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The train ride felt like forever, maybe it's because my head was filled with thoughts and memories of Natsu. I don't know how I feel about him, whenever I'm with him I can't help but feel happy but when I'm not I feel unsure about my feelings. He's a great guy and he's always there for me but I don't need distractions, I need to be there for Akira and as of right now she's my only concern.

The train finally comes to a stop and I stand up from my seat. As I try to exit the train a rude individual shoves me to move faster. It shouldn't have bothered me but I'm not in the best mental state at the moment.

"Touch me again and you'll lose those hands of yours" I said angrily and I make my way to the platform.

Not knowing exactly where I am I ask a stranger where the center Akira is staying.

"Do you have any idea where Paws to Claws Rehabilitation Center is?" I ask.

"Follow the road until you reach the end and then you make a right and you found it."

"Thank you" I said and started my route to Akira.

After a short 15 minutes I make it to the center. I make my way to the receptionists desk and ask for Akira's room number.

"I'm sorry ma'am but the patient Akira is not ready to receive visitors in her condition" the receptionistsp says.

Those words broke my heart, my palms
become sweaty and worry fills my eyes. "What do you mean? Is she alright? When can I see her? Is she in pain?" the question come pouring out of me.

"Ma'am please relax, at this time I have no information" the receptionists reply's.

"How could you have nothing to t-el" I said but was interrupted.

I feel a hand lightly touch my back, I flinch and whip around. Before I can react the doctor grabs my shoulders and gives me a sincere smile.

"i'm so sorry (y/n) Akira didn't respond to the treatments and we couldn't save her time, she just passed away in her sleep before we could even get emergency services here."

I couldn't even believe my ears, I just stared blankly into his eyes feeling my conscious drift. Tears pour from my eyes but no facial expression appears on my face, my nerves are stunned. I drop to my knees with my hands covering my eyes. the doctor consoles me as i continue to sob.

"Is there anyone that you could call to pick you up?"

I shake my head no, wiping my tears but continuing to cry. i've never felt so empty and lost. A piece of me will forever be missing, my heart aches for Akira. I don't know if I could even tell the guild about this let alone look Natsu in the eyes ever again. I slowly make way to the exit, dragging my feet. With each step I feel my heart crack, I open the door and leave the building. The second I got privacy I broke down sobbing again, uncontrollably. I find myself resonating about Akira in the secluded woods in... I don't even know where. I wander in sorrow, alone and lost.

                ᗩKIᖇᗩ YOᑌ ᗯIᒪᒪ ᗷE ᗰIᔕᔕEᗪ

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