Chapter 37

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The next morning we woke up to Ryder bursting into the room.

"Rise and shine!" he happily yelled. Dakota and I both groaned. Luckily the blanket was over our naked bodies or else he would've seen more than he'd want to. "Come on, lazy butts! Breakfast is awaiting on the outside dining area" he said and sashayed out of the room. I squinted my eyes open and nudged Dakota.

"Yeah, yeah I'm getting up" he said and I chuckled, whipping the covers back and getting out of bed. We grabbed clothes from our duffel bags and made our way down the hall to the open dining table. Glasses of orange juice were set out next to empty plates. Piles of bacon, sausage patties, scrambled eggs and toast were spread along the middle of the tables. Cheese, butter, jam, peanut butter and a coffee thermos were scattered along the large plates of food. We were the first to sit, waiting for everyone else to arrive. The rest of our groggy group eventually made it to the table and we filled our plates with the delicious foods.

"How was everyone's first night?" Ryder asked after drinking some of his oj. The group murmured 'Good' 'Great' and 'Wonderful'. "Good to hear, today we are stopping by one of my favorite islands that has a hotel on it so we can party it up" he continued, dancing in his seat. I grimaced, not really wanting to leave the boat while everyone else looked excited.

"Can I stay on the boat?" I questioned. Ryder gave me a sad puppy dog look.

"I mean you could, but where's the fun in that?" he replied.

"Come on Jace, it's summer. Live a little" Matt piped up and I groaned.

"Fine" I muttered, finishing up my breakfast and everyone cheered. Ryder informed us that we would be docking in about two hours so we were free to do whatever we wanted on the boat. Damon and Sebastian used the gym, the girls sunbathed again, and Dakota and Matt used the cinema room to play an xbox game. Ryder and I decided to get in the jacuzzi. Which, is fine by me because I get to discreetly oogle Damon and Sebastian as they workout since there is a glass window separating the jacuzzi wall with the gym.

"You know, I admire your maturity" I whispered while glancing toward the girls sunbathing. They were a good thirty feet away so I know we were good to talk.

"What do you mean?" he questioned, resting his head back along the edge of the hot tub.

"About Amber, like if it were Dakota and I...boy, we'd be extremely jealous" I said and he laughed.

"You have him though, so why be jealous?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know, what's mine is mine"

"Exactly, and from what I can tell. All of you have a solid relationship together" he replied and I eyed Damon doing pull ups. His muscles contracting against his sweat glistened skin before looking at Sebastian, who was doing curls with some heavy weights. I internally groaned at how sexy they looked, sweaty and hot. Fingers snapped in my face.


"Focus" Ryder said with a chuckle and I blushed


"Anyway, like I was saying before you started drooling" he playfully glared at me "The love you guys have is so deep, there's no need to be jealous. Especially over a lesbian. All I'm saying" he ended with his hands up in mock surrender and I laughed.

"Alright back to you, I noticed you haven't been pursuing Matt as much as before. Why?" I asked curiously.

"Oh Jace, I'm sure by now he knows I want him in my pants" he said with a grin but then his face fell "I kind of stopped hitting on him when I seen how distraught he was over you being in the hospital. He didn't need my coy comments bothering him. Then after you woke up, I had not even thought about it between coming to hang out with you and helping you at the house" He looked over at the girls "Now that I met her, I will continue to refrain, she is a nice girl. Good for him even. Plus the biggest thing, he's not gay" he finished. Ryder's phone went off and he quickly grabbed it.

"Alright, we are about to dock so let's get everyone ready to have some fun" he wiggled his eyebrows. We got out of the warmth of the water and gathered everyone to get ready to dock.

An hour later, we were walking into an extravagant hotel that had a huge waterpark next to a pool with a bar in the middle of the water.

"I already notified the staff of us being here and all drinks" he put a hand by his mouth whispering "Even the alcoholic ones" he winked then continued in a normal voice" will be on me" Ryder cheerfully said.

"Only one every two hours for you' Damon pointed at me and I rolled my eyes and he raised his eyebrows, challenging me. I blushed and averted my eyes but seen the smirk appear on his face. Sebastian snickered, making me blush even more.

We had to get wristbands for the waterpark so we got those before initiating our first drink together. It was Ryder's choice so he went with a long island ice tea for our starter.

"That's a strong starter" Sebastian said eyeing Ryder.

"It's just the kick off, we can get a lighter one next time. I'll order water bottles for everyone too because hydration is key children" he said chipperly. Sebastian and Damon rolled their eyes.

"We are the oldest ones here, we kind of already know how to handle our liquor" Damon stated making Ryder stick his tongue out at them.

"Old farts" Ryder grumbled.

"Hey!" the twins exclaimed together, making everyone else laugh.

"Kidding, kidding" Ryder said with a smile as he started handing us a drink each. We did a cheers and made our way to lounge chairs to set our belongings down. The drink wasn't bad, a bit on the strong side but not unpleasant. "Alright everyone, let's have some fun!" Ryder yelled running over to the waterpark.

"NO RUNNING!" a lifeguard whistled, making Ryder turn to us with an 'oops' face. There were regular slides, then slides that you used a floatie to go down and then also one that had a huge raft for a group to go down. The twins, Dakota and I went on the group one first. Ryder went with Corrine to the regular slides, leaving Matt and Amber to go to the lazy river together. We were having an absolute blast. This is probably one of the best vacations I have been on so far. I think the alcohol was also helping in the letting loose and having fun aspect because I was feeling great.

I made sure to listen to Damon though, so I skipped out on the next round of drinks with the group. Surprisingly, so did Ryder.

"Why aren't you having drink?" I asked him as I watched everyone drink their tequila sunrises, per Corrine's request.

"I have to make sure my guests don't go overboard once back on the boat. This is not a movie and Kurt Russell will not take any of us in" he winked at me making me giggle. We continued to go down the slides of the waterpark and eventually made our way to the lazy river to relax a bit before jumping into the fun again. Ryder made sure to remind us to hydrate, so I was feeling okay when it came to the next round of drinks. It was my turn to pick but I am so clueless that I looked to Damon and Sebastian for some help.

"Fruity? Strong? What are you feeling?" Sebastian asked.

"Fruity" I said and he tapped his index finger to his chin.

"Sex on the Beach" he said and I blushed at the image that popped into my head. I know it's a drink, but I can't help but think of Sebastian making love to me on the beach, with the waves crashing on to shore to drown out our moans as he thrusts into me. A hand waved in front of my face.

"Jay" Sebastian said, snapping me out of my daydream. He gave a small smirk, probably knowing what I was thinking. I can't help it. I haven't had any of their dicks in me in foreverrrrrr. It's killing me. I probably sound like a sex crazed, horny banshee.

"Yes, yes. That sounds good" I quickly said and Ryder ordered it. We got handed our drinks and I took a sip and nearly moaned at the taste.

"This one is my favorite!" I exclaimed sucking it up quickly and frowning when my glass was empty. Corrine nudged me.

"Have the rest of mine" she whispered while eyeing Damon who was chatting with Dakota.

"Thank you" I whispered back with a huge smile and switched glasses with her to quickly suck the 3/4 of what was left of hers. I heard Matt snicker as he handed me half of his and I looked to him and put a finger to my mouth and he mouthed 'of course' with a duh expression on his face. After everyone was done, I opted into using the lazy river before the dance party started by the pool bar. I felt a warmth overcome my cheeks. I dare say, I was starting to feel tipsy.

"Jace!" I heard a voice call to me. I lifted my head and seen Ryder motion me to come follow him. I got off after finishing the round trip of the lazy river and walked over to Ryder with a smile.

"Thank you for giving us such a spectacular time Ryder" I beamed at him.

"You look a little flushed" he said with an amused expression on his face "Are you a light weight?"

"I don't know" I admitted "But I had the rest of Corrine's and Mattsy's drink" I said happily and he chuckled.

"Ooo naughty naughty, what would Damon think of that?" he teased.

"Don't tell" I said my eyes widening.

"He doesn't have to" I heard Damon's voice behind me. Well, shit on a stick. Ryder saluted me before walking off to the door outside. I turned around and plastered a big smile on my face.

"Hi Daddy" I sang and Damon stared down at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Babyboy, you were naughty" he said sternly. We were in the open so I had to restrain myself from grabbing on to him.

"It just tasted so good" I pouted.

"You're lucky that it wasn't a strong drink, otherwise you'd be passed out on the floor" he said and I scoffed.

"You don't know my alcohol tolerance level" I retorted and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"And neither do you" he shot back and I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it "Exactly, now please listen or I'll have to punish you" he said and walked by me with a slight smack to my ass. The smack on my butt excited me, let's be honest. So, when the dance party started and another round of drinks was passed out, excluding me. Matt chose a mojito. Everyone was letting loose and having a great time dancing. I was taking a risk but I grinded my ass against Damon and he didn't object so I continued teasing him with my moves I learned from dancing with Hannah at prom. Matt and Amber were in their own little world and looked like they were practically having sex in the middle of everyone dancing. Sebastian danced with Ryder, not as risque as the former couple. Dakota was dancing with Corrine, which irked me but only drove me to dance more sexily against Damon. it definitely earned glances from both Sebastian and Dakota which made me grin. Our next drink, Dakota picked another long island ice tea. Damon wanted me to object but with some puppy dog eyes, I was able to have one. I switched to dancing partners with Ryder and we continued to dance the night away.

By the time we had to get back to the boat, Damon and Sebastian had to carry Dakota to his room. Damon was sleeping with him tonight. Matt and Amber stumbled their way to the boat, leaving me and Ryder to help Corrine get to her room. It took a little effort since I was feeling buzzed but eventually we laid Corrine down in her bed and covered her up. Ryder and I were about to leave the room when we started to hear moans from next door. Ryder paused but then continued quickly out of the room, down the hall and up the stairs. I managed to follow, the drinks felt like the were settling in more and more as time went on.

I got up to the main deck and walked to the door of the master suite. I heard light music coming from inside. I knocked softly and heard a soft 'come in'. I opened the door and walked into the room. It still amazes me how huge and beautiful these rooms are. The opening to the sun pads were open and I seen Ryder sitting with his knees to his chest, arms crossed and chin resting on his arms. I made my way over, the light music becoming clear as I neared Ryder. I sat cross legged next to him, resting my hands in my lap.

"What's up?" I asked

"Nothing" he replied looking toward the island as we parted from the dock.

"Don't lie" I said "Is it Matt?" I asked and I was met with silence.

"I thought you weren't jealous" I teased, nudging his shoulder.

"I'm not" he sighed "Just because I'm respectful of their relationship, doesn't mean I want to hear them going at it like bunnies" he muttered. I frowned.

"I'm sorry he's doing that, knowing how you feel" I told him.

"No, don't be sorry. Why wouldn't he have sex with his girlfriend?" he asked rhetorically " I really don't have a right to be upset at it" he sighed again, rubbing his face with hands.

"Still" I trailed off "She is a great girl, but it'd be cute if you and him were together and I'd totally be okay with it" I thought out loud.

"Thank for the blessing Jace" he chuckled. Silence overcame us, besides the soft melody of whatever song was playing. I don't know what was because I honestly wasn't paying attention to what was playing.

"How come you didn't bring any friends with?" I curiously asked him.

"I don't really have any friends...I just have you guys" he shrugged.

"How don't you have friends? You're great!"

"Ha thanks, nah. The one's who usually claim they want to be my friend, just want access to the stuff I have" he sadly said as he gestured his hands around him. "They don't actually want to be friends with me" he stretched out his legs "I know what you're think, rich people problems, right?" he let out a sad laugh.

"No, you have a right to feel sad about not being able to obtain real friends" I consoled.

"I am happy I met you and the others. Kind of a forced friendship due to our par-"

"Stop, not exactly forced. Just saying, if we didn't like you. We wouldn't be hanging out with you. Step bro or not" I laughed.

"Okay, but other than you guys. I don't have anyone...Hell, I'm afraid to date because I feel like they would just want me for my money" he grumbled.

"Matt thinks your cute" I blurted and I instantly felt bad for tattling but it just came out. Ryder looked at me surprised. "He wouldn't be with you for your money, he's not that kind of guy"

"Good to know" he chuckled "And I know, he doesn't seem like the gold digging type"

"I wasn't supposed to say that" I said covering my mouth "We didn't even properly elaborate why he said it and what he meant by it. It was before prom too" Gosh, Jace shut up. I meant to mentally facepalm myself but I ended up doing it for real.

"Relax Jace, my lips are sealed. Kind of boosts my ego a bit to know he thinks I'm cute" he replied with a little smirk. "You're quite talkative when buzzed" he said with amusement. I blushed.

"It's my first time drinking like that" I admitted. "Well, at all really. I had one wine cooler with the Verlice twins when we stayed at a beach hut but that was it"

"Verlice twins?" he asked and I gasped.

"Oh my goodness, you don't know about them!" I exclaimed and he shook his head. I began to explain our beach trip in large detail even down to the knitty gritty sexy times. It just came out like word vomit, but it didn't seem like Ryder cared. I even showed him the picture of Tanner and Charlie on prom night. Which reminds me that I need to text them soon.

"Can't wait to meet them, they seem fun" Ryder said staring up at the night sky.

"It's so beautiful" I whispered as I admired the stars littered across the dark sky. A shooting star appeared and I squealed. "Make a wish!" I shook Ryder's arm as I closed my eyes.

'I wish for my family and friends to be happy for the rest of our lives' slightly generic but still. I want everyone I love to be happy.

"Did you make a wish?!" I asked Ryder as I popped open my eyes again.

"Yes, I did" he laughed "I think we should get you to bed" he said and stood from his position. He offered a hand and I took it, standing up myself.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, about anything. I'm here broski" I winked using his nickname the he called me. He beamed at me.

"Thank you broski, means a lot to me. And I appreciate you listening to me tonight" he added as he maneuvered us out of his master bedroom and down the hall to the stairs.

"Anytime! Oh, I'm staying with Sebastian tonight" I informed him and he nodded. He got me down the steps without my clumsy ass tripping down the stairs. He softly knocked on the door that Sebastian went into yesterday. Soon, the door opened and a shirtless Sebastian was in the doorway.

"He's all yours" Ryder says as he hands me off to Sebastian.

"Thanks. Goodnight" Sebastian replied before pulling me into the room and shutting the door. The room was illuminated by a single lamp on the side table.

"Sexy Bash" I purred as I nuzzled into his neck.

"Feeling good, Jay?" he chuckled as he walked us back to the bed.

"Yes" I hummed, inhaling his scent "God, you smell good" I said and he laughed.

"You're funny, let's get you to bed" he pushed me down on the bed softly. I pouted.

"No sexy time?" I asked giving my puppy dog eyes.

"As cute as you are. No, you are under the influence so I'd rather not my love" he stated as he climbed in on the other side of the bed. I frowned.

"What does a guy gotta do to get laid around here" I whined and snuggled into Sebastian's chest. I felt his chest vibrate from the laugh he emitted.

"Maybe tomorrow, now sleep" he said lifting my chin for a chaste kiss.

"I love you" I murmured against his lips

"I love you, Jay. Goodnight" he replied softly before turning off the side table lamp. Sleep overcame me quickly. 

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