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'I should get to bed it's 1:30 am and I have to go to the guild tomorrow.' I hop into bed and close my eyes. I was awoken by the creek of my bed and an arm wrapped around me. I go into defense mode. I fling the person on my bed across my room and throw my pillow towards the light switch and it turns on.


Nasty stands up and frowns.

"S-sorry I just missed you" he says.

"Natsu, we've known each other for about 2 weeks" I say.

"I should let you get some rest" he says sadly.

Natsu jumps out the window he came through. I sigh and lay back down on my pillow. 'Is Akira right? Do I like him?'

I think for a second and yell.

"How can I like someone I've known for such a short amount of time!"

I cover my mouth realizing how loud I was and Akira flies in with immense speed.

"It's 2 am! Why are you screaming!" Akira yells.

I blush and turn over. Akira huffs and goes back to her room. I close my eyes and pray that my feelings are gone by the morning.

Time skip

Morning rolls around and I'm in the kitchen as always waiting for Akira to finish making us food. Akira hands me (f/f) and sits down and eats her own.

"Are we going to the guild today?" Akira asks.

I nod and eat my delicious (f/f).

I finish and put both of our dishes in the sink. I open the front door and there standing is Natsu. I gasp, and blush abbot but I don't think he noticed.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

Akira gives him the death stare but then shoos the both of us. Natsu and I walk through the park.

"So there's this girl..." he trails off.

'Oh god' I think.

"She's kind of obsessed with me and I don't know how to give her the hint to leave me alone without it sounding, you know. Mean" Natsu says.

I look and Natsu and have a mind laugh. 'He's talking about Lucy.' I give him a fake understanding look when really I wanted to let out an evil smile of victory.

"Well I think you should give it to her straight and she'll understand" I say.

He grins and gives me a hug. 'Oh my freaking goodness!' I scream in my head.

"Thanks you're the best, even though I've known you for a short amount of time I feel like I can come to you with anything." Natsu says and runs off.

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