Chapter 3

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Toga and I have now been together a couple of months now. Cool enough I've moved up on the top 10 villains list, now I'm 6th. How cool is that.

Surprisingly Toga is a lot more reliable than I thought she would be. A few weeks ago I was fighting against All Might. I knew I couldn't beat him and thought I was done.

Toga transformed herself into a civilian and came crying to All Might while we were fighting. She gave me enough time to get away, I owe her one for that.

All Might removed her from the scene which allowed her to get away without him ever knowing it was her. I got to say even though she doesn't look it she is pretty smart.

Right now we were hanging back in the hideout but we are doing nothing but watch tv, mostly the news. Same old boring stuff. I need to get out.

"I'll be back," I stood up from my mattress and grabbed my bag to exit the building.

I walked down the street trying to find a place to eat. Most of the places were too busy however, I did find a small restaurant that wasn't too busy. The food looked good as well.

When I entered the restaurant a man behind me entered as well. The restaurant was not too fancy which I typically like. Places that aren't fancy and aren't busy usually have the best food.

I walked up to the lady in the front ordering me sushi, some dumplings and a drink to go along with it. I moved along to the register to let the man behind me order.

"You're total will be $24.65," The lady told me.

I unzipped my bag to get my money only to find a 20 dollar bill left. I could of sworn I left with enough money.

"Um you can take off the drink," I sighed.


The man behind me interrupted her,"No, no please let me play your remaining,"

"Oh you don't have to,"

"I insist," he smiled.

"Yeah... um okay."

He payed the remaining bit of my tab, I thanked him and sat down in a booth at the corner of the restaurant.

A few minutes later the same guy from before asked if he could sit with me. Is this guy obsessed with me or something. He did pay the rest of my meal so I let him sit.

When I took a closer look at him it seemed that he had some nasty scars. No, not scars more like burn marks. The marks covered his under eyes and half of his face. I saw under his jacket there were some too.

I would hate to have those marks. I wonder what caused them. They might have been from his quirk.

He looked up at me. Oh god I've been starring at him.

"Sorry the scars are pretty nasty, sorry you gotta look at them."

"No, no," I panicked. I didn't want to seem rude,"They don't look bad."

"You don't gotta lie doll."


"Really they look fine, and they don't scare me or anything. I actually have a good share of my own scars."

"I bet you do," he agreed.

Who the fuck is this dude?

"Um I'm (Y/N)," I held out my hand.

When he reached his hand out for me to shake they were cold at first but turned hot after a second. His hands were surprisingly soft. When I pulled away I could almost feel his thumb rub my hand.

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