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(Y/n) POV

It's been a week without Akira and all I want to do is stay in my house and sulk, which is what I've been doing for a week. I know she'll be fine but I'm gonna miss her, the longest i've gone without my little buddy was two days.

The door opens and I slowly make my way to the living room. Natsu's standing in the doorway with flowers.

'he's so sweet' I think to myself and cover my mouth with my hands.

"Hey cutie, how are you holding up" Natsu asks giving me a faint smile.

I couldn't hold it in, I burst out in tears and run over to him. I wrap my arms around him and cover my face in his chest and let all my tears free. Natsu pulls me in closer to his chest and places his head on mine while stroking my hair.

"Thank you so much, thank you so much for being there for me" I basically shout still crying my eyes out. He pushes me back still holding me shoulders and look into my eyes.

"I will always be here even if I'm mad or even if you break my heart. I promise." Natsu says stroking my cheek.

I lean closer to him and he pulls me in close and before I knew what was happening our lips met. We both pulled away after a few seconds, this is an event that won't be easily forgotten.

Of course after the most perfect moment Natsu had to make everything awkward.

"So... here's your flowers" he says handing me the white roses and giving off an awkward smile.

"Wow Natsu you really know how to make a situation awkward" I said accepting the flowers and giggling.

He shoves me playfully and then pulls me back into him kissing my cheek. "Ever since I met you I felt a little spark, I never knew you could have a connection with someone you just laid eyes on but you made it possible. Would you do me the honor of being mine?" He asked, his question made me tear up. "I think I could do that" I said wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his soft plump lips.

What a perfect moment~

A/N: let me know if I did good with this lovey chapter so I know to make more. Thank you guys for all the support for this story <3

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