Chapter 4

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(kymil in his warrior uniform, this is how i'm going to see kymil from now on.)

Chapter 4

To say that I am nervous is the biggest understatement of the year. As expected, I'm wearing the cardigan set with everything that Hyfel suggested. I'm quiet grateful for his shawl suggestion. It's a bit cold outside so I appreciate the warmth that it gives. If only I bought some gloves and a beanie, that would be great.

I sat down the cold stone bench by my apartment while waiting for Kymil. I'm quiet early but he already messaged me that he'll be here in a minute. I don't know what he's thinking when he said he wants to have a date on a lake. In the middle of winter. Kymil, you really are something.

"Hey gorgeous." I heard a soft yet deep voice drag me from my stupor as two black boots appeared in my view. I looked up with a smile and there he is, Kymil, dressed like a model and beaming at me and holding a bouquet of white and red amaryllis. "This is for you."

"Hey." I said and stood up. "You look good. These are lovely, thank you." I said and licked my lip as he held his hand out to me, handing me the bouquet. I immediately bought them to my nose, inhaling the floral scent with a fruity undertone. "Can I take them inside first?" I asked.

"Sure," he said with a stunning smile.

"Do you want to come inside?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nah, I'm good here." He said and slipped his hands inside his coat pocket. I just nodded and hurried inside, placing the Amaryllis on a vase with water. That should do it.

I hurried outside again and gave the elf a smile. "I hope you're not bored already. " I teased and he just laughed before extending his hand.

"No, not when you look so stunning, babe." He replied and I took his hand before we walk to the direction of the lake. It's like five minute walk from my apartment and surprisingly, I haven't visited it around this time of the year and the elf I'm with said there's some winter bazaar or something going on in the lake.

"So what do you have in mind today?" I asked and he hummed before smirking.

"That's a secret. I want to surprise you when we get there." He said and I pouted. "Aww, come on, don't pout."

"But really if we're going to somewhere particular you should tell me so I can change."

"You look great already babe, cross fingers I'm just hoping you'll love this." Kymil said and squeezed my hand. "Your hands are warm. I love it."

I felt my face warm up and I averted my gaze, trying hard not to let the grin overtake my otherwise passive smile.

"Your hand is small too, it's so precious." He added while he laced out fingers together. For a soldier he has a soft hand. Not what I was expecting for someone whom I expect to hold swords and bows expertly.

"Your hand is just ridiculously big. " I murmured as we made a left into the small pathway to the lake. "You're so wrapped up Kymil." I giggled while looking at him wearing a thick coat and I'm pretty sure he's hiding some layers under those pants.

"I get cold easily, I can't wait for summer already." The elf replied with a shiver making me laugh further. I know he doesn't like being cold but this is so adorable.

"Winter is good. I mean—I was looking forward to giving you hugs later but I guess that's not necessary anymore." I teased and he stopped walking making me look at him, confused.

"Wait—you mean you're supposed to give me hugs? Damn I should've worn less." He said and I just laughed and placed my hand on his cheek.

"I'll still give you hugs if I enjoy our date. Let's go inside?" I said and I feel his cheeks grow warm under my touch. Ah he's not just deadly handsome—he's adorable as well.

"Okay!" He enthusiastically replied and I chuckled, feeling giddy. "I promise, I'll show you a good time." He said like a little kid promising his first crush a candy. Ah, boy, control yourself.


"Oh my chaos! Kymil! How did you know about this? This is beautiful." I said while looking around the lake. The lake is completely frozen and on the sides of it, there are small stalls that sells various thingslike food, clothes, trinkets and specially made items by different races. I can even see a group of dwarves selling ores and jewelries.

"It's been here every year babe, it's for the long celebration of the winter." he said and led me around. I can tell that the surface of the lake had been frozen completely by magic. This is so nice.

"The East doesn't exactly has this kind of weather, it's protected so we are not affected by frost and winter—with all the crops and shit we grow. " I said while smiling at the small kid who waved at me.

"You're from the east?" Kymil asked.

"Ah yes, my mom is a fae and she leads a small frollick of faeries in her gardens. I kind of grew up there." I said with a fond smile. I loved the East and my home, maybe it's because of all the greenery and because of my nature as a half fae. The sun is always shining there and it's pleasantly warm all over. "What about you? Are you originally from the capital?"

"Ah, yes. Both of my parents are from the capital. They grew up here but my mother has family from the north so he's practically part north too." He said and tugged me to a small stall that sells some mulled wine. "Let's sit down, I'll get you a mug." He said and I nodded before sitting down on under the tarp of the booth. There are a few couples too, seated down and just enjoying the cold weather. I hope Kymil and I looked as sweet as they are.

I feel the elf place a mug of mulled wine with an orange slice in front of me before sitting on my left. "I got us some cheese and crackers too," He smiled and took my left hand. "Ah! There's a bit of heaven here." He said and nuzzled my hand making me laugh.

"You're like a big baby, Kymil." I said and sat closer to him. "Tell me about yourself. How old are you?"

"Hmm, I'm 216 cycles this season. I'm not too old for you am I?" he asked with a bit of worry in his eyes.

"No, I like my men a bit older." I timidly said before taking a sip of the warm wine. Ah, it's sweet and perfect for this weather.

"Oh yeah? That's opposite of me, I like them younger than I am, and definitely someone cute." He said and I laughed. See? Kymil just gets his game up everytime. It's hard not to like this guy even if you have your guards up. "Now, enough of me, tell me about yourself. You said you're half fae and half dwarf."

He took a sip of his wine before paying his attention back to me. I licked my lips and leaned back a bit. "Well, my father is a shield dwarf and my mom is a regular fae, umm as you can see I mostly took from my mom's appearance." I said and peeked at him through my eyelashes. I don't really share about my race. Shield dwarves are rare—especially those who have Halfling children as they can be a bit shy and isolated. It's just that my dad had been a wanderer.

"A shield elf, wow, I thought they didn't associate with other races. Tell me more," the elf said while resting his cheeks into his palm, leaning into the table with his body faced to me.

"Uh, you see my dad is a wanderer. He—he met mom while here in Mairaxias and they fell in love and here I am." I said while scratching the back of my head. I just feel shy talking about my race with an elf. "My dad passed away on his 1045th cycle though in a war when I was still a kid."

"Oh, I'm sorry babe, I shouldn't have asked." He said while looking at me in apology.

I chuckled and just touched his nose with my finger. "It's okay, silly. I do miss my dad sometimes but what can we do. It's fate." I smiled fondly and took a piece of cheese from the platter, popped it into my mouth and wiped my hand with a tissue. "Anyways, I'm most curious about you. It's not every day a commoner like me can sit down and talk with an elf."

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