Screw the Nether

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Novalee's POV

We peaked out from behind the Nether rack piles. "What do we do?" I asked quietly. Rookie gripped her sword and tried to stand. "We fight!" She demanded.

But Téa grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back down. "Hey, uh, no!" She hissed. "I told you guys that we shouldn't have come here!"

Rookie gave her an annoyed look. "Screw that! In fact, screw the Nether! I came here to fight!"

"It's too dangerous Rook! Look at all those mobs!" Téa said. Since I wasn't part of the conversation I looked around for anything that should help. I looked up above a cliff not too far away from us.

Since I had training with the night and dark skies, I was able to tell when something is wrong. And what I noticed was a strange shadow in the nether sky, behind the cliff. The flames that must have been up there must've been making the shadow.

"Guys." I said. Téa and Rookie took no notice. They were still bickering. "We can save them if we act now!" Rookie pushed on. "We can also get killed! I'm not going to risk losing you again!" Téa said.

"Guys!" I barked. They both looked my way. I pointed to my findings. "Look." I said. "The castle is up that cliff."

Téa stopped her arguing to investigate it. "I think you're right. Should we go?" Rookie glares at her. "Oh so now you want to fight? Just not here?"

Téa looked down at her. "No, I'm saying we should explore. We're invisible remember? We can find out where General Sky is. I'm sure the Generals can handle a few pigmen." She assured.

"Incase you haven't noticed, thats not a few, that's an army!" Rookie barked.

Téa thought for a second, trying to think of what to do. Her eyes skimmed over the area around her. 'Ohnotchohnotchohnotch.' She thought.

She caught sight of exactly what she needed a few seconds later. 'Wait, is that....? It is!' She mentally cheered. She swiftly launched from her crouching position and swiped up some Warts.

Grinning to herself, Téa giggled out loud, holding them tight. "I-I got an idea.... I got an idea..." She laughed, eyes screwed shut.

I looked at the seemingly crazy girl. "Um Rookie? I think she's broken." I whispered to Rookie. But the girl waved her off. "Nah, but something will break" She replied.

"Uh, what?"

"Let's just say that Téa loves explosives."

Mitch's POV

I grabbed onto Jerome's arm, awaiting the slash of swords. Surely they wouldn't take any prisoners. We're dead men.

As I thought what seemed to be my last thought, I closed my eyes. I flinched at the sound of feet crunching and a pigman squealing.

But no impact ever hit me. Well at least, directly. We all stood there as a sudden vial dropped on the ground between us and the pigmen.

Smoke and wind bellowed at high speeds around us. The smoke was so thick I could almost not see Jerome standing right next to me.

I didn't release his arm. I heard Seto shout at us to run, but I had no clue where to.

Jerome yanked me forwards. "Come on!" He ushered. I followed him with quick feet. "B-Biggums!" I called to him over the confusing noises of squeals, crumbling, and faint struggling sounds.

The smoke began to thin out. A few feet to the right of us was a cliff. "Watch out, Mitch!" Jerome warned. I could tell he was straining his eyes to see.

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