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Back in Fiore Natsu was worried sick about (y/n). He was asking all around the guild if anyone heard or saw (y/n). When he ran out of people to ask he took matters into his own hands, Natsu bolted to (y/n) without telling anyone, it even Happy.


"Natsu!? HELLO!" Happy screamed throughout the guild as he flys around searching for him.

"Has anyone seen him!" Happy screamed so loud the guild was shushing him from all around.

"Watch it kitty" Lucy snares.

Happy jerks around to face her, "You know what Lucy?" Happy faces the crowd. "Everyone has been down in the dumps lately and you can't even be somewhat pleasant?"

Everyone in the guild now has their attention shifted onto Lucy and Happy altercation.

Lucy stands there for a moment, stunned. She rubs her nose nervously, desperately trying to ease the embarrassment. But of course Lucy refuses to let anyone besides her have the last word.

"Don't talk to me like that. PET! You don't even belong her without your master" She lets out a nervous laugh and ushers Happy towards the exit. Happy flies out in angry, still searching g for Natsu.


(Y/n) continues to roam the forest in Sycca, her mind lost in sweet memories of her dearest friend. Without Akira by her side she's stuck with thousands of thoughts racing through her mind begging to escape. (Y/n) stops and falls to her knees sobbing. How is this fair?

(Y/n) looks up to see a faint figure similar to Akira in the trees looking down at her. Akira gave (Y/n) her best smile before she flew up into the dark clouds above. (Y/n) couldn't help but break down in tears.

(Y/n) punched the ground looked up at the sky and screamed "Akira! Please don't leave me here. Alone."


Natsu makes it to (y/n) house in an impressive 20 minutes. He attempts to open the front door, but it appears to be locked. He goes around the structure for any opening, but unfortunately for Natsu, (y/n) is a cautious person. He decided the only way to get inside was to force entry. He uses his iron fist attack to completely obliterate (Y/n) entire door. When he makes his way inside, it's nothing but an empty house.

"(Y/n)?" Nastu called out.

Natsu searched throughout the rooms for (Y/n) or even a sign to where she had went. Natsu enters (Y/n's) room and sitting in plain sight was a handwritten note on the bed.

It Read,

To whoever this may concern. I have decided it is in my best interest to distance myself from the toxicity that has been created at the guild. Without my right hand by my side I feel lost, I just need space and time. Do not come looking for me. I need this.

Natsu threw the note down and ran his ringers through his ruffled hair. He paced thinking whether it was worth intruding her privacy to find her or simply just let her come home on her own. Natsu picked up the message and read it over. She made it obvious she wanted to be alone but all Natsu wanted was to make sure she's alright. He took the paper and shoved it in his jacket and made his way home to discuss with Happy.

Back at the guild everyone was starting to talk.

"How many days has it been 2? 3?" Gray asks.

Lucy rolls her eyes. "Who cares, less yapping without her"

Erza sighs in aggravation and puts down her wafer.

"Lucy, there is no need to be so insensitive about a situation like this. The poor thing could be at its wits end."

"Beats me" Lucy says turning away from Erza continuing her meal.

"Jealousy kills" Gray blurted out with a slight laugh.

Lucy sharply turns to Gray and gives a hard glare. she opens her mouth to speak but is quickly silenced.

"We can take this outside Luce. But remember, Im S-class and what do you have? Spirits?" Erza cuts her off.

Lucys face lights up red as she try's to hide it by putting her head down in shame.

Wendy walks over with her exceed Carla and take a sit at their table.

"Did anyone hear anything?" she asks the group.

All shake their head no, except Lucy if course who is sitting silently with a puss face. Wendy seems quite distraught.

"Is no one worried?" Wendy asks confused.

"Trust me, the whole world is apparently" Lucy says spitefully.

Erza glares at her giving off a warning. Lucy takes it.

"No sight if Natsu all day either huh?" Gray asks Wendy.

She shakes her head sadly.


I know Happy must be worried sick, especially with everyone going awol nowadays. I finally made it home and I see Happy waiting patiently looking out the window. I stepped inside and was practically attacked.

"Natsu!" Happy flew with immense speed almost knocking me off my feet.

"Im so sorry buddy, I didn't mean to leave you hanging like that. Time got away from me."

Happy didn't even answer me, just held me like i was leaving forever. I feel horrible. I couldn't even imagine how I would feel if I lost him.

"I don't think (Y/n) want to be found" I said and handed Happy the note. Happy read it and frowned.

"But what if she doesn't come back, then we'll never find her." Happy said.

He's right, what if her plan was to leave, letting all of us think it's temporary so we don't search for her, giving her more time to get off the map. But why would she want to do that? I'm definitely overreacting, she's probably just worried about Akira.

"We'll give it 2 more days. She's a big girl." I said almost hesitant. Something feels.. Off.

So this is long overdue. I am so sorry, I honestly forgot about this and got caught up in life :/. But I am continuing it, sorry if you lost interest but Im looking forward to improve the content I put out.

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