Courting rituals

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Requested by Orangelover18

Espio was nervous as he prepared dinner for both him and his boyfriend silver

There was a request that he had been growing confident to ask for a while

The two had been together for year's now, silver was 21 and he was 23 but they had actually been dating since silver was 14 and he was 16

Now of legal age and proper maturity, financially supported and in a good place espio thought that perhaps it would be a good time to ask-

"I'm back!" the voice of silver shouted as he opened the door

"Ah Kichō, how was your evening with blaze" espio asked as silver came into the kitchen

"Mainly helping her stress levels decrease with all the added responses, she's finding it harder to" silver began to explain before espio finished his conversation


"Indeed, she's got it covered tho" silver agreed

"Because she has a good friend like you" espio complimented as he allowed the water to boil

"Aww babe" silver cooed as he placed a kiss on his partners head

"How was your day? Vector finding it hard now being a father of 4?" silver asked with curiosity

"He's doing his best, but I've told him to keep the missions to us for now, mighty's handling the phones so it gives him and vanilla time to readjust" espio explained humouredly

"Yeah, kids sound like a lot of fun, but a lot of hard work" silver added with a light laugh

"You should have seen charmy, the little thing wouldn't stop crying" espio sighed as he remembered the restless night

"I bet...but maybe ours will be good" silver said as he placed his hands over the chameleon's shoulders

Espio almost chocked on his spit

"D, don't" the chameleon warned with shock

Silver immediately startled to chuckle as light punches could be felt against his side

"You're horrible" espio lied turning his head

"I'm not horrible, I love to see that beautiful flush on your face" silver said as he grabbed his boyfriend's hands

It was time, it was the perfect chance

Although there was no music espio led the way as he guided his partner to dance, twirling in a perfect circle

Silver saw no reason to stop this action, loving the surprising routine as he danced with his lover

Silver saw as his partner turn blue, showing there he was at his happiest stage

Espio felt ready, the moment was right

the circling came to a halt, he felt his throat inflating and his leg lift as he began to embrace his partner, silver pushed him away to give him a proper inspection

"Espio, are you ok, your throat seems a bit aggravated, and you kept growling," silver asked with concern

the chameleon simply blinked, a sudden wave of jitters and confusion  rushed through Espio's body

"Did you hurt your foot, you raised it like you were in pain" silver continued to question, almost tripping the chameleon in the process as his foot was lifted for inspection

"Pain? No, I'm fine, um" espio explained as he felt heat rush to his face with embarrassment as he waves his parents face away

"Yes?" silver asked wanted him to proceed to ensure he was ok

"Ok I'll be honest, in silver could you please sit down" espio asked

The hedgehog did as he was asked, sitting on their kitchens chair

"So we've been dating for as long as I met you, I've never felt such a deep connection to anyone as much as you and what you saw was, my attempt to court, so I, well I was trying to ask" espio explained as he had his back turned dramatically, retrieving a box with an engagement ring inside

But as he turned around he saw silver on one knee with a box with a wedding ring held out with shaky hands

"Will you marry me?" Silver asked with tears in his eyes

To this espio held his box out and knelt to his partner's eye level

"Only if you marry me" espio said as tears of happiness flowed down his face

The two shared a joy-filled laugh as they exclaimed "yes!" to one another, jumping into each other's arms, silvers telekinesis lifting them into the air

"This is the happiest day of my life" silver admitted as he placed hundreds of kisses on his fiance's face

"I'm so happy you feel the same" espio giggles as the kisses ticked his face

"Of course, I'm crazy about you esp, I can't get enough of you, a reason why you might have heard sniffling, but your scent is so relaxing and exciting and you" silver stated as he revealed his nose's odd behaviour

"Really?... I thought you said was just the beginning of a cold ?" espio asked with pure surprise

"I wanted to say the reason, and to say how much I wanted to with you and take in that scent for the rest of my life, but I was just waiting for the opportunity, I've been thinking about it for ages" silver explained faithfully

"I'm glad the day is finally here" espio sighed as he snuggled into silvers fluff

"Say, how about we take dinner to the bedroom know, to celebrate our engagement?" espio suggested as he played with the hedgehog's chest fur

"I'm liking that sound" silver admitted excitedly

The chameleon walked off to turn the stove and dishes up, not before he gave the hedgehog a light nibble to the neck

"espio, You can't do that and leave me waiting" silver whined as he pressed his head into his newly fiances neck,

"Be patient my love, all that is good is worth the wait" espio smirked, shaking slightly at his lover's desperation in his voice

Espio took the bouls into the bedroom, beckoning the hedgehog to follow, to which was responded with a very eager hedgehog running into the room and closing the door with a slam

If the female does want to mate, she will make weak threatening gestures or make no gesture at all in which case the male recognizes her willingness. Jackson's chameleons have a mating ritual that mimics their threat ritual. The male will initiate the threat display to the female which includes colour changes. When males are ready to mate, it's typically quite obvious. Their colours become brighter, more brilliant, and move towards the blue and red spectrum., throat inflation and raising the forelegs toward the opponent. The male then will circle their mate, grab her neck in his mouth and pull himself on to her back, and then -

Chameleon means "earth lion" in GreekWhere stories live. Discover now