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Chapter 7

*Kymil's POV

"Your highness, your brother wanted to talk to you about the orcs that are attacking the northern borders." One of our dryad servants said and I nodded and another elf helped me with my coat as I enter the long and pristine hallways of the castle.

As soon as I went by the East entrance, Keros, my personal servant had spotted me. Needless to say, I got an earful again on how I should be more graceful in entering the palace—fine by me, I don't really like following protocols though. I will always want to do what I want.

"Please Kymil, your mother is very worried. She doesn't like it when you go out without telling anyone." Keros said while walking beside me and I just sheepishly scratched the back of my head while laughing awkwardly.

"I wasn't even gone for too long."

"You're going to give Amelia a heart attack, Kymil." I heard my father's voice resounds behind me making me stiffen before turning to him with a grin.

"Ah! Father!" I greeted and bowed. He just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"You're just polite when you're about to get into trouble. This time young elf, I am not helping you get out of your mother's grasp." Father said and I laughed. "You are definitely making me feel my age Kymil."

"You're going to feel young again once you help me up the tower so I can escape mother's wrath father." I said and Keros just shook his head.

"If your father helps you again, he'll be sleeping in the foyer with the dogs." A feminine voice with a lilt of annoyance came and I just had to close my eyes for a moment, accepting the fate I was so gladly given. "Now tell me where have you been, young man?"

"Oh mother, you wouldn't believe it! I have been to countless of adventures just this past week." I excitedly stated to distract her. Mom is always interested in my expeditions even if it's still within the city.

"You mean a month ago Sir?" Keros said and I looked at him with a glare.

"Don't look at me like that, you're going to get reprimanded anyway. It's better soon than later." He said with a wolfish expression and I just pouted to myself as the bunch led into the solar where a fire is constantly running to keep the room toasty and comfortable.

I sat down on the leather couch and leaned back smiling as soon as a cup of my favorite Darjeeling tea. Ah, I missed the palace food, it's always the best, especially when we are celebrating winter.

I was about to sip my tea when mother looked at me intently. I looked up and smiled sweetly at her. "Kymil, where have you been this past month? Hyfel doesn't say anything to us anymore. I was extremely worried that you've been hurt again." She said, sounding really worried and I smiled showing her that I'm in tip-top shape.

"I am fine mother, you should worry about yourself more." I said and placed the cup down. "I haven't gone far this time, I'm just here in the capital."

"And what would you be doing here? You hate the winter in this city." Father started while nodding at the servant who gave him a napkin to wipe his mouth with. "I was actually expecting you to be here inside the palace for the whole season or at the south where it's warm."

"Ah, that. I actually have to manage the businesses that I had." I replied.

"Ohh, how is that little restaurant that you own? Is Hyfel still working with you? How is he?" Mother asked making Keros perk up. Keros is Hyfel's father. He is the dryad that my father's brother married. They had Hyfel before Uncle Agelos was lost to war between the high orcs and dark magicians back in the day.

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