colour part 3

483 14 3

: changes in light

if you can't find a chameleon because it is blending into its surroundings, just turn the lights on and you'll be able to find them

something vector had found out unintentionally a few years before one night when getting a midnight snack 

vector's stomach had gurgled in agony 

he had stayed up all night getting the bills sorted 

it was coming up midnight and he was just halfway through 

"I need a snack," he thought to himself,  if he were going to get this all done before the deadlines he needed to keep his energy levels up

Whoever said being an adult is fun mustn't have known what being an adult was

But as the grown-up of the group, it was his job to make sure it was all sorted 

To make sure the two children sleeping soundly upstairs continued to have a roof over their head 

going into the kitchen he noticed there was still a glow from the windows but he wasn't going to risk it 

last time he tried he tripped over one of charmy s toys, Lego's hurt like hell on bare feet 

so instead he decided to flick on the lights 

But as the lights exploded in the room 

There stood a very still looking Espio holding an apple ready to eat only throwing it at the last minute 

....make that one child upstairs sleeping soundly 

Vector just stared at the chameleon in shock who shared the stare 

It seemed like the chameleon was trying to edge away by backing up to the wall and edge away into the living room, only vector kept eye contact 

" know I can see you..right?" vector stated as he watched the odd display  

" can?" Espio asked in shock 

"Yeah" vector admitted with a chuckle 

"Oh..well..night then" Espio said awkwardly/embarrassedly as he hurriedly rushed out of the kitchen and back to bed 

Vector simply laughed loudly in confusion 

"what the heck?" 

a memory he would never let the chameleon forget  

Chameleon means "earth lion" in GreekWhere stories live. Discover now