Forget everything

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Azula felt numb everywhere only her fingers brushing against the grass in a feeble attempt to stand she could hear some distant voices above her arguing she wasn't sure why though but it was annoying and she couldn't seem to swat them away.

" who is she she looks sick "

" She looks like the posters should we detain her?"

Heavy Arms picked her up and carried her away. She could feel the metal uniform shifting against the metal slots like the movement of machines.

They were rough one of them gripped her wrist far to tight she tried to pull her arm away but her body didn't respond she tried to sit up and fight with the last fighting sparks within her.

Screw the plan That back stabbing witch is going to pay for this

I can't believe I've been tricked so easily I willingly took poison from a criminal if I don't die from this it will undoubtably be from the shame.

They were running she could feel it when her cheek hit the chest plate bumping up and down  as they struggled not to drop her.

She blacked out a few times each only felt like a few seconds she saw trees and then nurses patting at her face and nodding in agreement but when she opened her eyes she was in a small dark room chained to the wall

The room could have stretched for miles but you wouldn't be able to tell she couldn't find her hand two inches from her face.

is this the prison, am I back ?

She presumed she was still alive the pain refused to let her forget it.
The more she tried to wake herself up to feel her surroundings her stomach would twist in ways she didn't think it could as if she'd swallowed a hot coal from a fire pit and her insides had been wrapped around it like a snake trying to suffocate it's prey.

if she fell asleep the pain was still they're hiding just from her vision but ever present in her quickly forgotten and disconnected dreams.

Torture methods her father taught her came to mind of heating up what looked like a small anchor with four sharp tips and digging it into your prisoners side.

She never had to go to such extremes of getting information out of people she always found they were much more likely to tell the truth with a reward rather then pulling teeth and leaving burns like her father.

But there was nothing she could say to get the pain to stop. I'm such an idiot how could I have trusted her I fell right into her plan I deserve this

She felt something cold touch her wrists and for a while that's all she felt was cold and sweat on her back she had never felt this sick before

When she was sick as a child which was a rare occurrence they're were nurses and maids watching her every move and hanging on any request.

Which most of the time was just to leave her alone and let her heal without people trying to blow her nose for her.

She shifted positions a few times seeing what dulled the pain leaning against the wall or laying flat on the ground didn't matter.

The cold brick felt nice on her face she couldn't tell if anyone was watching her or not she was very compromised at the moment but she doubted they would kill her without her brothers permission.

She hated knowing that he was the only thing protecting her now, and even that was uncertain.

She looked around the room trying to figure out where in the world she was. The ride to the fire nation prison is hours from here. 

Azula Flickering HopeWhere stories live. Discover now