Chapter 16

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Waking up the next morning was a wonderful level all on it's own. I popped my eyes open and noticed that we were still cuddled up but now I was facing Damon's chest with our legs entangled. I took a moment to bask in his warmth and scent, I leant my head up and nuzzled into his neck. He started to stir awake and let out a groan, tightening his arms around me.

"Good morning love" he said in his sexy morning voice. He opened his groggy eyes to peek at me.

"Good morning" I beamed

"Sleep well?" he asked giving my forehead a kiss. I nodded as the bedroom door opened and we both looked toward the door.

"Hey Damon it's- Oh, hey Jay, thought you stayed at Matt's when I didn't see you in your room" Sebastian said while clasping his watch on his wrist. He stood with damp hair in his work clothes.

"Yeah, I lost track of time last night and got back late" I replied as he made his way over to the bed. He laid down behind me so I was encased by both of them.

"What'd I miss?" he asked then started nuzzling his nose into my neck. It tickled so I let out a giggle, scrunching my neck up and he chuckled.

"Some awesome head" Damon said nonchalantly. It is so different, them talking about sex openly like that. Okay, sexually related topics. One of Damon's hands skimmed down to my bare ass and gave it a nice squeeze, making me let out a soft moan.

"Ooh fun fun, anyway like I was saying when I came in...It's almost time for me to get to work, do you have class or work today?"

"Oh yeah, I'm covering for Kristy today, what time do we have to leave by?" Damon asked putting his chin on the top of my head.

"Have to leave in a half hour" he said while gliding his fingers up and down my side.

"Can't you guys just stay here" I whined "Where's Kota?... Kota!" I yelled loudly.

"Ow, ears babe" Damon cringed and I muttered a 'sorry' then I heard some footsteps coming toward the room.

"Yeah?" I heard him ask. I turned on to my back and looked toward the door " 'Mere" I said motioning him with my hand to come join our cuddle session. He padded into the room and climbed on the bed, crawling toward me. He rested his arms on each side of my body and laid his chin on my stomach, looking up at me with his gorgeous green eyes.

I sighed contently "Now I have all my men" I said quietly and of course a blush came across my face, but all three grinned and we just laid there together enjoying our cuddle fest.

Of course, the peaceful silence was cut off when Sebastian asked. "Who's panties are on the floor by the way?" My eyes widened and I pulled the blanket up over my head to hide how red I was getting.

"Mine" I mumbled "Matt bought them for me" I added. Then the blanket was pulled down off my face and I seen an excited twinkle in both Dakota and Sebastian's eyes.

"I want to see them on you!" Dakota exclaimed and Sebastian added a 'Ditto'

"Maybe later, Come on Seb we have to get going" Damon started shifting to get out of the bed. He strutted around the room in all his naked glory. His body is magnificent, he definitely works hard to keep his body at top notch sexy level. Not saying that Bash's and Kota's aren't magnificent, but you can tell Damon puts so much effort in and it pays off.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" Damon winked at me while pulling some boxers out his dresser and slipping them on.

"I just might" I said with a lick of my lips.

"Oooh, seems our sexy little minx coming out of his cage a little bit" Dakota teased and I rolled my eyes. Sebastian kissed my cheek then reluctantly got off the bed while Damon finished changing into a muscle shirt and basket ball shorts.

"Alright, boys, we will be back later...behave" Damon said as he and Sebastian head for the bedroom door.

"No promises" Dakota retorted with a mischievous grin.

"See you guys later, I love you both" Sebastian said sweetly while they exited, footsteps fading down the stairs.

"So, are you busy today?" I asked Dakota as he crawled up Damon's bed and flopping down where Sebastian previously was.

"Nah, you wanna do something?" he asked, folding his arms under his head.

"If you want to" I told him while turning on my side, bending my arm so my hand was holding my head up.

"Welllllll, there's this carnival in a few towns over that I thought we could go to tonight with the twins because the carnival is always better at night with the lights and everything" he said, turning his head to face me.

"That sounds super fun, but what will we do now/today before that happens?" I asked, fiddling with the blanket.

"I mean we don't have to do anything, if you don't want to, you probably have plans with Corrine or something" I quietly said when he didn't say anything.

"Don't do that" he said and I looked into his eyes

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Of course I want to do something with you Jacey, I was just thinking" he said and turned on his side bring an arm to rest over my waist.

"Oh" I muttered with a blush

"You're too cute" he cooed giving me an eskimo kiss. "Plus even if I did have plans with Corrine, I would've asked to reschedule"


"Because I see her in class and out of class almost all the time" he replied

"You see me all the time, like literally, we sleep in the same room" I retorted with a chuckle.

"Okay, smartass, I would rather spend time with you because I love you and we haven't spent any quality time together in awhile...that better?" he said while cupping my cheek causing me to smile and nod. I just wanted to hear him be cheesy. Safe to say I was satisfied.

"Good, now, I was thinking we could stay here and have a pool day or we could go paintballing" he asked while stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Paintballing!" I said enthusiastically.

"Then it's a date" he smiled before bringing our lips together. I closed my eyes and brought my free hand up to his neck to bring him closer. His hand on my waist traveled to my booty and he gave it a squeeze while pushing my hips against his. I moaned softly against his lips and he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. He let go of my lip and traveled kisses to my ear. "So about those panties?" he teased

"Kota" I groaned "You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?" I glared at him.

"I don't think it'd ruin the moment if you just quickly slipped them on" he wiggled his eyebrows "I think it'd make the moment even better" he said with a wink.

"No" I playfully shoved him.

"Please, Jacey baby" he pleaded while giving me puppy dog eyes. Ugh, I hate when he does that because he looks too damn adorable. I glare in the opposite direction and hold my hand out. He happily bounces off the bed to grab them and gives them to me. I groaned but pulled them on under the blankets, Dakota basically vibrating with excitement.

After I pulled them on, I threw back the blanket and his eyes trailed from my eyes down my body and then his eyes trained in on the lacey fabric. I awkwardly shifted in place while he analyzed my undergarments.

"Turn over" he commanded. I did as told and laid my head on my crossed arms. I felt the bed dip and then his hands grabbed the outer parts of my butt, jiggling my cheeks. "Gorgeous" he groaned then I felt his lips on one of my cheeks. He placed light kisses then unexpectedly he bit into my ass making me yelp and whip my head toward him.

"I always wanted to do that to your cute little ass" he winked at me. I rolled my eyes with a blush and then my stomach grumbled.

"Can we get breakfast at Ihop?" I asked him wiggling my butt in his face.

"Yes, then we will go to the range" he said squeezing my butt. He groaned and reluctantly got up. "You're wearing those today...I'll ravish you later" he added biting his lip as he reached down to adjust himself. I got out of the bed and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.

"I'm going to get ready" I mentioned while leaving Damon's room to ours. I heard him follow me out but continued down the stairs when I walked into our room. I quickly showered and changed into regular boxers, I was not about to wear them again for a second day. I have to do laundry anyway, so I changed into the rest of today's outfit and did my normal routine. I gathered up my laundry bin of dirty clothes and waddled out of the room and down the stairs.

"Awww you aren't going to wear them?" Dakota pouted when I reached the last step.

"I'm going to wash them and wear them later" I grumbled, waddling to the downstairs door.

"You know, if you need help, you could always ask Jacey"

"I can do it myself! I'm not that much of a weakling" I retorted and he snickered. I got it downstairs to the laundry room and put them in the washer with the soap and scent beads. I ran back up the stairs, lightly huffing and puffing with thoughts of getting in shape.

"Ready?" Dakota asked twirling his keys on his finger.

"Yeah but can we come back before going to the range so I can put them in the dryer?" I asked slipping my shoes on. He nodded and then we head into the garage where he has his red Jeep Cherokee. He parks it in the garage so there's not so many cars on the driveway, with Damon's truck, Sebastian's car and then mom's car when she's home. I know, it's a lot and here I am wanting a car.

We hopped in his Jeep and pulled out the garage, making our way to IHop. He rolled the windows down while turning the radio up to a pop station. He started singing along to Katy Perry's 'Firework' and I giggled but started to sing with him. He reached over and intertwined our fingers, bringing our hands to his lips and giving a quick kiss to the back of my hand before resuming his singing. My heart fluttered in my chest with a smile creeping on to my face. It's still all so surreal that my relationship with my brothers has changed into the one that I had once been longing for.

We pulled into the restaurant after a short 10 minute drive. We got in our booth and looked over the menu as the waitress took our drink order of waters. I debated between country fried steak or strawberry crepes but Kota suggested that we get one and then share so I couldn't say no to that.

We quickly ate our food and ran home quick so I could switch my laundry into the dryer before we made our way to the paintball range. There was a pretty large group of people already there when we arrived. I could tell this would be fun. Kota and I went on separate teams to make it even more fun for us. We got our necessary gear on and went to our spots before the horn signaled the start of the war. Being tiny, helped hide me from a lot of the bigger guys on the opposite team but Kota and I basically focused on trying to get each other the entire time.

By the end of it, I was splattered all over with blue and orange paint while Dakota was covered in green and yellow. We returned the gear and we were bursting out laughing the whole way to the Jeep.

"Oh shit, we didn't think of bringing a change of clothes" I said with wide eyes.

"It's alright, the paints almost dry and they are leather seats so no big deal" Dakota shrugged but took off his shirt and throwing it in the way back before hopping in the driver seat. I gingerly sat in the passenger seat so I didn't smear any paint on to the seats too much.

"What should we do now?" I asked buckling up.

"Well first, we should probably go home and shower" he chuckled while picking at some of my paint covered hair. "But then we could go to a movie, if you want" he said looking into my eyes. I nodded and my eye flickered to his lips when the tip of his tongue moistened his lips. I reached my hand to the back of his neck and pulled him to me in a short but loving kiss. I pulled away with a small smile.

"I love you Kota"

"I love you, Jacey" he smiled back. I always wondered why they don't say 'I love you too'.

"Why do you guys not say too?" I asked curiously.

"In my opinion, saying too makes it sound like you're agreeing and has a feeling of a non-authentic reply. Saying I love you in reply makes it feel as if it has it's own original feeling and meaning from you" he shrugged "If that makes sense"

"I guess it kinda does" I said biting my lip.

"You don't have too do what we do, we are fine with however you want to express your love" he said as he ruffled my hair.

"Okay" I replied quietly. He turned and started the Jeep.

"Let's get home and get cleaned up" He turned the radio on and started blasting a rock station. That's one of the things I enjoy about Dakota, he loves a variety of music like I do. So, car rides are always enjoyable, being able to play whatever station and singing together. I'm so excited about the carnival tonight and since it's a few towns over maybe it could be like a group date. I know it sounds cliché but carnival dates are so cute, especially at night. The way the lights shine against the night sky, and I'm totally gonna want to do the Ferris wheel. I swear, I'm such a hopeless romantic.

We got home and I rushed upstairs to claim the bathroom first, it was gonna be a quick shower anyway. I sometimes forget we have other bathrooms in the house so when I entered our room with a towel wrapped around my waist, I see a naked Dakota. I was thoroughly surprised and I let my eyes wander down his slender back to his nice toned butt. I want to squeeze it so bad. He turned around and I darted my eyes up to his.

"I brought your clothes up for you" He said gesturing to the basket of clothes next to my desk.

"Thank you" I replied softly.

"I know you've seen me naked before Jacey, no need to be so shy" He smirked and came over to lift my chin and give me chaste kiss.

"Can't help it" I mumbled and he chuckled. I turned to the basket of clothes, picking out an outfit to wear for the rest of the day and yes, to grab the panties due to request. I quickly went back in the bathroom to finish dressing. After, I exited and Dakota was dressed as well and we head back down the stairs to go to the movies.

We bought some popcorn and a pop to share before we went to our seats. We chose some seats in the back and cuddled into each other while the previews started. It wasn't a scary movie but I made sure to tuck myself into Dakota's chest as much as possible while entangling our legs together. I absolutely love cuddling and his scent, much like the twins, made me so relaxed. I almost dozed off but Kota kept poking my sides making me squirm every once in awhile so I wouldn't fall asleep. 

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