Secrets Unfold

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R/N:Time WARNING! The following encounters sad times. If you cried or shed a tear, comment #ICryEverytime'. Prepare your butts and face for feelings.

Tèa's POV:

"Seto?" I asked concerned. "Tèa? I can't believe your still alive." He said giving me a hug. "Seto? What's going on? Did you hide something from me?" Brice walked up as me and Seto released our hug.

"Yeah Tèa?" Rookie added. I took a deep breath and looked up at them. "Ok. Let me explain." I said.


Before I met Rookie, I was about 14 years old living in the village of Great Cobilia. Where I study potion making, magic and sorcery.

It was our potion exam and we had to be in partners. I was too shy because no one came to me and asked to be my partner. So that's when I met Seto. He was the only one that wanted to be my partner.

We passed and then we became friends. Reading, telling stories, pulled pranks but failed miserably, and even helped each other with new ideas.

One day in class we discussed about not good combinations of potions. When all of a sudden the BOOM! A fire charge hit through the roof. It was so bad that we had to evaluate.

Everyone came out except for me. Flaming wood fell one by one as I tried to escape. But, fire was surrounding the door so I couldn't leave. My only escape was the window.

I luckily had a jump boost potion in my bag. I pulled it out and drank it not leaving a drop. I jumped over the fire and ducking for cover. I finally reached the window escaping the flames.

I looked over Cobilia in horror. Fire on the rooftops. Others burnt crisp to the ground.A tear ran down my face seeing the horrific sight. My mom and dad, gone. I ran away towards the forest without looking back.

That's the day I never seen Seto.
That's the day I never seen my parents. That's the day I regret ever making potions.
That will never happen again...

~Flashback Ends~

Tears ran down my cheek. As for the rest, everyone was either in tears, had their head down, or just flabbergasted. "Tèa, I can't believe how much you both been through." Rookie finally spoke breaking the silence.

"I have to agree. When my forest was attacked by hunters, it was me, my mother, and some others that survived and escaped. But never, I mean never heard anything that tragic in my life." Jerome spoke.

"Seto, why didn't you came and saved her?" Brice asked wiping a tear on his face. "I couldn't. The fire was too strong. It was a magic-made fire. Not even a fire resistance potion could be in used. It was too extreme and I would've got killed. Killed!" Seto explained.

"Tèa, Seto. All I have say is thank Notch that you guys survived and are still alive and healthy. If Tèa didn't escape, we wouldn't met and be in this position right now. If Seto came and saved you, he would've died while you escaped. We all been through rough times. But what we all have in common is that no matter what person someone is, there is always friendship for you." Rookie explained giving us a inspirational speech.

"That was so beautiful." Mitch compliments her speech wrapping a arm on her shoulder. "Gee Rookie, you were 100% right." Seto spoke. We all nodded in agreement giving stares. "Uh... hello? Sorry to interrupt the moment but injury for Rookie?" Ty said.

Rookie falls to her knees holding her waist again flinching on the floor. "ROOKIE!" We all shouted.

Yay finally a chapter and cliffhanger! Hey Rookies, we're finally back on the grind. Let's just say there is just only about 160 days left of school (for Rookie maybe Tèa). (A/N: Less for me cuz I'm special XD ) Its a LONG way but we could do it!

So back to the story, we announced a contest for writing a #Teakie fanfiction. The due date changed from the 12th to the 17th so you guys can edit and make sure your stories are Awesome Sauce!

So yeah Tèa do you have anything to say before the Rookie and Tèa Short?

Updated: Tèa: Yeah, so sorry for the late update. My wattpad was being a butt. I was suppose to write this chapter but since all my chapters keep deleting (same for my other stories) Rookie took the wheel for me. I'll try to keep this story going but I'm not really in the groove of working in a collab so it might be a bumpy road.

Like I said in the last story, though, I always finish what I start. Thanks for the chapter Rookie :)

So for the winner of our little contest, drum roll please....
The winner is...
Bannaclaire04 for her amazing #Tèakie oneshot :D woah, wait, what? It's not a one-shot anymore? SHE'S MAKING AN ENTIRE STORY WITH TÈAKIE??

Yes, she is, in fact she just updated it last night. I strongly suggest you go check her stories out for yourself. She's awesome :D congrats chica!!

We'll message you the details so that we can give you your winnings.

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