Where's the Plot at Again? Oh Yeah!

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(A/N: geez, when was the last time I wrote a chapter?? 0-0 Ahahahaha, I'm lazy... My apologies.-Téa)

3rd Person:

Iron walls. Iron, blank walls.

There was no way to tell time. Daytime, night time, who knows. It didn't matter. No windows, no clocks, no communication to the outside world. This had to be considered a form of torture just depriving somebody from their sense of time.

Ever since Subrine had left, Sky had no form of stimuli. No entertainment. Just a wall. Sky being Sky, though, he would try to entertain himself by groaning really loudly, singing, or angrily shouting at the door, threatening to pop Herobrine like a pimple.

None of these alternatives lasted long though. So Sky leaned up in the corner of his small room, wishing he at least knew what Ty was doing. But just thinking about Ty brought tears to his eyes.

What went down between he and Sub... Or Subrine, who cares? He cared for him. But Ty loves him. And he loved Ty! But it only felt natural when he was in Sub's arms... Confusing hormones again, AHHH!

Sky threw his head back in frustration only to be met with a loud banging and a lingering pain in the back of his head. "Gosh diddly-!" Sky threw his hands around his head to sooth it. He wouldn't be surprised if a bump was forming.

"Wow. This place is just lined with one idjit after another." A cynical voice retorted. Sky's eyes opened and he whipped his head towards the voice. Standing there was who could probably be the worse being in existence. "Herobrine." Sky lowly said.

Herobrine waved a hand suavely as if introducing himself. "In the flesh. I haven't seen you since I threw you in this room. How've you been?" He rhetorically asked. Sky glared at him. "Oh you know, just rotting in a cell."

Herobrine rolled his eyes, which was hard to notice considering he had a lack of pupils. "You're such a drama queen. So spoiled." He said. The Demi- god was standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed. "How'd you even get in here?" Sky snapped.

"I'm the king of the Nether, don't you think I have a little pull on powers? Maybe even a little magic." When he said the last word, Herobrine opened his hand in an explosion like fashion, particles falling to the floor.

Sky stayed silent, watching those particles disappear. He looked down at his feet when they were gone. "What do you want?" He asked. He didn't feel comfortable being alone with this dangerous man.

Herobrine let his hand drop, taking note of his discomfort. He took a few steps towards the wall and leaned against it. "Have you ever watched cartoons as a child, Sky?" He asked. Sky didn't answer. Herobrine spoke again.

"What is it the every antagonist really wants in those silly little cartoons? Please tell me you watched those old super hero cartoons. Do you know the answer? I want power. Control. To take over." Herobrine loomed over Sky, his shadow laying on the sitting boy. "And what I want to take over is your silly little Overworld."

Sky leered at him but didn't dare directly face him. He wasn't feeling so well. "Well too bad! Because my friends aren't going to let you do that!" He shouted. His voice held confidence.

Herobrine chuckled under his breath. This kid was stubborn. "Oh? But it will. Because I have the help of your uh, green eyed "friend," if you catch my drift."

"Sub doesn't even like working for you. He wants it to stop." Sky defended.
"Oh, I see that. But Subrine loves it. And so will you, once the power of Brine infects your soul." His stomach dropped. That's why Sky wasn't feeling so good....

Back in Seto's house everyone was depressed. Silence hung in the air like a black cloak smothering everybody. The only noises were snifflings and the occasional whisper of "what are we going to do now?"

The sniffling mostly came from Jerome. Mitch, his best friend, had betrayed him. He knew what he said couldn't have been from his own free will. But the fact that Mitch was so arrogant to actually challenge Herobrine knowing that there was a good chance he would lose was preposterous.

He was basically asking for it in Jerome's eyes. Now the army had just lost a great archer. And for Jerome, a great friend.

Téa tried to comfort him but she wasn't doing so good either. Before her eyes she had witnessed Rookie, her best friend, walk away with the enemy. In turn, she felt betrayed too. There wasn't much comfort she could give when she was feeling the exact same pain as Jerome. All she could do was wrapped her arms around him and pray everything will turn out okay.

Eyes never drifted for Ty. He just stared at his shoes, trying to process what he had seen. Feelings of anger and betrayal boiled in his chest and stewed. Sub just couldn't let their relationship fly, could he?

Was Sky kissing back at that time? Did he enjoy it? What if he was the one to initiate it in the first place? Questions upon questions packed in his head.

... Was Sky not in love with Ty anymore?

Seto, the only one standing, witnessed all the despair weigh everyone down on the couches of his own home. He had to do something or else accept that they have lost the fight already.

He turned his back to the room of dark emotions and faced Novalee, who sat at the dining table with an angered face. After her little fight with Ty the atmosphere around her seemed most tense.

Seto pulled out a chair and sat next to the teen, who was tinkering with her jetpack. It was broken beyond belief.

"You know, the two of you need to make up eventually." Seto said, letting himself be known. He was referring to the dispute between her and Ty back in the Nether. Novalee looked at him. She pouted. "And why is that? He started it."

Seto knew that was probably true knowing Ty. But they had to make every step forwards they could. "Because you both are fighting for the same thing, but different people. He wants Sky safe. Don't you want Jason safe?" He carefully said.

When he said that the mood shifted in Novalee's face. She looked down, pushing the mangled jetpack away from her. She hid her face in her hands. She didn't want Seto to she her tear up.

"How did all this responsibility get dropped on our shoulders?" She mumbled into her hands, shaking her head slightly. Seto had to sigh to himself. It was a question he often asked himself. "I don't know, but we always seem to handle it. Some way or another. Just, heh, never with a couple of young girls before."

Novalee peeked through her fingers to face him. "And what does that mean, magic man?" Seto raised a hand as a calm down gesture. "Nothing, we're just really sentimental about TC is all. I'm sure we'll all get along soon enough."

Novalee let her hands drop in her lap and she looked at her jetpack. She thought for a minute. "As soon I fix this I'm going to look for Jason." She stated.

Seto's eyes widened. "What?" He asked in disbelief. How was she going to go out in this situation? "But it's dangerous! What if-"

"Jason attacks me again?" Novalee finished. "Simple. I try to talk sense I to him. And if that doesn't work, chances are that I die."

Seto stared at the girl, trying to wrap his head around the concept. He stood up and grabbed the jetpack from her reach. "Hey, what're you-"

"You're not leaving." Seto said, almost father like. "At least, not now. Look, we can handle Jason later. For now let's focus on trying to stop the problem at the source."

Novalee opened her mouth to say something but bit back. She couldn't really argue against Seto. The taller boy set the jet pack back on the table, gears and bolts rattling around in it.

"And we can start with cleaning the air in that living room." He continued.

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