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A/n: skip this if you don't want to hear my crap. I apologize for not updating like I was supposed to. I have been busy, I know lame excuse that everyone uses. But on the contrary please enjoy this story and I apologize for the inconvenience.

I wake up to the sun burning my eyes. I turn over not wanting to wake up. When I finally start to drift back into my slumber Akira blows an air horn and I almost piss myself. I roll of the bed and whack my head on the hard cold floor.

"Morning" Akira says.

I give her the stink eye and slowly get up off the floor. I follow the smell of waffles and find a fresh plate sitting on the table. I run over to them and devour it in seconds. I put the dishes in the sink and get dressed for the day.

"Hey Akira can you fly me to the guild I don't want to walk there today?" I ask me exceed.

"Yeah so make me do the work" Akira says lifting me of the ground.

We were at the guild in minutes. Akira puts me down and we open the guild door. Immediately duck but Akira wasn't fast enough, she was hit with a table. Akira falls to the ground and blood spills for here head.

"Akira!" I yell.

Wendy runs over and performs her healing magic. Akira's wound heals but has a major concussion. I swoop her up off the ground and bring her to the infirmary, I hear Natsu running behind me repeating an apology over and over but I stay quiet. I slam the door in his face and lay Akira down on the bed softly. Wendy walks in the infirmary with medicine that should help her recover.

Natsu enters the room and falls to his knees begging for forgiveness.

"Natsu. I'm not mad, I just wish you weren't so careless all the time. She could've bled out and died if Wendy wasn't here" I told Natsu.

"I am so sorry, I will be more cautious" Natsu says standing up.

I give him a faint smile while he leaves the room. I pet Akira's head and a tear falls down my face.

"If I lost you I wouldn't know what to do" I whispered.

Lucy's POV

'Ha, she thinks Natsu threw that table. She's so stupid, how dare she try and take Natsu from me. Her little pet's not gonna be the only thing in her life that she will lose.' I thought to myself.

I walk up to Natsu and pat his back.

"I know you didn't mean it" I said comforting him.

I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back. 'They definitely will despise each other when I'm done with them.' Natsu backs away from the hug with hurt in his eyes.

"It's ok Natsu she'll be fine" I tell him.

"No if I wasn't so careless (Y/n) wouldn't be mad at me, now I'll never have a chance with her" Natsu said.

The words that came out of his mouth made my blood boil. I felt my face turn bright red from anger. He looked at me and rubbed his neck sheepishly and backed away. 'You're MINE' I mind shouted.

Your POV

I waited for hours in the infirmary waiting for Akira to wake up. I hear faint coughs and Akira's eyes slowly opened. I ran over to her and engulfed her into a hug. She cried and I held back my tears.

"Thank the lord you're okay" I said.

"I'm still in pain" she says.

I let go of her and apologized. Team Natsu must have heard the commotion because they all burst through the door. They surround Akira and I, they pull us into a group hug except for Lucy. Some crying and some smiling. Natsu pulls me to the side to talk.

"Look I don't know how to say this but I've felt different this past week" he started.

"Natsu I really don't have-" I say but Natsu cut me off.

"Let me finish. I feel horrible about hurting Akira but I think I should say this now before I say anything else. I like you (Y/n) I always have since the day you got here, but I just can't hide these feelings anymore" Natsu said.

I stood there frozen. 'Am I dreaming?' I thought. I didn't notice but apparently everyone heard what he said even Lucy and she wasn't happy about it.

"I-I like you too" I stutter.

Everyone in the group said "awww" in unison except Lucy of course. He hugged me and I hugged back, I could feel Akira's glare from here. I'm so glad this day didn't end badly.

3rd POV

"I'll get you (Y/n)" Lucy said too quietly for anyone to hear.

Everyone leaves the room so it's just (Y/n) and Akira left. Akira smiles "I'm happy for you" she says.

(Y/n) POV

"But he better not interfere with our friendship" she says.

"Only if Happy doesn't interfere either" I say doing the eyebrow dance.

She blushes and I giggle.

"I knew you liked him" I tease.

She looks away and try's to cover her cheeks so I can no longer see her blush.

"I do not" she says.

"Then why are you blushing and smiling?" I ask with suspicion.

"Shut up!" She yells.

I laugh at her and she turns back to me giving me the pouty face.

"Go with the other I want sleep" she orders.

"I'm not leaving" I say.

"Get out" she says pointing to the door.

I get up and leave the room. I open the door and Erza runs over to me.

"I totally ship it btw" Erza says.

It was my turn to blush and I definitely did. I looked over at Team Natsu and saw Natsu arguing with Grey.

"Man, he's even cute when he's mad" I said aloud by accident.

"Awww" Erza says.

'Crap' I though to myself this time.

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