Two Sides of One Crazed Coin

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Ty's POV

I banged my fists on the barrier. Even with my Ender strength I couldn't even faze it. No way could he last very long with Herobrine. The other-worldly God stood with a cocky smile. It proved to only taunt Mitch even farther.

"Mitch!" I shouted. "Don't fight him!"

But Mitch didn't listen. He raised his weapon, ready to fight. PVP master or not, he was going to be in trouble. "We gotta do something!" Brice exclaimed. Seto shook his head, giving up on attacking the barrier.

"We can't even get near them. My magic can't even put a scratch on this damn barrier!" He shouted suddenly. Brice put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

Novalee balled her fists and looked up at her generals. "Then let's leave it up to Mitch. He has it covered, right? He's a master at PVP, isn't he?" She asked.

"Yeah, but..." I trailed off. How good can Mitch be against a Demi-God? Herobrine looked to be amused at this all.

Novalee punched my arm to get my attention. "Let's go. We're running out of time! Sky is probably in there with Sub right now!"

I glared at the barrier. Mitch was in trouble and all but... I came here to save Sky.

"Alright, let's go. Jerome!" I barked at him. He looked up from where he was hanging on a coat hanger. Tèa dangled right besides him, arms crossed.

"Yeah Ty?" Jerome asked. "You and Tèa stay safe. And watch out for Mitch! We're going to find Sky." I told him. He gave a thumbs up and a grin. "All right buddy! Good luck!"

And with that, we left, unseen by Herobrine. I took off back to the cliffside with Seto, Brice, and Novalee following.

I looked down at Novalee. "You aren't coming with us. You should've stayed at the house. Why did you even come?"

"Uh..." Her eyes drifted away from mine. "I blame Rookie?"

"Yeah, well blame whoever you want, you've gotta leave." I said to her. But she pouted and balled her fists again.

"Like it or not you actually need me! I'm going!" She demanded. I raised my voice at her. "We don't need to worry about looking after some kid! Listen for once!"

She lowered her eyes. "I always listened to Jason..." She mumbled. Guilt washed over me. The reason she's even here is because Jason and all her fellow recruits, all her friends, are in there too.

We were all here to fight for the people we love. My gaze softened. "Novalee..." I looked to Seto and Brice for help. They had the same look as me. But Seto gave me a knowing nod. I released a deep breath.

"Okay, you can come." I quietly said. Novalee's eyes lit up and she looked at me. A smile grew. "Thank you General Ty!" She exclaimed.

Seto stood next to me and looked over the edge of the nether rack cliff. Then looked up. Novalee pointed in a certain direction. "We think the castle is on the cliff that way." She said.

Seto followed her gaze. "Better information than nothing. But how are we gonna get up there?" He asked. He crossed his arms in thought. Brice copied the movement. "Hmm."

I looked at the mess that used to be Novalee's jetpack on her back. It was still steaming from malfunction and there was a hole in it. No way would it work.

But Novalee didn't seem worried about it. "We'll just hitch another ride." She said.

Sub's Pov

I need to tell him.
I need to apologize.
I need to warn him.

I love him too much to let him go on like this.

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