Jealous Much?

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I'm back too! Rookie_Ships12 here with a chapter as well. Prepare your butts for a bumpy ride! Enjoy and please leave a banana as well!

Ps. Apples=Bad, terrible words that you shouldn't call someone ^_^ Please be nice to each other!

Seto's POV:

I coughed as all of us manged to escape. "Is everyone alright?" I cautiously asked. "Yea," Ty answered. "Except we were about to be BACON BITS!"

"Seto, do you think it's weird that the pig zombies and wither skeletons attacked us when we didn't even bother them?" Brice walks up to me tilting his head. "I have to agree. They've probably gotten mad when somebody had to harm the pigmens."

I turn to my right and see no one. "Hey, where's Mitch and Jerome?" I noticed. Brice thought for a second and realized. "We must've gotten separated when the smoke randomly appeared." "You just figured it out Sherlock." Ty rolled his eyes.


"Do you hear that?" Brice commented looking around. Ty and I surveyed as well. We all in synced look up at the "sky" and someone or something was about to crash.

"INCOMING!" Someone yelled warning us. Without hesitation we quickly moved out of the way.


We all then ran over to the crash site and saw a familiar brown haired girl. "Novalee? What are you even doing here?" I curiously asked her.

She got up and took off her glasses. "Saving your butts! If we didn't come to the Nether, all five of you guys wouldn't be able to escape. Oh, and by the way, I'm just fine."

"You do bring a very good point." Brice admits as Ty bonk him on the head (which in my opinion not okay in my 9 trillion of books).

"Hey, I thought Tèa and Rookie were with you?" Brice asked. "Wait a minute?!?" There was an explosion a couple of blocks away. We all looked at each other horrified. Well...

"OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! OH NO!OH NO! OH NO!!" I panicked as I ran around in circles.

"Seto! Get it together!" Ty yelled as he stops me. "We don't have time! My Sky..." "Our 'Sky'." Novalee corrected him. "Our Sky us still in there! We need to go like NOW!"

"Then why are we standing here for? Let's go!" Novalee exclaimed as we all ran towards the explosion.

'Our Sky'... I'll remember those words...

Mitch's POV:

"RUN!!!" Tèa exclaimed as we all ran in different directions. KaBoom!! The fire charge hits the ground. "Is everyone alright?" I asked as we all got up. "Yeah." "Fine." "Sí Mitch."

I could not believe it's... Him. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here," Herobrine said annoyed. "Four-eyes, Furry Friend, Checkers, and... my lady."

He flied towards Rookie. Gentley grabbed her hand and kissed it. I gripped my fists tightly aggravated. I took a deep breath erasing that ever happened. Easy Mitch...

"Herobrine! What do you want from us?!?" Fur- Jerome asked gritting his teeth. "What do I want? Let's see..."

He snapped his fingers and a red and white chair appeared. Sitting on the chair is Jerome wearing a Santa outfit while Herobrine sits on his lap.

"Well I want a bicycle, Minecraftia, world domination, and Rookie to be my bride." He cooed acting like a five year old boy. "Wait say what now?" Santa Jerome said as the chair disappeared making him fall.

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