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It been 5 days since I left the guild, and although it's unfair to think this, but no one even came looking for me? I guess Natsu respected my wishes in the note.

I walk though Sycca Town with Akira flying above me. I make sure to be aware of my surroundings to defend Akira from any harm that may come her way. I will not lose her a second time.

I pass the markets and make stomach starts to growl. 'How long has it been since my last meal?' I thought to myself. Then I remember I was mindlessly walking in the forest for the past 3 days.

'I'm lucky I didn't collapse from starvation, nonetheless dehydration' I thought to myself.

I continue to walk through town in search for the train station. It's about time I head back to stop everyones worrying. Well if they even noticed I left at all...

Akira bonks my head with her paw. "Lost in thought now are we (Y/n)! Well get a move on, we have a train to catch!" Akira says with humor.

I snap out of my train of thought and browse the town to see any stations nearby. When I see none I continue to circle around town.

After what feel like forever I stop and look at my surroundings. I've been going in circles for hours.

I lean back on a building wall in frustration and exhaustion and let out a sigh of defeat. I let my body sink to the ground and rest my head on my palms.

Akira plops onto my head in an effort to console me.

"Would it kill you to ask for directions" Akira says to me.

I perk my head up and look at her baffled. Me? Ask for help, yeah no.

I scoff. "Yeah Akira, It just might" I tell her.

"Oh yeah well if that doesn't starving hear with no money will. So... Lets get a move on!" Akira says and stands up.

Akira grabs my arm and makes an effort to life me but I resist.

"Fine, if you wont I will" Akira says and turns into her human form.

Akira walks away i to the town crowd. I stand up urgently and attempt to grab her but she slipped away too fast.

"Akira, stop!" I yell as a last attempt.

When Akira doesn't turn around I have no choice but to follow.

I push through the crowd with my heart racing and no sight of Akira. After a fee moments of shoving I see Akira through a space in the crowd talking to a man.  I shove through the people in my path and run over to Akira with urgency. I lunge at Akira and tug her back by the arm to make distance between her and the stranger.

"Akira are you out of your mind, you don't know this man" I say gesturing towards him.

"No I do not, but he definitely knows where the station is. He just gave me directions" Akira says with joy.

I look over to the man as he looks at me slightly puzzled but hiding it with a smile.

"You ladies have a safe trip!" I man says before walking away into the sea of people.

I glare at Akira and let my grasp of her arm go.

"You have to do this just when I get you back!" I say to Akira sternly with the volume in my voice increasing.

Akira's happy expression shortly fades, feeling guilty for making me worry.

I sigh. I wrap my arms around Akira in a hug. I couldn't help but let out a fee tears, After all this could be our last, she's on borrowed time.

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