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My eyes open and the sunlight peaks through my curtains. I stretch out my arms and let out a loud yawn. I hear a crash in the kitchen so I prepare myself and go investigate. I put one of my feet on the floor and get off my bed. I walk down the hall and look into the kitchen and see no one other than Natsu himself. He turns and smiles at me I felt like time stopped.

I know Natsu is only hovering over me because I'll have to be forced to live alone without Akira for a year in counting, I get it... But don't invade my privacy. Honestly I don't know what changed from yesterday to today but I don't feel as strong of a connection with Natsu anymore. I know It's only because I miss Akira so much it's affecting my emotions towards everyone else around me.

Not to mention how much I failed in tracking down my so called sister "Mika." At this point I don't know if I'm crazy or not. Maybe I'm just in a bad place right now.

With that final thought I snapped back to reality and I see Natsu staring back me with a confused expression plastered across his face.

"Natsu what are you doing here it is 7am." I said crossing my arms. I smile quickly disappears as he takes the hint that I don't want him here.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you so early, I'll just show myself out." Natsu said while he opens my front door and leaves without a goodbye.

"Wow I really need Akira back." I said to myself while I walk back to my bedroom and pass out on my bed.

Couple Hours Later.

After making breakfast for 1 I walk over to my dinning room and sit sulking.

'I must've been sitting here for at least 40 minutes." I think to myself.

I stand out of my chair and go to my room and get ready for the day.

The fall weather is nice and really gives me an opportunity to make a statement with my fashion sense.

'Shit, it's 11am already. Makorov is gonna flip.'

I run out the door and off to the guild.
At The Guild

I walk into the guild with my head down and place my blondish hair in my face. I didn't want to talk to anyone considering this is my first time coming back to the guild since Akira left. My dragon slayer senses tingle which means there's another dragon slayer present and I have a strong feeling it's Natsu. I look up and there's Natsu looking at me with the biggest smile on his face.

'Why don't I have feelings for him anymore' I thought.

Natsu walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me forcing me into a hug. I slightly jerked away, a bit irritated with the invasion of space.

"How have you been feeling lately?" Natsu asked.

Before I even muttered a word Wendy flies over with Carla. Wendy hops into my arms, almost knocking me over.

"(Y/n) You're back! Thank god I thought you were going to take ages."

I smiled back and pulled my sweet Wendy into a side hug. Natsu interrupts our moment and tries to restart the conversation we were having before.

"So as I was saying... How are you --" He is cut off my Lucy screaming.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Lucy shouts entering the guild and walking towards us.

"What is with you and (Y/n) lately?" Erza asks.

"I'm seriously done with her" Lucy said looking over at me

"First of all, I'm right here. Second of all, I've done nothing to deserve this treatment from you." I said crossing my arms getting a little angry.

'Wow this sucks, I really have no feelings for Natsu anymore and he has absolutely no clue! I don't want to leave him completely clueless but I really don't want to tell hi the truth when he looks so happy.' I think before loosing all my patients for Lucy.

"Guys lets relax." Happy says flying onto Natsu's shoulder.

"Both of you shut up, you're attracting the whole guild over here."

I look around and realize she's completely right, everyone is staring at Lucy and I. I've never felt so stupid, I push past Lucy and run out of the guild. These are the times I need to see Akira.


At Home

I slam the door and lock it because I know for sure someone is going to bang on that door. Moments later fists begin to pound on the door. They belong to Natsu, Wendy, and the exceeds. I ignore them and begin to pack clothes.

I can't handle all of this emotional stress right now. I can't handle Lucy, I can't even handle my emotions. It'd be better to get away so that's why I'm visiting Akira for a couple days to help me cope with her absence. The reason I need to stay a couple days is not only because I need to spend a lot of time with my best friend, but because the rehab that Akira was admitted to is in a town all the way across the country.

The first thing I do after I pack my suitcase is run to my shelf and grab my spell book. I skim through the pages until my finger stops at the invisibility spell. Within seconds I'm Undetectable and sneak out my window leaving behind a small note telling only a hint about my whereabouts.

I close the window and head to the train station to begin my quest to find Akira and reconnect.


I understand that this amy seem a bit exaggerated because the span of events happen in about a week. But what you must understand is that your character's personality in this story the main character, (your character) has experienced so much abandonment that she has latched herself onto the one thing that has been through everything she has, that thing is Akira. [(SOMEWHAT SPOILER) Akira is supposed to symbolize hope for your character. Akira is supposed to be the hope that (Y/n) finds someone to love and can overcome all her problems... or is it?]

ANYWAYS on to other news, I tried to make this chapter a bit longer than my previous ones because I KNOW I'VE BEEN SLACKING! Sorry guys, but I hope you liked the chapter and Comment what you think might happen in the next chapter and please vote. A follow would be nice, but that's just a suggestion. *WINK WINK*

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