Eye of the Storm

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(A/N: Annnnnnd momma's home!! It be Tea again!

And Rookie, I didn't know you were a MLP fan. WELL, you learn something new everyday.

On with the next chapter!!)


I walked up the cobblestone path to mine and Ty's cabin house, happy.

There was no war to stress over, there was no confusion on who to love, and there was no battles. There was just me and Ty.

And Riot of course. But I don't like him trying to cuddle with Ty more than me.

As I passed, the sheep started bleating. I guess they're hungry. I'll feed them after I check on Ty. I opened the door and was greeted by an energetic Riot flying uneasily to me. He is still young so flying is still a bit of a challenge for him.

"Haha, hey. How's Ty doing?" I asked him as though he'd answer. He landed in front of me and happily lead me to the room where Ty laid, looking like he had just woke up.

I smiled seeing him up. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, standing next to his bedside. He smiled up at me tiredly. "Awesome. I took some of that medicine and I feel great~" He answered.

I giggled a bit. Yeah, he's looking pretty drowsy. Guess that means the medicine is doing its job. "That's good to hear." Riot took his place curling up next to Ty and laying his head on his lap.

Ty looked down at him and blinked a few times. "Hey," he said,"that seat's reserved for my boyfriend. Find your own." I laughed.

"Glad to see I haven't been replaced by an Ender Dragon." I muttered. "Want me to make you some stew or something? I'm sure we still have Mooshroom left."

Ty rubbed his eyes in a way I found adorable. "Yeah sure," he yawned, sitting up. I turned to leave and make his food, but I guess Ty didn't feel like being alone.

I felt him wrap an arm around my waist and pull me on the bed with him. "Hey how am I gonna make your stew from over here?" I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close to his chest.

"The stew can wait. Just be here with me for a bit, m'kay?" He muttered, leaning his chin on my shoulder. I grinned and laid back on him. "Yeah, okay. But just because you're sick. I still have to feed the sheep."

Ty blew a breath of air contently, closing his eyes. "You know I love you Sky?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "I would hope so." I snickered. "I love you too Ty."

He smiled and placed a kiss on my temple. I was about to say something but noticed he froze up a bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. When I looked back at him, he was studying me.

"Sky," he said, suddenly tearing up,"I'm sorry. For everything that happened back at the base. And the squid base."

I shook my head. "Ty, what are you-"

"I should've protected you. I promised to protect you!" His voice started breaking. The medicine bottle did say that he might get emotional.

"Ty," I said,"You did protect me. You saved us. Sub would've taken control of everything if it wasn't for you. You stopped him. You're our hero."

"Yeah but only after he stabbed me! Sky, I should be dead! And you would've been with Sub because I was too weak! I-I mean, the only reason we're together right now is because-"

"Because the dragon liked you. Hell, he gave you his son! Riot is proof enough that you kept your promise." Seeing Ty wasn't completely focused on me, I put my hand on his cheek and turned him to face me.

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