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Natsu's POV

I finally got to (Y/n)'s room. I open the door to be greeted by a panicking Akira. "Akira what's wrong?" I asked worryingly. She paced back and forth and handed me a crumpled piece of paper. I unraveled it and read it out loud. "Dear (Y/n),If you really want to meet up with me and catch up I will be at the 'Dragon Slayer Festival.' Hope to see you there. ~Mika"

I handed Akira the paper back and gave her a confused look. "What's the fuss about? She's just looking for her sister" I told Akira. She gave me the utter most disgusted look. "THE DRAGON SLAYER FESTIVAL ENDED 2 HOURS AGO! If she had any intention of coming back she would've."

I started to think, Akira's right. (Y/n) should've been back by now, what if something happened to her. "I swear if anyone touches herrr-" I trail off realizing how strange I sounded. Akira was too busy freaking out over not knowing what happened to (Y/n).

(Time skip)

(Y/n) POV

It's been a couple hours since I was just wandering around feeling sorry for myself. I hate feeling self pity, like I might not have it great but I have it pretty good and I'm not going to run away from home when things get rough or frustrating. I decide to walk back to the hotel and try to forget this whole day.

(Time skip)

The second I opened the hotel doors I see Team Natsu in the lobby all run over to me like a stampede of wild animals. One by one they scold me for not telling them where I went but the one I felt the worst about leaving was Akira, she must of been so worried and scared I wouldn't come back.

She flies right into my arms sobbing, I felt her wet warm tears stain my shirt but I didn't care. "I thought something bad happened to you!" She sniffled.

After everyone hugs and forgives me, I go up to my room and sort out everything going on in my life.

I enter the bedroom and Akira slides right into bed. I walk over and give her a kiss on the forehead. I start to get dressed, I put my pajama shirt on halfway when Natsu barges in with no warning. Natsu shields his eyes while I put on my shirt completely. "I am so sorry" Natsu's apologizes.

"No worries, I mean I wear bikinis to the beach, it's not like you saw anything" I say putting my dirty clothes in the hamper." I could tell he was shocked with my answer. 

Natsu sheepishly smiles but closes the door and leaves. I throw out the note from Mika and try to bury the memory of today in the darkest corners of my mind. I get into bed and let myself slip into a different reality.

(Time skip)

I wake up bright and early to the sun shining through the windows. I was the first awake (so I thought). I quietly open my door being very careful not to wake Akira and start to walk down to the lobby for breakfast. As I'm walking to the elevator I feel footsteps trailing behind me. 'Whatever' I continue to walk to the elevator, I feet arms wrap around me and someone jumps on my back.

I go into defense mode... I flip whoever is on my back over my shoulders and whip them onto the floor. Before I start to use my magic I see the figure lying on the floor in pain is the idiot himself, Natsu. I sigh and give him a hand, I pull him off the floor. He dusts himself off and starts to stretch his back. "Not cool" he says. I laugh and get into the elevator.

Natsu pressed every elevator button there was over and over again. It was fine in the beginning but it's starting to piss me off.I swat his hand away from the elevator buttons. He gives me the puppy dog eyes and I look away. The elevator opens, I walk out of the elevator with Natsu hot on my tail. "Natsu why are you always up my ass all the time?" I ask without looking at him. He doesn't answer my question, instead he just leaps over to the breakfast buffet. I roll my eyes and find a table for me and Natsu to sit at. I found a nice little table in the corner secluded from the others 'who wants people to watch you eat?' I sit down and patiently wait for Natsu to bring over our food.

He finally comes to the table, he brought at least 7 plates of food. I go to grab a plate but he jerks it away before I get my hands on it. "Mine! Get your own" he whined. I just sat there completely stunned that he got several plates of food and not one is for me. "What the hell! You have so much food and aren't going to give me anything?" I shouted so loud I'm pretty sure the whole hotel could hear me. Natsu didn't answer me, instead he just shoved a pancake in his mouth. I grab a pancake off of his plate without asking him, then I got up and went to the buffet to my own plate of food.

I walked over to the buffet table and there were so many options. I couldn't decide what I wanted so I grabbed one of everything. "Are you feeding for two?" A lady asked and pointed to my belly. I looked down at my stomach and turned extremely red. 'Did that lady just call me fat?' I gave her a fake smile and denied, I could tell she obviously felt horrible.

I walk away from the lady before she got to say another word and before I lost even more dignity.

I sat down at me and Natsu's table, I looked down at my stoning again. I started to fiddle with my stomach fat. I frowned "Natsu am I fat?" I asked him.

Natsu basically choked on his food. He got up from his chair and said "(F/n) (L/n) you are not fat!" The whole lobby looked at Natsu and I. "Sit down" I whisper yell at Natsu.

He ignored me and continued to yell "you're beautiful just the way you are and you shouldn't change for anyone!" I started to blush at this point, everyone said "awww." I was embarrassed but happy at the same time.

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