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Requested by Bubblemaster22

when giving food to chameleons you may want to offer a selection of vegetables which could include carrots, squash, zucchini, sweet potato, red peppers, cucumber, and watercress. They can also eat a variety of fruits including strawberries, pear, melon, apple, mango, grapes, raspberries and blackberries.

However there are some fruits and vegetables that are not suitable for chameleons and should never be offered, these include apricots, cabbage, fig, iceberg lettuce, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, rhubarb and turnips as it is

toxic to chameleons because they are high in a compound called oxalic acid.

the chaotixs and the rabbit family were having their weekly Sunday night dinners

for tonight Vanilla and Amy made a delicious salad with plenty of vegetables of all colours

it was as tasty as it was beautiful and all were happily tucking away into it

but as they ate, one of the members, espio, tasted something odd, something sweet and new, a food that he wasn't accustomed to the taste of

he brushed it off as perhaps a seasoning or a combo of flavours but when there seemed a pressure within his throat and swallowing started to become harder and coughing began to develop

he knew something was wrong

"espio?" Amy asked with concern as she noticed that her friend rasped suddenly

"w, what was in that salad?" Espio asked as he continued to cough

"um, carrots potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and some dried apricots?" Amy answered with confusion

(oh no) espio merely thoughts as his coughs got worse

"esp-?" vector began to ask only for the chameleon to dash out of the room

following with worry as they started to hear the coughs become paroxysmal, they rushed to where they found him in the kitchen, taking some antihistamines, swallowing them with a recently poured glass of water

slumping to the floor as he grabbed some paper tissues from the lower cupboards to prevent his developing runny nose

"sorry" espio breathed wearily as he saw his friends stare in alarm

"no no don't apologise, clearly something was wrong, was it an allergic reaction? Vanilla asked as she hurried to the reptiles side, crouching to his eye level, her voice showing slight panic

"yes" espio answered as he focused on his breathing

"I should have checked, I am so sorry I should have checked, what caused it?" Vanilla continued to question before noticing the sign that the chameleon was about to vomit, a hand covering his mouth as his scales became darker

luckily there was a bin close by and vanilla quickly placed it into the chameleon's hands, allowing him to release the horrible substance

"Amy could you keep an eye on charmy and cream," Vanilla asked sweetly as vector came in to take the toxic bag away as she patted his back reassuringly

the pink hedgehog nodded as she left the adults to do their thing, stopping the children who also rushed in to see anymore, much to their protests but it was for the best

"the apricots...I have...a minor reaction when...I have them" espio stated shakily as his body the same

"ok, we'll make a note of that, just deep breaths now, do you need any other medication," Vanilla asked soothingly

"no, I'm ok" Espio assured as his breathing was slowly regained

"Are there any more foods that you are allergic to?" Vector added to the questions as he washed his hands and joined the two mobians side

"cabbage, fig, iceberg lettuce, and spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, rhubarb and turnips" espio listed as his body grew more tired

"ok, I'll make sure to check that when I make food, but again I am really sorry espio" Vanilla continued to apologise with guilt

"you didn't know, I never said, no one is to blame, just bad communication" Espio declared quietly, smiling with understanding to try and help her feel better and that he didn't blame her

"I didn't even know and I've known you since you were 9!" Vector uttered but more to himself

"How are you feeling now?" Vanilla asked as she chose to ignore the crocodile's statement

"throat hurts, still feel like I'm going to be sick again and (snorts nose) my nose feels grossly horrible" espio said truthfully

"wanna maybe head to bed or take it easy watching a movie, could even put some of those assassin movies you actually enjoy ?" Vector suggested to try and help the chameleon feel more comfortable

"no, no I'll be ok, last time it accidentally happened it didn't last too long, and those movies aren't appropriate for cream and charmy anyway" espio said as he tried to wave their concerns away, chuckling slightly at the end

"Alright, let's find something everyone likes then yeah ?" Vector asked to which the three nodded at

vector held a hand out which the chameleon happily grabbed and allowed himself to be pulled up, he didn't fancy sleeping on the kitchen floor so he appreciated the gesture

"here are some tissues and the bin, just in case" Vanilla offered as she held the bin with a new black bag inside and gave a fresh packet of tissues from her pockets to the chameleon all while making sure the chameleon was in between the crocodile and herself closely to ensure he didn't fall, she was worried he was going to collapse with the faint look in his eyes but that was probably more tiredness after recent events

"thank you vanilla " Espio smiled as she found her actions both embarrassing.....but nice

so they rejoined the group, the children being told to go easy on espio, but as they chose a movie to watch it was adorable to see cream and charmy closely laying against the chameleon absently, Amy making sure to get good pictures in, although the chameleon knew she was taking them, he was too tired to do anything so she would allow their weekly Sundays to continue without any more hiccups

...or coughs for that matter  

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