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(Surprising fact, many chameleons glow brightly under a UV lamp which even allows their skeletons to be seen) 

The chaotixs were once again going out with cream and vanilla 

Vector and vanilla were so far into their relationship that they were practically inseparable, going wherever the other one went 

And this included the children 

Espio had tried to get out of many of this outings due to wanting the couple to have alone time, but also because he felt awkward seemingly to feel like a third wheel 

But vector repeatedly stated that this wasn't the case and it was important for "family" to spend quality time together 

It also helped that vanilla thought vector was a good "father" so bringing the kids did help boost the image of that 

Today the group were going to a museum 

Charmy and cream immediately went of to the interactive section, Espio following closely to make sure that charmy stayed out of trouble whilst reading the walls to learn the facts of the building 

"Kids" vector sighed with a chuckle 

They wandered around for hours until they all met up for a show of space and the journey of the first mobian on the moon 

Charmy and cream sat in the front with the other kids whilst vector, cream and Espio sat a little back with the other adults and older children 

But when the movie started, the lights turned of 

And a UV light appeared, making the shapes of stars, planets and space ships glow brightly 

Along with other such things 

"Espio?!" Charmy asked in shock

The kids were turning their heads around to look around themselves before all eyes focused on the chameleon 

"Yes, what's up?" Espio asked, slightly uncomfortable and unnerved by the stares 

"Y...your..you..you turned inside out !" He cried 

Looking down at himself he seemed the little bees accusations...slightly true 

His entire skeleton was visible 

Espio almost let out a screech of shock as he looked down 

He hated bringing attention to himself and was ready to leave before he felt himself being adorned with a blanket 

"I was saving this for the picnic later, but it seems that it may needed" vanilla said as she covered Espio with a blanket, it was so big it even created a hood to hide his exposed skull 

Espio looked to vanilla with a look of full gratitude 

"Thank you" the chameleon muttered as he hid himself more into the blanket, he honestly was quite looking forward to see the movie and was happy he could watch it without bringing anymore attention to himself 

The younger kids soon forgot what had happened due to being fascinated with the movie whilst vector stared down those who tried to get another look at the chameleon 

The movie had soon ended and the Mobians went on their way 

Espio still clutched the blanket close to him until he was completely confident that his skeleton was hidden from the public 

Soon they arrived back home and prepared for the picnic, Espio giving the blanket back and giving a bow of thanks, to which vanilla simply said it was nothing and gave Espio a motherly kiss on the head (which once again confused Espio) 

They were all ready to eat when a situation started making both vanilla and vector chuckle with amusement 

"Enough charmy, honestly vector why did you buy this thing for him ?!" Espio asked in aspiration, trying to get away from the bed buzzing directly behind him with a UV light 

"Aww, come on esp, do you know how cool this is?!" Charmy asked with fascination whilst a little rabbit followed behind suite 

"Charmy you're not being nice!" Cream tried to protest 

Vanilla and vector simply looked at each other with amused sighs 


Chameleon means "earth lion" in GreekWhere stories live. Discover now