Quick Breakdown

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(A/N: Téa: Just thought I'd fuck with you all for a bit. Enjoyyyy the secrets the is Sub(brine).)

Sub's PoV

You want him.

I do...

Then this is how you will get him.

But I don't want to hurt him!

They banished you! He allowed it to happen! He deserves it, as much as anybody else!

No! Sky doesn't deserve to be hurt. I love him...

But he doesn't love you.

I know... I know... He loves Ty.

Ty is a freak that would look a hell of a lot better DEAD!

Don't you think I know that?!

I couldn't control the sobs that escaped my being. I covered my mouth, trying to silence myself.

When did I start speaking so comfortably? Why did I start it again? I HATE my own voice.

Sky loved me before I had a voice... Now I hate it! Hate it hate it hate it!

I held my shaking hand in front of my face. Why was I shaking so bad? It wasn't cold... I was in the Nether. It's hot. TOO hot.

I clawed at the collar of my shirt, feeling the uncomfortable sweat prickling into my skin from the friction of fabric on my flesh. I was uncomfortable.

A weight fell on my chest as I looked back at the memory of Sky. His hurt face when I caused him so much pain he couldn't even stand.

That wasn't me. I swear that wasn't me.

It was me.

But it wasn't me.

I wanted to hurt him.

No, teach him a lesson.

I love him.

I hate him.

He's mine.

And if anybody touches him they will feel pain.

Thoughts ran through my head, ravaging like a tornado. Anger washed over the shores of my mind, enticing me to jump in the ocean of madness.

I think I'd rather keep my toes in the sand for now.

Is this the price I pay for having such power now? The insanity of trying to have Sky and expecting a different result?

I touched my lips, remembering the soft kiss we shared at the base. (A/N: OH YEAH who forgot the kiss?? No one XD I just added it in a while ago cuz I wanted SkyZero)

The soft taste of his love was innocent. I wanted that light back. I wanted to bask in his warmth again.

"Hey, Sub, wanna chill in my room? Attack on Titan is on." Sky's voice floated in my mind, seemingly calming the winds a bit.

The cold waves of the poison in my mind no longer pierced me into submission. I took comfort in the warm memory of Sky's light.

He was always kind to him. He would often invite him to hang out in his room. Unknowing how much Sub loved to be around him even when it pained him to not be more than friends.

He remembered the innocence of his crush. How it started so simple. When did it all go wrong?

"Oh my Notch, Sub! It's amazing!" I remembered the look on Sky's face when he got his fixed sword while he was injured. I smiled at the memory. The time and energy it took me to fix that thing... He's lucky I love him.

I love him...

Just that thought angered the storm around me, sending the waved into a rampage in my own mind. The black waved of the ocean clawed up my ankles, trying to pull me back under.

You love him, therefore you need to teach him to love you.

After all, what is love without a bit of pain?

Pain is all you've felt while loving him.

I love Sky! I don't want to hurt him!

But you want to hurt Ty, right? He stole what was rightfully yours and now you need to win him back.

Y-you're insane! No... I'M insane!

I can never win Sky back like this! He hates me! Hates me hates me hates me HATES ME HATES ME HATES ME!

I gave a strangled choke/ sob as the thought sent walls crashing within me.

I MUST get Sky back! I just have to! I'm the only one for him! Please.... I love him.... I never meant for any of this to happen... I'm sorry Ty.... For everything.

I shouldn't have framed you. Maybe then none of this would be happening. The love of my life wouldn't be suffering. Everything would've been normal. How it always should've been.

Before he realized what happened, my lips connected with his. They were soft... They were sweet.

They were mine.

Finally, greed and envy consumed me. The power of the Brine was too much for me to handle and the dark tendrils of the sea grabbed a hold of me, dragging me under the surface.

I felt all breath leave my lungs and when air returned, my eyes glowed such a brilliant white the color illuminated on the walls around me.

I am a Brine. If there will ever be hope for my return, who knows? But all I know is that I have Sky in a cell, just waiting for me.

And boy will I give him a surprise.

This might not be what I had planned in the first place, I just planned to gain his love.

But now it's personal with his friends. I'll destroy them.

The storm ravaged until only rubble was left. Whatever was left was the original Sky Base, in withered condition.

And a shadow of a man looking out the window at the storm he regrettably created.

(A/N: Have pity on poor Sub pwease?? :c )

Heart Above SubzeroOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz