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Wendy and I start to pack up our things. Yes, me and Akira are leaving unsatisfied that I couldn't find Mika but I miss Natsu. I mean... team Natsu.

"All ready?" I ask Wendy. 


Carla takes the small suitcase and heads down to the lobby. Akira and Wendy head down next I stay back for a few minutes. I look around the room and sigh.

"If only I found Mika in this trip"


Natsu's POV

"I miss (Y/n)! It's way more eventful when she's here" Happy whines.

"We've been without her before, we can do it again" Erza says.

Happy grunts and crosses his arms. Lucy jumps on my back and begins toying with my pink hair. I feel one of her hands stroke me left bicep.

"Ugh Lucy? What are you doing?" I ask nervously.

She giggles and hops off. Without a word she whispers something in my ear, I couldn't hear it because her voice was so low. I shook it off and sat down at my table.

"Miss your girlfriend already?" Grey taunts.

"She's not my girlfriend"

Grey nods but smirks. I shove him, he shoves me back. Soon the shoving turns into an all out fight, powers and all.

Erza marches over to Grey and I. Erza screams and then throws a table. The table hits Grey but not me. I cower in fear as she walks over to me. She stands tall looking down at me who is now crouched on the floor.

"S-sorry Erza" I stutter.

Erza picks me up by the collar of my shirt and throws me across the guild hall.

"When will you two learn?"


(Y/n) POV

Wendy, Akira, Carla and I stand on the outside of the guild hall. We all stare at the door knob questioning whether to open it. I turn the knob slowly but surely to reveal my family. 'Home at last.' (I know this is wayyyy over dramatic) Erza runs over to us and soon does Grey. 'Where's Natsu?'

"We thought you guys like died or something" Grey says.

Wendy giggles but I'm lost in my thoughts. Two girls walk over to Wendy, one has white hair and this other had shirt blue hair.

"Wendy!" They both shout.

They go in for a hug and Wendy gladly hugs back. They break the hug and look over at me.

"Oh, this is (Y/n)" Wendy introduces me.

"Is she new?" The girl with white hair asks.

"To Team Natsu? Yes" Wendy answers.

I smile and I receive two smiles back.

"I'm Mira and this is levy"

I hold out my hands and they each take one and shake it rapidly. I remove my hand from there's and rub it because of how much they shook it.

"Nice to meet the both of you"

As I was greeting Mira and Levy I didn't notice the psycho running towards me. Natsu rams into me and we both fall onto the floor. I couldn't breath because of course Natsu lands right on top of me. 'What do you weigh? 300 pounds?" I thought.

"Get off of me!"

Natsu quickly removes himself from me and cowers as I stand up. I take a deep breath and contain my crazy and then begin to talk to him.

"A welcome back would suffice" I say calmly.

"Welcome back" Natsu says giving me the cutest smile ever.

I shake my head in disappointment. Erza punches Natsu in the arm before shaking her head like me.

"I told you to me more gentle" Erza scolds Natsu.

"I forgot" he says.

Everyone laughs but I leave the group because of how crowded it was. Akira and me go sit by the bar. I order a shot and Akira gets water.

"Good choice Akira you're a lightweight" I tease.

Akira pouts and sips on her water. I down the shot and ask for another. 'Today's a good day to drink, I got a lot on my mind and I need to be laid back' I tell myself.

"What do you think of our new friends?" Akira asks me.

"They're nice" I say.

"What do you think of doofus?" Says Akira.

"Who?" I ask.

"Natsu" Akira answers.

"Ehh" I say.

"I know you like him" Akira says.

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