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"Let's all go on a mission together!" Natsu says.

"Yeah, we can learn a lot more about our new teammate" Erza says.

I give the everyone a fake smile but don't answer Natsu's question. Natsu walks over to the mission board and picks out a good paying job. Happy approaches Akira and waves his paw to get her attention. Akira turns around and is now face to face with Happy, she shrieks.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" Happy apologizes.

"Yeahh" Akira says awkwardly.

"Oooooooo" I whisper to Akira.

Akira punches me in the arm. Her face turns beat red. I fall on the ground dying of laughter while the whole guild looks at me like I've been possessed.

"Are you okay?" Wendy says worryingly.

I catch my breath and find the words "just because I'm tough doesn't mean I don't ever laugh or have fun".

"She's also a bully" Akira cries.

I laugh even more over the fact that Akira lovvveeess Happy. Natsu runs back over with the job we all have to do.

"What's the job?" Erza asks.

Natsu looks down at the paper. "A gang stole three diamonds from the museum."

I was quite surprised that Natsu picked such an easy job, considering this is one of the best teams in Fairy Tail. I nodded along with the rest of the team and went home to pack a few things. As I walk out of the guild I notice Wendy is following me. I turn around and she stiffens.

"Do you need something?"

Wendy shakes her head rapidly and Carla hides behind her.

"I was just wondering if you needed help packing" she says nervously.

"No. But if you want to hang at my place for a little bit, I'm all for it" I say.

She perks her little head up and runs up besides me. I guess this little girl really wants to make an effort to be my friend. She follows me inside and sits on the couch. She observes my house and taps her foot.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask Wendy.

She jolts up and runs over to me. "We should go to the park"

She grabs my arm and pulls me outside. I follow her to the park while Carla and Akira are talking up a storm. She brings my to a big willow tree.

"Come on" she says eagerly.

She sores up to the top on the tree and looks down at me. I giggle at how happy Wendy looked and decided to climb my way up there. I get to the top and admire the view.

"Wow it's so pretty" Carla says is awe, Akira nods.

We watch the sunset go down when me and Wendy realize we have to pack still. The train leaves in an hour and Wendy and I have to get our stuff. We rush down the tree and race to my house. We grab all our bags and Akira flies me over to the train station with Carla and Wendy besides us.


I see Natsu tapping his foot waiting. He runs over to me as soon as he spots me.

"I thought you were going to miss the train." He says. Pulling me inside.

Halfway in the train his face turns completely green. Wendy walks over and puts a spell on Natsu to heal his motion sickness for a limited amount of time.

I sit down in the window seat and see Wendy and Natsu competing for the seat besides me. Wendy of course gets to the seat faster and sticks her tongue out at Natsu.

"Hey no fair" he pouts and sits down next to Lucy.

Lucy basically freaks and wraps her arm around Natsu's. He looks at me and Wendy unamused. We laugh at him and fall asleep soon after.

Sorry for such a short and sucky chapter. School starts soon for me and I haven't been motivated to write lately. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'd like to give a shoutout to louisile2003 for reading and voting on all my chapters and a special thanks for the follow.

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