Chapter 11

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Jace's P.O.V


Damon and I cuddled on the couch all through John Wick and then when that was over, Damon wanted to switch positions where he laid down on the couch and I lay on top of him with my body between his legs and my head on his chest. I was afraid I'd crush him but he just laughed at me and told me I wouldn't. It was like he was a comfy body pillow. Currently, we are watching 'Fast Five' and Damon started to repeatedly run his fingers through my hair. It felt so heavenly that I started to doze off. Just when I was about to be in dreamland, Damon's phone vibrated in his pocket. He dug into his pocket and grabbed out his phone.

"Staying at Corrine's for the night, Love you" he read aloud. I hummed in response. I heard him tapping his phone, replying to Dakota's text.

"He didn't mean to pry" Damon said after putting his phone away.

"But he did" I mumbled against his chest. He sighed "Yes love I know, but just think of it this way...if he never did, would you have told us you knew about us and wanted to join?"

"Probably not" I said quietly

"I'm not justifying his actions, okay it totally sounds like I am, but only because..." he trailed off and I twisted my head to lay my chin on his chest to look up at him "In the end, we got you" he gave me a smile while he cupped my cheek.

"I think I would be less mad, if he would've just told me he did instead of hearing it from Bash" I admitted. It really would have made a difference. It's the responsible thing to do.

"Then you 'll have to talk to him and tell him that" he said booping my nose. I scrunched my nose and groaned.

"I hate confrontation" I grumbled and he chuckled "He looks like a kicked puppy Jace, that boy can't stand you being mad at him"

"He deserves it" I argued

"Oh, he definitely does, I won't deny that...I'm just saying, don't stay mad for too long....communication is key love" he replied going back to running his fingers through my hair. I love when Sebastian and him call me 'love' it makes my heart swoon. My stomach began to grumble and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Hungry?" I blushed and nodded "Come on, let's go find something to make" he said patting my butt to get up. I got up off of him and pouted from the loss of warmth. He got up and we made our way into the kitchen. He rummaged through the pantry while I looked through freezer and fridge. I pulled out some pizza rolls and he grabbed out a box of mac and cheese.

"Both?" I asked with a shrug.

"Sure, why don't you turn the oven while I grab a pot for the mac and cheese" He said bending down to open the cupboard where we keep the pots and pans. I turned the oven on and then grabbed a wooden spoon for the mac. He filled the pot with water and put it on the stove turning the flame on to boil the water. I hopped on the counter and started kicking my legs.

"Oh so your job's over?" he teased and I just gave him a big smile and nodded "That's okay, you can sit there and look pretty babyboy" he winked making my face heat up. I liked that nickname too. I watched him take a pan out and he shook some pizza rolls on to it before popping them in the oven. I leaned over to look in the pot and she the water began to bubble at the bottom of the pan.

"Be careful, we don't need you burning yourself again" Damon said

"That was one time" I mumbled out "One time too many" he replied. The water began to boil and he emptied the box of noodles into the water. I took the spoon and gave it stir so the noodles didn't stick to the bottom on the pot. Damon grabbed a strainer and placed it in the sink for when the noodles get done. He then went to the fridge to grab out butter and milk. A couple minutes later the noodles were done and he strained them before mixing the cheese packet, milk and butter together. He poured the noodles back into the pot and mixed the cheesiness with the noodles. I looked at the oven and seen there was still 10 minutes left on the pizza rolls.

Damon grabbed his phone from his pocket and leaned against the counter while scrolling through his phone. I just sat and studied him, I am actually pretty surprised he hasn't tried to kiss me yet. Although, Sebastian did say he was going to tell them to go at my pace. Could I ask him to? I asked Sebastian, but that's Sebastian. He's a natural sweetheart. Damon is different, I don't know how to explain it. Sensing my gaze, he looked up at me. I beckoned him over with my finger. His eyebrows raised and he came over, standing in front of me and placed his hands on my hips.

"Yes?" he questioned drawing circles on my hipbones with his thumbs.

"Can I get a kiss?" I asked quiet but confidently. He smiled before he leaned down and captured my lips with his. I closed my eyes immediately and hummed loving the feeling of his lips against mine. I loved all three of my brother's lips, each having a different feel. The kiss was tender but grew into one of hunger. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, bringing him as close to me as I could. I moaned softly against his smooth lips and grinded my hips into him. He pulled me by my hips to push our bottom halves together more creating a delicious friction between our growing erections. I panted as he moved his lips from mine and trailed them down my neck. He started sucking on a spot on my neck that made me moan and grip his shoulders. He growled sending a vibration against my neck as he continued to grind against me. His rough hands felt good against my skin as he went under my shirt to caress my back. He brought his lips back up to mine and nipped at my bottom lip. I parted my lips and my tongue met his and they danced together before he dominated my mouth, exploring everywhere with his tongue.

As luck would have it, the oven beeped, halting our heated makeout session. He pulled away with one last peck to my lips then grabbed an oven mitt to get the pizza rolls out. My phone began to buzz so I grabbed it out of my pocket. 'Mom' displayed on the screen so I answered quickly.

"Hey mom, how's your trip?"

"Good hunny, I just wanted to call and check up on you boys and to apologize for the sudden leave" She says apologetically.

"It's fine mom, it's your job and we are capable of taking care of ourselves, three fourths of us are grown adults" I gave a laugh and she chuckled.

"I know but you boys will always be my babies no matter what, but I have to get to this meeting and I'll be home in 5 days, I love you!" She said quickly

"I love you too" I said before ending the call. I put my phone away and was met with a plate of pizza rolls and mac and cheese in front of me.

"Thank you Damon" I said with a smile grabbing the plate and hopping off the counter. He had his own plate and we went into the living room to watch the rest of our movie.

"When's mom coming back?" He asked blowing into a pizza roll. Smart man, not doing the weird open mouthed chewing because of impatience.

"She said in 5 days" I mentioned before just plopping the pizza roll in my mouth. Cue weird chewing. Damon looked at me weird.

"They just came out of the oven, they are hot" He stated with amusement in his voice.

"No, I thought they were cold" I retorted. He took his hand and pinched the side of my ass making me yelp out.

"Don't get sassy with me"

"Or what?" I teased

"I'll spank that cute little ass of yours til it's nice and red" he said making a pointed gaze to my butt. I squeaked and blushed profusely, turning my attention back to the tv. "That's what I thought" I heard him comment. The idea of getting spanked by him is definitely a turn on, when I watched the three of them I remember seeing him spank Dakota and hearing him whimper. Jeez, it's turning me on just thinking about it. We just finished eating and put our empty plates on the coffee table. Oh, shit I almost forgot about what Matt said to bring up.

"Uhh Damon?" I asked shyly.

"Yes love?"

"So uhh..M-matt told me that he heard you guys last night..c-could you guys like not do that when I have a friend over?" I stuttered out, looking down and fiddling with my shirt.

"I'm sorry Jace, we didn't realize how loud we were " He sounded sincere but also embarrassed "What did Matt say?" with a hint of worry in his tone.

"He knows about everything...he read my diary too" I mumbled out then sighed "I am questioning my previous life choices" I chuckled out.

"Don't be too hard on yourself least mom hasn't found it yet" he offered and my face paled. I would die.

"I'm burning it" I stated getting up from the sofa, but as I went to pass by Damon, he captured me by my waist pulling me to sit on his lap. He leaned back and rested his chin on my shoulder, interlacing our fingers together then laying our hands on my stomach.

"Calm down, I was just joking, Mom is rarely here anyway with no time to even considering snooping" he kissed behind my ear. I just settled back and relaxed into his embrace. After another 20 minutes the movie finished.

"Can we go rock climbing?" I asked as the credits rolled. I wanted to do something fun and rock climbing is something I've been wanting to do for awhile now. I know Damon would appreciate some physical activities too. I mean I could think of other physical activities but we aren't there yet. i blushed but then shook the thoughts away.

"Sure, do you want to change or are you fine in that?" he asked wiggling his fingers against my tummy.

"I'm good, these are more flexible than you think" I stood up and did some lunges to show him my skinny jeans won't bother me. He gave a wolf whistle and I seen him staring at my ass. He got up and gave my booty a smack and I yipped. He let out a hearty laugh and grabbed his truck keys before we got our shoes on and went out the door.

We arrived at Rocco's Rocky endeavors after a 45 minute drive. Damon paid for us and we were fitted in our harnesses. We had to listen to the trainer for a good 15 minutes, explaining how to attach the carabiners and how propel down properly before we could go off on our own. It was pretty dead in the building, maybe a couple people near each level wall.

Damon and I started out with some easy walls and I'd be lying if I said I didn't watch his ass and muscles intently as he climbed. The way his muscles move while climbing up the wall was mesmerizing, it made me want to lick every inch of him. It was my turn and I started scaling up the wall fairly quickly. It helps being a petite boy who weighs 130lbs soaking wet.

"I like the view from down here" I heard Damon say, I turned and stuck my tongue out at him. "Why don't you come down here and do that?" he teased.

"Maybe I will" I winked before laughing and continuing the climb up. There wasn't a bell when you got to the top, which was so unsatisfying, so I just propelled down quickly. We moved over to a medium level wall and Damon looked around before taking my chin and capturing my lips quickly and pinching my butt to making me gasp. His tongue darted in my mouth and coaxed mine out so he could suck on it. I moaned softly placing my hands on his biceps. He kneaded one of my ass cheeks with his hand before pulling away, giving it a nice tap.

"Want to race?" he asked and I nodded. We hooked up or harnesses to the ropes that were next to each other and on the count of three we climbed up the wall. Since, it was a little more difficult, the rock pieces varied in sizes and were spread a little further out than the easy wall. My upper body strength is basically nonexistent. So, Damon had that advantage and he scaled the wall with ease. He started to propel down when I was just about at the top. Once I made it back down, he had asked if I wanted a snack from the snack bar. They had a pretzel and cheese so I excitedly agreed. We washed our hands before we went over and he bought a yogurt parfait for himself and my pretzel, then we sat down.

"Is this considered our first date?" I shyly asked while dipping a part of my pretzel in the cheese cup.

"Do you want it to be?" he asked back. I smiled "Yeah...Thank you for bringing us, I'm having a fun time"

"Of course, I'm having a wonderful time too babyboy" he took his spoon that had some yogurt on it and poked my cheek with it and smeared it down to my lips. He smirked "You got a little something on your face"

"Really? I would've never guessed" I deadpanned.

"Don't worry, I'll get it" He leaned over and stared into my eyes as he slowly licked the yogurt up from my cheek to my lips. He swiped his tongue back and forth on my lips before giving me a small kiss. "Got it, the yogurt was extra tasty coming off of you" he winked at me, I just shook my head with a slight blush coating my cheeks.

We finished our snack then went back to the walls. After doing a few more climbs, we ended up exploring the second level of the building where they had an area that also had a tunnel looking thing made for bouldering. Bouldering is where you aren't connected to anything since anywhere you would climb would only be 5 or 6 feet off of the ground. Damon went into the tunnel area and he climbed up and was basically looking like spider man clenching his fingers on the rocks as he was looking like an upside down cat on the ceiling. We had a good time before we decided it was time to go, so we took off our harnesses and exited the building and went to his truck.

"That was super fun!" I told him as we climbed on to the seats.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" he said taking my hand in his after starting the truck. I grinned leaning my head against the window and I let out a yawn while settling into my seat. Rock climbing wore me out, so a little cat nap on the way home will do just fine. I gave Damon's hand a light squeeze with a small smile on my lips as the music from the radio lulled me into a nap.

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