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Chapter 6

*Elixir POV

"I had fun tonight." Kymil said with his hand burrowed deep in his coat pocket. "I'm glad you agreed to this."

I shyly smiled and looked at my boots, feeling warm and giddy. "Me too, thank you for taking me on a date, Kymil." The elf and I walked back to my apartment after enjoying a cup of warm coffee from a local coffee shop. Now we're here, standing before the pine tree by my apartment's gate. "I'll take you out myself next time."

"I'm looking forward to that." He said, stepping closer into my personal space. The snow slowly fell around us making me feel like it's in a romantic movie. "Eli?"

"Hmm?" I hummed and looked up to him.

"Can I—" He started, cheeks growing a few tints of pink as he looked down on me. "Can I kiss you?"

I nodded, feeling shy again. He leaned in, face drawing closer to my own. I feel his lips on mine and I closed my eyes instinct. I feel him draw a large breath and take his hand on my hair before kissing me fully, tentatively licking my lower lip. I opened my mouth in response. Holy shit! I'm kissing Kymil, my own boss and an elf—it feels so right.

The elf chuckled and pulled away, giving my forehead a lingering kiss. "You are so beautiful, Love. Let me properly court you, like how an elf would." He murmured while we embrace each other.

"And how would an elf court a Halfling?"

"Of course, like a gentleman. It'll be a surprise." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"I like surprises."

"I like you more." He said and I giggled, feeling those silly butterflies swim around in my stomach.

"And I like you too."

Damn, at this rate, I'll be smitten in no time.


"Eli dear, order up!" Holly called out and I took the tray, bringing it into the table of my customer, I'm a server today and Hyfel is manning the counter. Our elf boss is still not here, well I can imagine he wouldn't come here anyways. It's cold outside, the coldest this week, dare I say.

Anyway, the date was two weeks ago and we had two other hangouts that happened in the span of two weeks. I took him to my favorite chicken bar and he took me to this small indoor garden that is totally protected by a glass chamber. It was beautiful so to say, I never expected to see a butterfly in a winter like this.

"Psst, Eli. Where's boss?" Hyfel asked and I shrugged.

"Dunno, maybe at his apartment. It's colder today—just means he's not gonna be here otherwise he's freezing his balls." I said and took the cup of coffee from the counter and gave it to the Druid who's sitting and reading by the pillar.

"Maybe you should you know, call him." Hyfel suggested and I just shrugged yet again.

"I don't know, he doesn't really like being cold. Maybe I'll give him a call later." I said and took a piece of rag to wipe the tables. Kymil is probably shivering now, he told me that he really doesn't like the cold, it weakens him and he can't stand the shivers. One time we went out to buy some food he literally felt like ice when we came back to the apartment. Poor baby.

Hyfel nodded and rested his head on the counter before yawning. "Kymil doesn't really like winter. I don't even wanna work this morning. I have to drag my ass into the bathroom to wake up."

"Is the winter really this bad here? I remember having tough winters back in the north." I said and sat down an empty chair.

The dryad shook his head. "As far as I remember, it isn't this bad last year. It's just snowy and all but not this cold. Man, the south and the east is probably pleasantly warm this time of the year."

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