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Chapter 45 (EPILOGUE)

63 cycles later... (approx. 15 years)

"And so the swan and the bird lived happily in their village. The end, go to sleep." I groaned, tossing the book to the side, preparing to stand up when a hand tugged my sleeve.

"Then what happened to the pond? Did it unfreeze?" A small voice asked me and I resist the urge to sigh. It's 11 in the evening. I had numerous meeting in the morning and I have been training the twin whole afternoon. I am so ready to get to bed but then Elixir wasn't feeling great and I had to put Ranvier to bed.

Yes, I had a beautiful child with Elixir 20 cycles ago and it's a beautiful little boy with dark skin, vibrant mix of yellow and silver eyes and white hair. Ranvier is a hyper little creature that is always on sugar high with unimaginable amount of energy. Don't get me wrong, we love him so much but he's quite a handful specially when he's on this age where he's curious and all—specially fascinated with shiny things, after all, he's more of a dragon than an elf. We, at first, suspected that he's also an avariel but it turns out he's not sporting wings like his brothers, rather, the healer had said that it's a reptile wings and he could probably shape-shift comes his 72nd cycle. God knows how Elixir and I will deal with that.

"The lake Icirus was thawed and it was beautiful. Now, you need to sleep... tomorrow is mommy and daddy's big day." I said and tucked him in, giving him his stuffed lizard.

"Okay, goodnight daddy." He said and I smiled before turning his lamp off.

"Goodnight baby, sweet dreams."

I silently walked back to our room. I'm worried about Eli, he seemed to be having troubles in his health lately—maybe because of the stress in preparing the wedding.

Yep, we are getting married again. The wedding we had before was full of spite and bad emotions—I actually don't feel a lot of emotion back then but whatever happened to me, I don't know. I just know that because of Elixir, I am able to feel things again. So after 72 cycles and seeing that our kids, the twins are now grown up and Ranvier can actually be part of the ceremony and remember it, we decided to finally overwrite what happened with a new wedding. This time it's going to be publicized and the whole realm will know about it.

After that one night where we confessed to each other—well, mostly me, we have finally found ourselves moving forward, leaving everything in the past. Of course, our hearts also slowly healed from what we had lost—Kymil. We slowly came to let go. I slowly let my twin go, I know he's in a good place and we shouldn't mourn for him anymore—he made great sacrifices for this realm.

"Babe is that you?" I heard Elixir's voice call out as I closed the door.

"It's me." I responded and went to our canopy bed. The man is wearing nightgown while sitting on the bed. I have to say that Elixir's beauty is everlasting. I just can't get enough of him. "Are you feeling better?" I asked and kissed his forehead while he wrapped his arms around me. Big baby.

"A bit better, I just felt dizzy when I was feeding Ranvier. How was he? Didn't put up a lot of fuss, did he?" Elixir asked as we cuddled in the bed, discharging his book into the bedside table.

"No, he went to sleep after the story." I said and pulled the covers over us. "You think you'll be fine tomorrow or shall I call the healer?"

"I'll be fine, Kyran. Stop fussing." He sighed and nuzzled into my neck. I played with his hair that is a bit longer than his usual cut of shoulder length. "I didn't saw the twins at dinner."

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