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➴ Y O U ➴

I take a seat at the dining table and look down at the sushi Akira made. Akira starts devouring her meal while I just think about my long lost sister. Akira finishes her dinner and I still haven't even taken a bite.

"You have to eat or you won't feel good tomorrow" Akira scolds me.

I sigh, "I'm not hungry"

She takes my plate and throws it into the sink. She uses her takeover magic and is now my furry little friend once again. Akira snuggles up next too me and I pet her head gently. She pulls away and looks into my (e/c) eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong" Akira pleads.

I hesitate at first "I got a letter from my sister."

"Since when do you have a sister?" Akira says shocked.

"Since forever, her name is Mika (l/n)"

There's a knock at my door. I get up and open it to see that little girl from the guild.

"Hi I'm Wendy Marvell, we haven't formally met before" she says shyly.

"Nice too meet you Wendy but you caught me at a bad time"

"Oh I'm sorry to intrude" Wendy says and leaves my property.

I decide to go to bed early but I stare at the note from Mika for hours. I get into bed and let the darkness take me.

☫ D R E A M L A N D ☫

Mika stands in front of me in tears. I scream and beg her to stay. She gets taken away by a soldier. I try to use my magic but it was no use because I was too weak. Mika gets taken away, I get locked in the back of a truck.

"We'll find each other again" Mika screams trying to escape the anti magic cuffs.

I wiggle out of the bars in the truck. I chase after Mika but she was no where in sight I was stranded, alone.

☩ R E A L I T Y ☩

I jerk awake and find my bed in flames. I quickly put out the fire and take a deep breath. Akira rushes in my room from the smell of smoke. She sighs in relief that it was just my flame.

"Nightmare?" Akira asks.


Akira shakes me awake "theres someone at the door."

I slowly get out of bed and rub my eyes. Wendy is standing at the door with her head looking down.

"Wendy? What are you doing here"

"You said that yesterday was a bad time so I came by today" Wendy says.


"I wanted to know if you would consider joining Team Natsu" she asks timidly.

"Who sent you" I say sternly.

"N-no one I just think you would be really good for our team" she stutters.

"I don't join teams"

"Pl-please" she says sadly.

I sigh and look at Akira who's giving me the evil eye. "Fine"

"Yayy!" She yells and gives me a hug I shove her off and give her the death glare.

Akira flies over and stands on my shoulder. "Not really a hugger" she says.

Wendy smiles shyly and skips away. I close the door and get ready for the day.


"Do I have too?" I whine.

"You said you would join Team Natsu" Akira reminded me.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the table. Lucy looks utterly surprised that I came over to the table.

"What is she doing here?" She asks smugly.

I shoot her a look that gives her an uneasy feeling.

"(Y/n)?" Natsu asks.

"Yes this is (y/n) (l/n)! Now can we stop with all the questions." Akira announces.

The guild hall goes silent. I decide to take a seat next to Wendy and Carla.

"So why aren't you in the Magic Council?" Natsu asks ignoring Akira's announcement.

"I've been asked many times and I've turned them down."

"Why are you even here" Lucy says snarky.

She's got guts. "Well I guess only the important people on Team Natsu hear about new members" I fire back.

Lucy gasps and leaves the table. I smile and start to down my whiskey.

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