Oh, uhm I don't really have a type. I like who I like" he shrugged and Tanner nodded. Then he looked at the rest of us expectantly. We kind of just agreed off of what Sebastian said.

"I usually go for blonds" Tanner replied while in thought and I glanced at Charlie to see him roll his eyes.

"Alright boys, your mom and I are going to the bar up the street, behave" Keith said "Nice to meet you boys" he turned to gaze at all of us with a salute.

"Nice to meet you as well" We said in unison as they left to their car.

"So do you guys have plans the rest of the night?" Tanner asked us.

"Not really, tomorrow is our last day then we leave the day after" Damon spoke up.

"Wanna have a fire here tonight and have a couple drinks?" Tanner asked. I looked at my older siblings, kind of wanting to but also kind of wanting to do something with them tonight. Sebastian and Damon had like a silent conversation before answering.

"We'll stay for a little bit but we don't want to be out too late" Damon replied and Tanner clapped his hands and got up to grab wood from the side of the hut.

"Great, Charlie come help!" he yelled over his shoulder and they both disappeared.

"You're having one drink" Damon pointed at me and I held my hands up in mock surrender.

"Aye aye captain" I chuckled "Are we still gonna spend some time together tonight?" I asked and they smirked at me causing me to blush.

"Of course love, that's why we aren't staying long" Sebastian wrapped his arm around me. Charlie and Tanner came back around the house with bundles of wood in their arms, throwing them next to the pit. Damon got up to help set it up with Charlie and Tanner asked Sebastian to help bring the cooler of drinks out. Dakota and I just moved to two of the seats by the pit.

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